What was already a catastrophe last week has now doubled in size. The people involved are not urban sophisticates accustomed to switching residences. These refugees have lived and made their livings in the same area for generations. It has to be the understatement of the year to say incredible suffering is occurring when such people have to abandon their homestead and move to a sweltering refugee camp with little food and water, and no comfort at all.
Undoubtedly a portion of the refugees have to be saying, 'Certainly rule by the Taliban couldn't be any worse than this.'
Most amazing is the virtual silence in the media over one of the most significant humanitarian crises in decades.
The crisis was precipitated when the United States brought unprecedented pressure on Pakistan to launch an offensive against the Taliban in the Swat Valley. Apparently the all-wise American policy-makers had no concept of what the consequences might be; all that mattered was to push back the Taliban. It seems Pakistan knew better, but they faced a rupture in relations if they didn't obey.
And so now there is a mammoth crisis in the area that may never be corrected. The problem is beyond the Pakistan government. The United Nations seems to be unable to meet the needs of the situation. And the United States? .... Nothing!!!! The United States government seems singularly unconcerned. This arrogant, incredible attitude by the Unites States occurs after it was the United States that created the problem in the first place. The United States simply walks away from the suffering; all the USA cared about was the attack on the Taliban. (A 'generous' interpretation of the United States inaction is that the USA is withholding refugee aid in order to pressure Pakistan to expedite the war with diligence.)
The media follows their masters' lead. If there is any one in the media industry who has an ounce of compassion about two million innocent refugees, the media owners quickly disposes of it.
And the Vatican? So far, not even a whisper from that quarter. Is any one there aware of world events?
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