Saturday, March 27, 2010

Catholic Church, in Today's News 03.25.10

Catholic Church.  It doesn't take much skill in observation to realize that a decision has been made at the very highest levels of the Cryptocracy to get the Pope. The sudden development of a sexual abuse scandal in Germany is designed for one purpose, and one purpose only, to develop a path of accusation against the Pope. The goal is to drive him from the Papacy. 

Even though Benedict is one of the most pro-Judaic Popes in the history of the Church, his orientation evidently wasn't good enough to please the individuals who constantly strive to control human events in order to establish a world Talmudic dictatorship. These individuals know full-well that it is the Church and what it stands for that stand in the way. Sooner or later they had to attempt to remove the Church as an obstacle. It looks like they have decided that now is the time.

And so the Church faces a great challenge. Can the Vatican and the Church leaders recognize the danger? Can they take adequate action to turn back this attack?

Time will tell. Some of the Church statements have indicated a glimmering of understanding. But, for the most part, the Church statements have been framed in defensiveness. That stance will never succeed. Those going after the Pope will tear defensive statements apart and use the statements against the Church, as they already are doing. 

The only way forward is for the Church leaders to go on the offensive. The Church is the most compassionate entity in the history of the world. It is utterly ridiculous for the Church to be painted as an organization of abuse and cover-up. The leaders need to get some gumption, quit worrying about the media's attitude toward them and start explaining what the attack on the Pope means for the development of world history.

The Church had no trouble going on the offensive in response to Luther's challenge. The danger to the Church in the present circumstances is far greater. 

Health Care, in Today's News 03.25.10

Health Care.  The Church leaders got exactly the change they had been crying about in the Obama-care legislation. They therefore look pretty silly now complaining that the legislation is flawed.

The Church leaders, for months, have given the impression that the legislation would be okay if funding for abortion was omitted. The Cryptocracy, not being stupid, realized they could use the Church's stance to get the legislation passed. All that was need was some parliamentary maneuver to give the impression of no funding for abortion. And thus the impression would be given that the Church would think the legislation is okay. And thus they utilized Michigan's Stupak to pull it off with an executive order banning funding (which can easily be reversed or even ignored).

The Church leaders were maneuvered right out of their pants. They were left with not much to say except to whine that the legislation was flawed. That complaint was probably worth a few laughs in the inner sanctums of health-care planners. 

All this could have been avoided if the Church leaders had not overlooked a few key points. Ignored was the overall issue of the legislation establishing a nationalized, bureaucratic, cost-cutting, profile driven method of health care. Ignored was the fact that the Church's creation - compassionate health care - was being submerged in a de-humanized system. Ignored was the overwhelming opinion of the American public that this legislation stinks.

And so, the Church leaders set themselves up for the Stupak-type maneuver. 

This story is a disgrace. Not only did the Church leaders fail to defend one of the great legacies of the Church, through their inept attempt to influence the legislation they also ended up bearing the central responsibility for the adoption of this law that will adversely affect the faithful and all Americans.

There are something like 65 million Catholics in the United States, all of whom would follow the lead of the leaders of the Church and Catholic organizations. Properly educated and organized, the Catholic faithful could (and should) have stopped the health-care attack.

The Church leaders' lack of back-bone and their failure to even understand what was at stake spells big trouble for the Church in coming times. Prayers are needed.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Iran, in Today's News 03.18.10

Iran.   Michael Hoffman has an absolute must-read on false-flag operations against Iran. He comments on an article by Paul Craig Roberts which Hoffman reprints.

Roberts refers to an article, "The Rogue Nation" by Phillip Giraldi, in his commentary. Rogue Nation is also a must-read and may be viewed here.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Israel, in Today's News 03.14.10

Israel. The media can't get over the Israeli "insulting behavior" toward United States Vice President Biden during his recent visit. Hillary* even got in on the act, making a phone call to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

What the media misses is the cleverness of the Israeli actions. Biden went to Israel to discuss the Obama agenda of pretending to be sympathetic to the Arab world. The Israelis, of course, wanted nothing to do with that discussion. So, to avoid the discussion, the Israelis simply announced as Biden was landing that they were putting up more housing in the Palestinian sector. Immediately the agenda was totally changed. Instead of the Obama agenda, the topic of concern was the Israeli actions. Everyone forgot about the Obama agenda.

The price the Israelis paid was a small one. They made Biden look like a fool, but that doesn't really matter to the Israelis. Soon the world will not pay much attention to the new housing. And so, things will be right back where they were before Biden's visit.

IOW, the Israelis completely out-maneuvered Obama. In fact, they made Obama look a little silly. But, the media has no intention to accurately report what happened. Their job is to enhance the image of Obama. So, they complain about the Israeli bad manners.

Much is being made also of the differences between Israel and the United States. Basically the differences are tactical. Both countries share the same objective to make Israel the premier country in the middle-east, and to do this by force when the time comes.

The media is making a big noise about the 'differences'. After all it sells. But, the differences don't amount to much. With one caveat: the hysterical Israelis can get very worked up over tactical matters, and they are capable of most anything. The recent actions of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee to pressure Obama are an example.

* - Hillary is still trying to get even with the Israelis for the way they treated her after she appeared on the same platform with Mrs. Arafat.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Catholic Church, in Today's News 03.10.10

Catholic Church. The current phase of the sexual abuse charges against the Church is developing very rapidly and, for the Church, in an alarming direction. Precious little time remains for the Church leaders to formulate a response that will prevent extensive damage to the authority of the Church.

The current situation began when charges of sexual abuse were made in Germany, in particular in a choir which the Pope's brother lead. The brother responded by saying that it all occurred before he got there and that he would be willing to testify. Then a day later, he admitted that he had slapped (repeatedly) children in the choir as a punishment.

The Church and Christ-haters who are organizing the international campaign of sexual abuse against the Church could not be happier. And they have jumped on their new opportunity with a zeal.

The forces behind the attack now have the Papacy squarely in their crosshairs. Plus, they have the opening to escalate the sexual assault charges to physical abuse charges. Thus a whole new round of charges, legal suits, and settlements looms in country after country on the physical abuse allegations.

Many forces are being brought into the attack. The Times-on-Line article yesterday referred to the "pervasive culture of violence at Roman Catholic institutions." The article continued by quoting the brother as saying he knew of "a reign of terror" by the headmaster of the choir's school from 1953 to 1992. The brother admitted he had done nothing about it.

The German government has gone so far as to accuse the Vatican of suppressing the truth about the abuse. The Times-on-Line article claims that liberal German Catholics "have questioned how much the Pope knew of sexual abuse in his country's Church when he was professor of theology in Germany in the 1960s -- including a stint in Regensburg -- and Archbishop of Munich and Freising from 1971 to 1982."

More accusations are sure to fly in the next period of time. One can be certain that it is well known now that anyone who can come forward with a credible charge has a large pot of money awaiting him.

The Church leaders have followed a policy of appeasement as the sexual abuse allegations have appeared in country after country. But those who are directing the campaign against the Church are un-appease-able. They take appeasement to be a sign of weakness, a sign that they should escalate their efforts. And now they have the golden opportunity to start their campaign all over again in country after country on the physical abuse charge. Plus they now believe they have a good chance of pinning something on Pope, whether true or not.

The Church leaders had better think and act quickly, because this tsunami is growing and fast-approaching the Vatican. Appeasement hasn't worked and certainly won't work here. Pray that the Church leaders realize the situation they are in and take the appropriate measures to defend the Church.


BTW, the Pope's brother is quoted "I myself handed out slaps repeatedly, although I always had a bad conscience about it." It is absolutely astounding that a leader of the Church would admit to defying his conscience. It's one thing for a member of the faithful to have a tough time following one's conscience, but a leader of the Church is another matter. Then, to admit it. Oh, my goodness. Pray for the Pope's brother.

Afghanistan, in Today's News 03.10.10

Afghanistan. The great military campaign in Afghanistan continues to roll along. This time, the Wall Street Journal reports today, the 'allies' captured another deserted and undefended ghost town, Now Zad, a neighbor of Marjah.

Evidently no Afghan officials were available, so the victory parade consisted of Defense Secretary Robert Gates and a heavily armed escort and sharpshooters on the roofs. Any remaining Afghan inhabitants had been hustled out of the way before Gates made his tour. The removal of the natives was no doubt done to endear the Now Zad inhabitants to the United States.

What have the 'allies' captured? "Now Zad has no electricity, sewage system, or running water, and there are few visible signs of new construction." Plus, few who live or work there. 

Such 'victories' are no doubt designed to 'impress' the Taliban, who are probably happy to let the 'allies' do this busy work while the Taliban concentrates its forces elsewhere. Are the 'allies' also trying to impress Obama that they are really doing something?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hillary Clinton, in Today's News 03.09.10

Hillary Clinton. Hey, Hey!!!! She did it again! Twice! In one trip!

As Hillary visits various continents she leaves behind a trail of diplomatic disasters. This time she went to South America.

Her first stop was Chile, immediately after the earthquake. Of course, the last thing a leader of Chile wants to deal with in the wake of the monumental damage is a visiting foreign dignitary. This consideration didn't seem to bother Hillary as she used the quake to promote her own image.

Then it was on to Argentina. There she managed to create a diplomatic blow-up with Britain. Her contribution to the long-standing dispute over the Falkland Islands was to suggest that the issue be referred to the United Nation's decolonization committee!

The British uproar was immediate. The Wall Street Journal (3.9.10) reports, "This has not played well in London, nor among [Falkland] island residents, who have been British subjects since 1833 and have no desire to become Argentines...British officials are angry at what they regard as a cavalier disregard for Britain's interests at a time when Britain is the only major European power committing significant numbers of combat troops to Afghanistan."

And so add another Hillary disaster to the list. The American authorities in Washington, London, and Buenos Aires will now have to work overtime to clean up her mess, as she travels merrily along to her next victims.

Obama has relegated Clinton to secondary issues and kept her away from all the major foreign policy questions, and with good reason. Yet, Hillary has managed to screw up almost every matter she has directed her attention to.

The media, of course, covers up for Clinton as they have been doing for years. But the list of disasters is so long now that she can give up on any further elective office. Her only hope for political advancement is to secure a Supreme Court position. (God Help Us!)

Greece, in Today's News 03.09.10

Greece. The real reason for precipitating a fiscal crisis in Greece is beginning to emerge. The Rothschilds and their buddies want to set up an International Monetary Fund within the European Union. IOW, they want another entity that can generate interest payments to them.

The ever-active Cryptocracy brought about the Greece default threat with a number of goals in mind:
  • It provided a means of undermining the Euro and jump-starting a run-up in the dollar. Having made zillions in the Euro's strengthening, it was now time to start a new cycle and make zillions on the dollar.
  • The crisis was a pretext for rationalizing and centralizing the Greece financial sector, just as the economic crisis had done in the United States.
  • And finally, the crisis created an atmosphere where a new bailout fund (read 'loan center') could be created.
The European Union leaders have come out in support of the Rothschild's latest money-making scheme. German Chancellor and prime Rothschild spokesperson, "I find the idea good and interesting."

One Poul Rasmussen, a leader of the second-largest group in the European Union, "called for [as reported by the Wall Street Journal today] a trustee fund established by euro-area members that could borrow money on the financial markets. The fund could provide loans to a euro-zone government facing a financial crisis..."

So, the Cryptocracy has the means to create a crisis, and now they would have an additional means of collecting loan payments on the solution to the crisis. In addition, they could lend money to the new fund, in return, of course, for steep interest payments.

Someday, the real story of these machinations will reach public consciousness.

"The Hurt Locker', in Today's News 03.08.10

The Hurt Locker. Why did a movie no one has seen win an Oscar for the best picture?

Most media sources are waxing poetic about the breakthrough of having a film directed by a woman win the award.

But the real reason is pretty simple: "Hurt" cost $11 million to make, as opposed to the excess of 100 million that the favorite, Avatar, cost.

The message that the moguls of Hollywood wished to put forward was that they don't want to see any more films where they have to shell out millions and millions of dollars in production costs, regardless of the ultimate ticket sales. Their great fear is that if the Avatar trend were to continue, one of the expensive follow-up films might fail. And that would mean some very empty pockets among the Hollywood elite.

And once again, Hollywood decisions have nothing to do with truth or accurately portraying human drama. It's all about the buck.

(Not that Avatar, directed by the Christ-hating James Cameron, had anything to do with truth or human drama.)

Afghanistan, in Today's News 03.06.10

Afghanistan.  Another triumph in Marjah!! Today's Wall Street Journal reports that the new Marjah administrator chosen by the Afghan government likely spent four years in a German prison for assault (beating his stepson).

"Behind closed doors, Western officials have been pressing Afghan officials to have [the administrator] removed from his post..."

And so, having conquered a rural, deserted village, the 'allies' can't even get the Afghan government to play along and appoint someone with standing. President Karzai seems to care little about the progress of the Marjah campaign.

Post Script, 03.09.10: The US and the 'allies' have backed off from efforts to have the administrator removed. Evidently, there was no one better to put in the post and President Karzai stuck to his position. And so, yet another embarassment for the 'allies', as their much ballyhooed Marjah campaign ends up putting a thug in power.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Afghanistan, in Today's News 03.04-07.10

Afghanistan. On to Kandahar!!!  The United States and its 'allies' having conquered a rural and mostly deserted, undefended Marjah, is now ready to push on to Kandahar. 

Kandahar is a city of some 700,000 that is supposedly a center of the Taliban. The US strategy is to form a security zone around the city, to cut off inflow and outflow of the Taliban.

This action may have been a good idea in the middle ages when a castle or walled city was put under siege. But in the context of the modern world and the current type of warfare, the security zone is doomed to futility. First, in the terrain of Afghanistan, the 'allies' cannot hope to seal off the city. 

Second, all 700,000 inhabitants can't be Taliban. Thus, it is inevitable that lots and lots of innocent people are going to be antagonized by the inconvenience of check points, and especially check points by foreigners. 

Third, the surrounding tactic has been tried many times since World War II, all without success. The first attempt was in Algeria, where the French tried fruitlessly to isolate the Casbah. It didn't work and the French soon went home.

But, this is the type of strategy that the Israelis advocate and carry out against the Palestinians. And therefore, given the present mind-frame in Washington, the American war-planners think the strategy has to be a good one.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Catholic Church, in Today's News 03.05.10

Catholic Church. Someone at the Vatican had better wake up, fast!!

Many news agencies are reporting an alleged sexual abuse case in the boys' choir of Regensburg, where the Pope's brother was choir director.

IOW, those who have prompted the sexual abuse campaigns against the Church in the United States, Ireland, and now Germany, are feeling so good about their successes (and the ridiculous Church response) that they are now taking aim at the Pope. And what better way to get at the Pope than to involve the Pope's brother in a scandal!!

The Vatican's initial response to the charges is dumb. The Vatican says that the Pope's brother led the choir after the alleged abuses occurred. This is not wise because those behind the charge always think two or three moves ahead. They could easily have another case in reserve from the years when the Pope's brother was in charge. All they could be waiting for is a statement like the Vatican's response to launch the next case. And then what is the Vatican going to say?

The Church leaders seem to have a complete inability to recognize an attack on the Church when it occurs. They are even less likely to explain what the attack is, who is behind it, and what the enemies of the Church want to accomplish.

The failure of the Church leaders to handle the sexual abuse charges correctly in country after country has paved the way for an attack on the Papacy. If the past inadequate response to the charges is not corrected, an extremely damaging assault on the Church's authority is about to begin.

The message to the Vatican is "WAKE UP!"

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

General Motors, in Today's News 03.03.10

General Motors. The Obama-ites have the notion that GM's lack of sales and profits results from the buddy-system of management at the old GM. The Obama-ites think that all the problems can be solved with a new management and a 'you're accountable' management system.

And so, the administration through its friends, brought GM into bankruptcy, reorganized the whole thing under total government control, and brought in a new board of directors and chief executive officer. The Obama-ites just knew that these changes would soon bring profits as the new management system took effect.

The Obama-ites, however, overlooked one small factor: the GM vehicles, for the most part, stink; and the public has so little confidence in them that they are unwilling to shell out five-figures to own one.

And so, we get to witness the continuing corporate comedy at GM. Every time something doesn't go quite right, the new GM managers blame the old management system, and then make all kinds of changes in the corporate ranks.

The latest episode has GM announcing today an overhaul of its top managers because Ford outsold GM for the first time in decades. (This is the second executive shuffle in three months.) [!!!]

So it goes. Expect another executive shuffle when the next bad news occurs as the Obama-ites pursue the folly of their management solution.

GM will only revive when it is recognized that very few in the public want the GM products. This was the problem of the old GM and of the new GM. If GM wants to succeed they will need to design and produce a vehicle that inspires the public, regardless of management machinations.

Economic Crisis, in Today's News 03.03.10

Economic Crisis. Today's Wall Street Journal has a headline (page C16) that perfectly expresses the current frustration of the Cryptocracy: "Congress Is Wasting a Good Crisis." [!!]

The Cryptocracy had precipitated the economic crisis in the hopes of creating an atmosphere where several changes to American public life could be stampeded through Congress to the great benefit of the owners of the country's wealth. 

They had a big 'to-do' list and some things were accomplished: the election of Obama, the government take-over of General Motors, a rationalization and consolidation of the banking industry, and a disciplining of the insurance industry. But a couple of big items are stuck in Congress: health care and a reorganization of financial regulation.

The Cryptocracy and their agents are now making a last-ditch effort to ensure that Congress passes legislation to enable a government take-over of health care and to enable an empowerment of the Federal Reserve as the chief enforcement agency. Time will tell if they are successful, but they rarely give in.

The WSJ headline, consciously or not, summarizes the situation as seen from Cryptocracy headquarters. Here the Cryptocracy had made a perfectly good crisis to change things around, and now these self-inflated goof-offs in Congress are mucking the whole thing up by their constant dickering over details.

The Cryptocracy intends to get its way. And they will eventually, until and unless a conscious opposition arises to their manipulations.

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 61, in Today's News 03.03.10

H1N1 (Swine) Flu.  These people never give up!!

Today's Wall Street Journal has a major spread on what happened to the swine flu. The headline is "The Flu Season That Fizzled."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, working energetically for the cryptocracy, had mapped out an extensive drive to inoculate the American public in a swine flu scare. They had the perfect bug. Swine flu differed hardly at all from seasonal flu. The CDC therefore could use the usual annual seasonal flu outbreak to underline their scare tactics.

But the big didn't cooperate. And then the  CDC completely bungled the great plan through bad planning and over-the-top public statements.

So now, the CDC and its allies are trying to cover their tracks. It wasn't their fault that the scare campaign went nowhere. It's all because of an anomalous flu season. 

And moreover, the swine flu bug could strike at any time, they say. The CDC messed up the scare campaign, and now they are attempting a comeback. 

Moreover, the swine flu might still morph into some more dangerous bug, repeating one of their favorite scare tactics.

The cryptocracy really wanted an inoculation experience for the public. And so the CDC and others just have to keep trying to get the public scared to please their employers.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Economic Crisis, in Today's News 03.02.10

Economic Crisis. Congress is moving toward adopting legislation that will significantly increase the power of the Cryptocracy, and yet there is little-to-no outcry.

Today's Wall Street Journal page one: "The two senators (Dodd and Corker) have also reached a deal that would let the federal government break up large, failing financial companies."

Further, "Regulators would have the option to force any financial company into an FDIC[Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation]-controlled dissolution if they believed market chaos required such an extreme step. Under the proposal, this step could take place only after the agreement of the Fed's board, a council of regulators, and the Treasury secretary, in consultation with the president."

And, "The new deal would wipe out shareholders [!] and give the FDIC the power to remove management. Creditors would be guaranteed only the liquidation value of their claims in bankruptcy..."

There a number of players here, but the one who has the power is the Fed, which after all controls the nation's money supply. The Fed will play the key role in defining which corporation is in trouble and needs to be reorganized. It just so happens that the Fed is also the entity that can cause a particular corporation to get in trouble. And, it just so happens that the Fed is owned by the central banks, which in turn are owned by the Rothschilds and others.

If this legislation is adopted it will thus constitute a decisive step toward a planned economy controlled by the Rothschilds. The Fed and others will plan the economy. If a financial corporation doesn't act according to the plan, the Fed will step in, get rid of the stockholders and reorganize the company complete with a new management. 

The model for this arrangement is the Soviet Union and its planned economy. The central planners there, just as in the US now, had the power to direct and to break up any company or management.

This legislation, therefore, is a significant power-grab by the Rothschilds. The economic crisis was engineered to a great extent to create this new arrangement. It will bring the Rothschilds one big step closer to total control of the US economy.

One would, therefore, expect a huge outcry against the proposed legislation. But, one listens in vain. All the voices who were very vocal in criticizing the Fed and calling for an audit of the Fed, seem to have developed a case of laryngitis about this reform.