Now they are on the verge of Congress giving power to the Federal Reserve System to police the country's largest financial companies, including the ability to seize and break up failing companies, and to order large firms to shrink.
Rothschild agents and front men were instrumental in the formation of the Fed early in the last century. The Rothschilds attained predominant control of the Fed decision-making then and they have not relinquished it since.
The Fed is a private organization that is owned by the largest banks which are in turn owned by the Rothschilds and others of their ilk. The Fed tries to present itself as a government agency because the Fed director is appointed by the President and approved by Congress. But the government has no shares in the stock of the Fed. The Fed's decision are strictly in the interests of the families which own it.
The economic crisis was precipitated by the bank owners with the aim of transforming the American economy into a government-controlled economy with the Fed as the principle instrument of the government. Soon after the crisis began the Fed sought to reform the entire financial regulatory arrangement in the economy to give the Fed the central and pivotal role. When this effort became stalled in Congress, the Fed just reread their own rules and decided they already had the power to oversee the banking sector.
Now the Fed is striving to attain even greater powers. The legislation under review would give the Fed the power to direct any large financial holding company to sell or transfer assets or stop certain activities if the central bank determined there could be a 'threat to the safety and soundness of such company or to the financial stability of the United States.' The proposal would also require financial firms to pay for the unwinding of a collapsed competitor.
The Obama administration has taken significant steps toward consolidating a government-controlled economy. The Obama people have done their best to meet the Fed demands. They have made unprecedented forays into major corporate entities, such as General Motors. They have established various 'czars' to oversee aspects of the drive to a planned economy, including a pay czar who decreed unilaterally and without appeal that bank salaries were to be cut drastically.
The Rothschilds and the other families and forces at the pinnacle of world power are intent on changing the American economy into a centrally-controlled economy under their iron fists. They show no signs of relenting until they get their way. And everyday the American economy looks more and more like a soviet economy in formation.
The Rothschilds already control the central economic units in the United States through their agents on the boards of directors. Now they are looking to have the ability to step in and rearrange the corporate world at their whim.
The ultimate aim is to create a world-wide fortune-creating machine under the control of the Rothschilds with the world's population serving as the wage slaves under tight control. They are well on their way to achieving their goals.
The Rothschilds' constant effort to rule the world is the most important development in the world today and for the foreseeable future. Anyone who is seriously trying to preserve and promote what is good and righteous in the world, must start their considerations with the reality of the Rothschild drive to control the world. One's appreciation of any event in world politics must start from the context of what the Rothschilds are trying to do.
And so we come back to the Church. The teachings of Jesus are the only antidote to the world of mammon promoted by the Rothschilds. But those teachings only have a minimal effect if the Church leaders and hierarchy do not comprehend what is happening to the world, and how the Rothschilds plan is an extreme danger to the Church and the faithful.
The Pope is about to have his third synagogue spectacular when he visits the synagogue in Rome. Such actions play right into the hands of the Rothschilds. The actions enable the Rothschilds to proceed with their grand plan with minimal opposition, and especially without the opposition of the one power in the world that can stop them -- the power of the Savior.
Were the Church leaders and hierarchy to orient the Catholic world toward establishing the world rule of the teachings of Jesus, the world would look very different, and the Rothschilds would have met their potential nemesis. There was a time not too long ago when the Church leaders attempted to bring the world to an understanding of the way of Jesus as the only means of saving the world and the world's population.
There is no higher priority than bringing the Church leaders back to this orientation.