Monday, March 23, 2009


A friend sent in the following table.  I don't know its source and therefore its accuracy, but the statistics seem reasonable.

Number of Seminarians in the United States:

Congregations, 1965, 2000,  %  Decline

Jesuits 3,559, 389, 89%
Franciscans 2,551, 60, 97%
Christian Brothers 912, 7, 99%
Benedictines 1,541, 109, 93%
Redemptorists  1,128, 24, 98%
Dominicans 343, 38, 89%
Maryknoll 919, 15, 98%
Oblates of Mary Immaculate 914, 13, 99%
Vincentians 700, 18, 97%
OFM Conventual 511,  49, 90%
Passionists 574, 5, 99%
Holy Cross Fathers 434, 132, 70%
Augustinians 483, 14, 97%
Capuchins 440, 39, 91%
Precious Blood Fathers 521, 27, 95%
La Salette Fathers 552, 1, 99%
Carmelites 545, 46, 92%
Holy Ghost Fathers 159, 9, 94%

In any organization in the world such declines in the key component of the organization would be the cause for heads to roll and for the most fundamental assessment of what the organization was doing.  Any organization except the Catholic Church that is.  The Catholic Church, faced with this disaster, just rolls bureaucratically along, seldom mentioning the problem, conducting business as usual.

Well, business as usual will result in the near-destruction of the Church, at least in the United States and Europe, and most likely within a decade.  I am very familiar with a monastery in my area.  They are now down to 12, and the average age is well past 60.  It is easy to see that within 10 years or so the monastery will be unable to continue.  And it is easy to generalize from this particular to the Church institutions as a whole.

Anyone of minimum intelligence and foresight can see where the crisis in the seminaries is leading.  So why is there such a lack in concern and corrective action among the Church hierarchy?

The inability of the Church to do anything meaningful about this crisis, leads one to look for a reason for such paralysis.  Many commentators point to accommodation to modernism initiated at Vatican II.  And certainly that factor is key.  But, the issue in recent years has become a lot more concrete that just generalized modern-ism. From the papacies of John Paul II and Benedict XVI at least, the evolving central direction of the Church has been toward pleasing Judaism.  This stance disarms the Church completely and sets the stage for all the things the Rabbis would want from the Church  -- namely to become more "tolerant", to evolve toward a Catholicism that more reveres the Holocaust than the 2000-year-old teachings of the Church, and to become a Church that is in reality based on the Noahide principles promoted by the Rabbis.

A revival of the seminaries will probably take an act of God to completely shake up the existing bureaucratic inertia and fundamental disorientation.  Oh, that it would come soon.  In the meantime, one must fight to recreate the Church.  What we need is a modern-day Joan of Arc who can hear the word of God and act uncompromisingly on it against the Church's enemies to reorient the Church.  A Joan of Arc who can rally the forces who stand on the timeless teachings of Christ and the Church.

Michael Matt and his traditionalist current believe that the revival in the Latin Mass will lead to a revival of the Church, including the seminaries.  This belief is naive, to say the least.  Benedict himself knows that a re-institution of the Latin Mass will not stand in the way of his "reform of the reform", and his steady development of philo-Judaism in the Church, a trend to which Matt is evidently completely blind.      

Sunday, March 22, 2009

E Michael Jones on the Williamson events

E. Michael Jones has an extensive article on the Williamson controversy.  He very thoroughly makes the point that the attack on Williamson and the church was a set-up job, and carefully planned.  The article is a must read and deserves the widest possible circulation.

Read Jones' article here.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Maurice Pinay has at item that is a must-read re purim and the Williamson events.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Papal Letter to Bishops

Pope Benedict's March 12, 2009 letter to Bishops may be read here.

In his letter Benedict makes clear that the central problem in the fallout from the lifting of the excommunications of the Society of Saint Pius X Bishops is that relations with Jews might have been damaged.

After an introductory paragraph in his letter the Pope gets right to the main point:  " apparent step backwards with regard to all the steps of reconciliation between Christians and Jews taken since the Council".  No mention is made or concern expressed regarding the unprecedented world-wide attack on the Church by Judaic spokesmen, media, and organizations.  Nothing is said about the plight of a Bishop in the Church who has been hounded out of his country of residence, is forced to live semi-underground, and faces potential extradition, prosecution and imprisonment.  Not one ounce of curiosity is expressed about the possible truth of Bishop Williamson now-famous remarks.

Nope.  What matters is making sure the Judaic interests are pleased.   

Benedict goes on to make the incredible statement, "...I thank all the more our Jewish friends, who quickly helped to clear up the misunderstanding and to restore the atmosphere of friendship and trust which -- as in the days of Pope John Paul II -- has also existed throughout my pontificate and, thank God, continues to exist."  I'm left almost speechless.  The Pope actually thanks the very forces that mobilized on a world scale to weaken the Church;  thanks them for making things right again!!!!???!!!

If there is any doubt that the attack was successful in weakening the Church:  at the same time that the Pope issued his letter, the Rabbis appealed to him to institute a study of the holocaust in Catholic schools!!!!  (See article here.)

The Benedict papacy has in effect placed the Vatican under a rabbinic oversight committee.  Now Vatican actions and statements are always considered from the point of view of how it will please these Judaic forces.  The worst possibility is the rabbis might not like something.  Then, the Vatican goes into high gear. 

Monday, March 9, 2009

From Milestone to Millstone

It seems the Church is rapidly approaching a new milestone.  What was implicit about the Vatican's philo-Judaic orientation is becoming more and more explicit. 

Many have written about the dangerous logic of Vatican II in relation to Judaic influences.  The Papacy of John Paul II seemed to be carrying out the logic, some times directly some times indirectly.  The Benedict Papacy is even more overt in its willingness to make concessions to Judaism.  This is especially true in the wake of the Judaic political attack on the lifting of the excommunications of the four Bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X.

It is becoming obvious to even casual observers that the holocaust has achieved a greater importance than calvary in the minds of the central hierarchy of the Church.  

In recent months the following jaw-dropping events have occurred:
  • Protest from the Vatican in relation to the real holocaust occurring in Gaza during the Israeli brutal invasion was minimal, at best, and so general as to defy understanding.
  • The Pope, and Cardinals Bertone, George, and O'Malley made statements to the effect that it is impossible to be a Catholic and deny the holocaust.  Now the Papal Nuncio to Israel has made the same declaration.
  • The Pope is proceeding with his visit to the holy land, often termed a "trip to Israel", as if nothing unusual has occurred in relations with Judaic forces.  The Pope's planned activities will lend great credence to the Rabbinic religion.
  • No voice was heard anywhere in the Church defending Bishop Williamson who is being hounded mercilessly by Judaic witchhunters, and who potentially faces prosecution and imprisonment.
The milestone that is being established is no small occurrence.  The Church has had many flirtations with Judaic influences throughout the centuries, but today's flirtation has become a full-blown romance.  Can engagement and marriage be next?  It seems like various Church leaders are gaining courage now to let the world know that they have been secretly romancing the rabbis for some time.

What does it mean for the future of the Church?  Nothing good, that is for sure.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Some Thoughts on the Price of Oil

The media loves to report on the price of oil as a function of 'market forces', of supply and demand, of investors and speculators, of inventories and production, etc, etc, blah, blah blah....

The factor the media always fails to mention is the power of the owners of the world's central banks, corporations, and institutions.  This omission is curious because these individuals and families exert a decisive influence on the price of oil (and other commodities). For example, the roller coaster ups and downs of the price of oil in the last few years was a direct result of their machinations.    

These super-rich owners, including the Rothschilds' world empire, thrive on using their power to control the factors that can threaten their wealth.  They deeply believe in risk-free investing, and try to control all conditions to attain it.  Control of a market is a paramount ambition and concern for them.

A well-known example of such control was the manipulation of the London stock market by Nathan Rothschild after the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo.  Rothschild made an incredible fortune by suppressing information of Napoleon's defeat, driving the market down through some dramatic selling, and then making a killing on the rebound when the accurate information became known.  

The behavior pattern in this example was not a one-time anomaly.  Such manipulation is standard operating procedure for the super-wealthy.  The only difference today is that the superrich are much more adept at keeping their economic thuggery hidden from public view.

The Rothschilds in particular, but others as well, have the wealth, knowledge, inside connections, leverage and power to engineer the price of a commodity up or down, depending on world conditions and what they want to achieve.  Either way, going up or down, they can arrange things so that they are sure to make money.

In the short run they manipulate the price to make a bundle.  But they also have long range money-making schemes and political aims.  An examination of the price patterns of the last few years can illustrate their schemes.

Rothschild and friends' secrecy makes getting at the facts of their manipulation of the oil price more difficult,  Nevertheless, it is possible to surmise their intervention by looking at what was accomplished and at who benefitted.

A few years ago the price of oil began a steady and inexplicable march toward the heavens.  All manner of explanations were offered for this phenomenon, yet none seemed to make sense.  A look at some of the objectives that the superrich had in mind when they engineered a rise in the price of oil can help clarify the picture.  To wit:

*  First of all was the greed.  They wanted to make a bundle, a really, really big bundle.  And that they did.  Exxon, for example, recorded the greatest profits in corporate history.  Its stock also quadrupled in value.
*  Politically, the main immediate objective was an attempt to moderate China's economy and thereby nudge China to be more integrated into the world banking and institutional world.  The Nixon visit to China initiated the decades-long project to transform communist China into a state capitalism fully integrated into the world economy, leadership structures, banking, etc.  This effort has been mostly successful.  Lately, however, the overheated China economy brought about a little too much independence for the liking of the world masters. The Chinese currency was also gaining to much power because of an imbalance in trade.  The world rulers thus decided to drive upward the price of oil to slow the Chinese economy, and to induce the Chinese leadership to better 'appreciate' the world leaders.  The Chinese economy is dependent on imported oil.  A dramatic increase in the price of oil, such as we witnessed, had the immediate effect of forcing China to slow growth.
* To induce a mini-crisis prelude to the current economic crisis.   The rise in the price of oil softened things up a bit in the body politic in preparation for the big jolt they intended for the world economy.  
*  To generate support for war, current and future.  By generating pressure on the world populace the goal was to promote a public desire for drastic action to make things better. The rulers never really rolled out their argument that a victory in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran would reduce the price of oil.  But they had it ready in case the reaction to the price of gasoline took to the streets. 

These objectives had built-in limits.  There were also unfavorable consequences that had to be tolerated for a period.  The worst of these for the world rulers was the effect on the Russian economy.  Russia derives much income from oil production.  A rise in the price of oil means the Russian economy thrives.  During the oil-price rise the Russian economy boomed and Russia increasingly threw its weight around in world politics.  Russia under the strengthened Putin regime became notoriously reluctant to go along with the plans of the world bankers.  The stronger the Russian economy grew the more recalcitrant the Russian leadership became. 

The circumstances that led to the oil-price increase came to an end and the price of oil seemed to turn on a dime and head downward, again seemingly without explanation.  The reversal was brought about by several factors.  

First, the time had come to precipitate the world economic crisis.  A reduction in the price of oil was desired to help alleviate the strains on the citizenry brought about by loss of employment, retirement savings, investments, etc.  

Second, Russia became too strong.  The Russian invasion of Georgia, in which the Russian army kicked butt big time, was the last straw.  The superrich had Georgia all set up with their people running the country, Israeli citizens in the cabinet, oil pipelines bypassing Russia, and a planned use of Georgia as a overland-supply route for an invasion of Iran.  Russia put a thorn in all these plans.  And so, from the rulers point of view the time had come to punish Russia.  The dramatic drop in the price of oil sent the Russian economy into a tailspin.  

Third, greed is never absent from the rulers plans.  They set things up so that they made a bundle on the price going down.  
What will happen next?  Unknown at this point.  It is a certain that the superwealthy will ensure that the price of oil and other commodities serve their interests, and nobody else's. 

Does any of this have anything to do with Catholicism?  Yes, plenty.  Pope Benedict and Vatican spokesmen have made statements to the effect that globalization is inevitable, and that the key for the Church is to ensure that the new order is a humane system and includes the Church.

The problem is that globalization means more events like the oil-price yo-yo which cause distress to everyone but the manipulators.  To try to sugar coat globalization, as the current Church orientation does, only miseducates and disarms the world's population.  And thus Church faithful are made all the more vulnerable to the depredations of the globalization process. 

Those who are constructing the new global economy are not Catholics.   Their system of usury and fraud has nothing to do with the Church traditional aims.   The owners of the world's wealth are implacable enemies of Christianity and Catholicism.  Their new order will only be in their own interests and they will tolerate the Church only to the extent that the Church doesn't hamper their plans.

It is a mistake for the Church to be a friendly advisor to Globalization.  A better course would be to explain what globalization is and what it will do.  The faithful should at least be made knowledgeable about what faces them.  Appeals from Rome for a world wide campaign of prayer to stay the hand of the madmen behind globalization would be appropriate and effective.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


The failure of the leaders of Church, the Society of Saint Pius X, and the traditionalist current to defend Bishop Williamson has given those who made the attack on Williamson a free hand to commit more blows against Catholicism.  Two examples pop up right away:
  • The web site of Catholic Voice in Great Britain has been hounded off the internet as 'anti-semitic' by virtue of a campaign that originated in Parliament.  See Maurice Pinay blog for details.
  • Cardinal Mahoney, of course, got in on things.  He and two leaders of the American Jewish Congress issued a statement saying that Williamson was banned from appearing in Mahoney's Los Angeles.  See Michael Hoffman's blog for his comments.
Isn't there someone or group in the Church that can recognize that as long as Williamson dangles out there, the Church is weakened and vulnerable to further attacks?

"Trip to Israel"

It is worth noting that the media refers to the Pope's upcoming trip as "a trip to Israel", as opposed to a trip to the holy land.  We can count on their coverage of the actual trip to be in the same vein with little emphasis on visits to the sacred sites of Christianity and great emphasis on any philo-Judaic activities.