"The continuing international economic crisis clearly calls for a revision of present political, economic and financial structures in the light of the ethical imperative of ensuring the integral development of all people. What is needed, in effect, is a model of globalization inspired by authentic humanism, in which the world's people are seen not merely as neighbors but as brothers and sisters."
Several comments:
1. "continuing international economic crisis." This phrase tends to buy into the false consciousness about reality and the economy developed by the cryptocracy's spokesmen. The myth that the cryptocracy wants everyone to believe is that these crises are just part of the normal swings in the economic life of the world. The reality is different. The cryptocrats are manipulators before anything else. The current economic crisis was precipitated by the cryptocracy to establish an atmosphere where they could make a number of economic and political changes to enhance their power.
The Pope's words tend to gloss over the reality of the conspiracy by the cryptocracy to gain unchallenged world power. The world's faithful and the rest of the population need to know the truth about their world, especially the truth of who is ruling the world and for what purpose. It seems one ought to have the expectation that the Pope would help educate on what is actually occurring in the world. For the Pope to just throw in a phrase about the continuing crisis without explanation, doesn't do it.
2. "revision of present political, economic and financial structures." Everyone in the world is for such changes. The problem is the Rothschilds also have this program. And the Rothschilds are the ones who have predominant power in the world today. If one calls for revision of structures without specifying exactly what is meant, one's position naturally becomes associated with the position of the cryptocracy. The changes the Rothschilds desire are not in the interests of the world's population or of the faithful.
3. "ethical imperative of ensuring the integral development of all people." This is just Vatican II gobbledygook. Just what is an 'ethical imperative?" And were did Jesus ever call for "integral development?"
4. "model of globalization." The Pope has clearly approved of globalization many times before. Here he is assuming globalization will occur and is looking for the proper model for the transformation. But in focusing on what kind of globalization, he dodges the questions of why globalization, who is behind it, and what do they want to accomplish. Globalization is the Rothschilds' baby. There is no way to sort of out-smart them by being for globalization with qualifications. Once you approve of globalization you are in their play pen.
5. "inspired by authentic humanism." Not humanism, but "authentic humanism." Again, it is important to return to the teachings of Jesus which nowhere mentions humanism, authentic or not. If questioned, the Pope would undoubtedly say that authentic humanism is Jesus' thought. But if that is the case, why not just say so. Why not declare for the reign of Christ the King, in which humanity would experience the most profound humanism ever known. But, of course, the Church leaders seem to develop a bad case of stutters when the possibility of mentioning the reign of Christ the King comes along.
6. Cardinal Ratzinger, now Benedict, often used formulations in his writings that on the surface seemed sound and correct, but ambiguous. His formulations could often be interpreted different ways orthodox and not. The same occurs with the statement discussed here.
The evolution of the Church is at the stage of euphemisms. Those who would change the centuries-old teachings of the Church do not have the strength or courage to say clearly what they intend. Instead they produce wordage that can lead in different directions.
7. Traditionalists, for the most part, look to a restoration of the Latin mass, and a return to the glory days prior to VII. But the battle to determine the post-VII orientation is done. That war is over, and the good guys lost. Any military expert will tell you that a sure way to lose is to attempt to re-fight the previous war. Fighting for the Latin mass and return to the good old days is precisely fighting the last war.
There is a strong current in the Church who want to change the Church dramatically. Their continual pressure is bringing the next war that will determine the health of the Church. The key to this war for those who want Church based on the teachings of 2000 years, is to concentrate on the big picture of the direction of the Church. In general, as Benedict's statement demonstrates, the direction is toward finding a way to agree with the cryptocracy but with certain reservations. This strategy has led to all kinds of disasters, such as the enshrinement of the holocaust, multiple attempts to appeal to the zionists, failure to defend a priest under world-wide attack for his views, etc.
The traditionalists would be well-advised to pay attention to the general 'political' approach of the Church leaders and where that approach is taking things.
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