Saturday, October 17, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 55, in Today's News 10.17.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. Oops, another screw-up by the directors of the swine flu scare campaign. Not only did they fail to arrange to have their vaccine ready at the same time that the campaign was to be in full swing. Now, it turns out that they will receive 25% less vaccine than reported.

The cryptocracy's goal of using this scare campaign to condition the public to accept vaccination (even mandatory vaccination) without protest is failing through sheer incompetence by the campaign directors. Instead of herding the public into a mass vaccination, they have succeeded in promoting the growth of public cynicism.

The latest Pew poll shows that 47% of adults were not planning to get the swine flu shot. Of them, 35% believed the vaccine was too risky or that it hasn't been tested thoroughly.

It must be very frustrating for those who would control the public to see so much intelligence among their subjects-to-be.


They said they were going to do it, and now they are doing it. The swine flu directors said a few weeks ago that they would publicize the deaths of children to try to convince the public of the danger of swine flu and the necessity of mass vaccination. And so, today the Center for Disease Control announced that 47 children have died from swine flu since the end of August. The CDC made the announcement with emotionally charged words and scare-mongering. 

These people have no shame!

Past experience demonstrates that if the CDC is reporting data, be extremely suspect. The CDC is a highly political entity and not above twisting data to serve their political ends. In this case, they just report the number without any other data. Lacking is whether the victims had underlying chronic illnesses or how these numbers compare with seasonal flu or even how they know it was swine flu and not seasonal flu.

A similar distortion is the statement found in today's Wall Street Journal, "...the new H1N1 flu has become widespread in 41 states." The impression is given that the flu bug is sweeping the nation. But, actually all the sentence says is that the flu bug is in 41 states, making it widespread. Again no data is provided. If a state has one case of swine flu, it makes the list of states. And the more states that can be reported with swine flu cases, the better for promoting hysteria.


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