Sunday, June 28, 2009

What Did Jesus Say about the Rabbis' Predecessors? Part Five: The Parables of Jesus

[Previous parts of this discussion may be read as follows:

Part One: Why Did Jesus Appear?

Part Two: The Sermon on the Mount

Part Three: Matthew 23

Part Four: The Tyranny of the Pharisees]

“He [Jesus] said nothing to them [the crowds] without a parable.”  (Matthew 13:34)  His disciples asked him why He spoke in parables.  Jesus answered, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them [the Pharisees and their followers] it has not been given. ..This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.” (Matthew 13:10-17) 

Virtually all the parables were directed at the Pharisees' values and their societal norms. The parables enabled Jesus simultaneously to make severe critiques of the Pharisees, to educate His followers, and to protect Himself from the Pharisees' retribution.   A brief review of key parables will demonstrate the use made of parables and further elaborate His rejection of the Pharisees.

Killer Tenants. This parable which appears in Matthew, Mark and Luke, clearly conveys Jesus’ mission and His attitude toward the Pharisees. Jesus told of a landlord who provided his tenants with all they needed. When the landlord sent his agents to collect his share of the produce, the tenants reneged, ultimately killing the landlord’s son. Jesus concluded this parable by saying that these unworthy tenants would be thrown out and new ones brought in. (Matthew 21:33-46, Mark 12:1-12, Luke 20:9-18)

Jesus related this parable when Pharisees were listening. They did not fail to understand His point and, as a result, tried to kill Him. “The scribes and chief priests tired to lay hands on him at that very hour…” (Luke 20:19) One can have no doubt therefore that Jesus meant for His listeners to understand that the tenants represented the Pharisees.  He made clear that the Pharisees had disinherited themselves.

Seeds Sown Along the Path. This parable also appears in Matthew, Mark and Luke. Here Jesus told of different growth patterns from seeds sown in different conditions.  The parable taught His followers that if they were to be his disciples they must be consistent and thorough in their faith. The point to the Pharisees may be found in Matthew 13:19, “When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what is sown in his heart…”  In other words, the Pharisees' failure to nurture the word of God allowed the interests of the devil to take over. (Matthew 13:3-9, Mark 4:3-20, Luke 8:4-15)

Light of the World. Jesus told His disciples that they were the light of the world and to let it shine before men. He cautioned against hiding the light, such as putting a lamp under a bushel. The quality that Jesus described is exactly what He would expect of those who aspire to be priests to the world. It is also exactly the quality that the Pharisees did not have. The Pharisees received the light and yet managed to hid it under a bushel of laws and traditions. (Matthew 5:14-16, Mark 4:21-23, Luke 8:16-18)

Prodigal Son. This parable is probably one of the more famous. Jesus told of a son who took his inheritance, wasted it, and then repented.  His father lovingly took him back, while the older brother refuses to celebrate his brother’s return. In this parable Jesus described the Pharisee attitude toward sinners and especially toward sinners who feel remorse. Jesus therefore meant to show the older brother to represent the heartless and unforgiving Pharisee. The prodigal son becomes the non-Pharasaic-influenced population that the Lord (the father in the parable) gladly takes under his wing. (Luke 15:11-32)

Good Samaritan. This parable is also well-known. In it Jesus directly attacked the Pharisees, by saying that a Pharisee deliberately bypassed someone in great need.  A Samaritan then did what the Pharisee should have done by helping the person in an extremely generous fashion. The choice of portraying a Samaritan in the parable was deliberate to make a point to the Pharisees about their holier than thou attitude. The Pharisees, to their disgrace in Jesus' eyes, shunned Samaritans and thought them unclean. In this parable Jesus once again illustrated how His priests ought to act, as contrasted with how the Pharisees did act. (Luke 10:25-37)

Unmerciful Servant. Again Jesus via a parable made a major criticism of the Pharisees.  In the parable Jesus described how a king forgave his servant's debts until the same servant refused to forgive his own debtors. When the king learned of this selfishness, he threw the servant in prison. The parallel with the Pharisees relationship with God is unmistakable. God forgives the Pharisees their errors until He learns how they treat other sinners. Then He will consign them to hell and he will take on other servants.

One Lost Sheep. Jesus told this parable to answer the Pharisees’ charge that He was associated with sinners. The Pharisees generally felt that sinners were lost.  The lesson Jesus meant to impart was that even one lost soul is worth extraordinary efforts to save. Jesus had no tolerance for the Pharisees' self-contentment. (Luke 15:4-7) A similar point was made in the parable Lost Coin. (Luke 15:8-10)

The Good Shepherd. Jesus compares good and bad shepherds in this parable. He said the good shepherd will lay down his life for his sheep. The bad shepherd, He emphasized, will flee and, moreover, is a thief. In this parable Jesus spoke again about what is expected of priests to the world in contrast to what the Pharisees had practiced. (John 10:1-18) A similar message is found in the parable Sheep and Goats when Jesus talked of separating the sheep and goats at the last hour, the sheep being his followers and the goats being the followers of the Pharisees. (Matthew 25:31-46)

Hiring Laborers. Jesus demonstrated God’s generosity in this parable.  In the parable an employer paid the same daily wage to laborers hired at different times of the day. Jesus may have used this parable to shock the Pharisees who were so concerned with wealth that they could only consider money-matters in a miserly fashion. The idea of generosity would not have occurred to the Pharisees. They undoubtedly thought Jesus crazy. (Matthew 20:1-16)

Ten Maidens with Lamps. This parable concerns the perseverance needed to be saved. Jesus wanted His disciples to understand that one needs to be pious at all times because one does not know when judgment will occur. Such consistent and timely devotion was contrasted with those who put off being pious until it was too late. Certainly Jesus would not have put the Pharisees in the category of being pious at all times. The Pharisees' daily 'piety' was mired in ritual and rules. They had little if any understanding of genuine piety from the heart. (Matthew 25:1-13) Jesus conveyed a similar lesson about always being pious in the parable The Alert Servants. (Mark 3:33-37)

Jesus emphasized the value of even a single devote person in the parables about Leaven in Bread (Matthew 13:33, Luke 13:20-21), The Mustard Seed (Matthew 13:31-32, Mark 4:30-32, Luke 13:18-19), The Treasure Hidden in the Field (Matthew 13:44), and The Finding of One Pearl (Matthew 13:45-46). Such a message would not have been understood by the Pharisees. The treasure of a single recruit in God’s eyes was unknown to them. Jesus even said the Pharisees turned a recruit into a child of hell (!). 

Jesus told several parables that involved money, investments, and accounts.  Jesus, who did not have even a denarius, had to talk about money because of the atmosphere of the mammon-loving Pharisees and their obsession with wealth, jewels and riches. This atmosphere was so prevalent that even His own disciples were dumbfounded when Jesus said that it would be very difficult for a rich man to get into heaven.  In one parable, Ten Minas, Jesus talked about the investment return of ten, five, and one talents. (Luke 19:11-27) A similar parable in Matthew, Ten Talents, has the same lessons about making the most of the what God gives each individual. (Matthew 25:14-30)

Weeds Among the Good Seed. This parable was about the end times.  Jesus described how the devil put weeds (the Pharisees) in a cultivated field in the middle of the night. He said that He will let the weeds/Pharisees remain there until the final harvest. (Matthew 13:24-30 & 36-43) Jesus had the same message about the end times in his parable about The Net in the Sea. Jesus told of a catch of fish that must be separated into the good and bad. (Matthew 13:47-50)

Banquet Not Attended. Jesus told this tale about a King whose invited guests had one excuse or another to absent themselves from a specially prepared banquet. The king, angered, disinvited them and had his servants bring anyone off the street to the banquet. It doesn’t take much imagination to see that Jesus was talking about how the Pharisees have disappointed God by being so busy with all their 'excuses' that were unavailable to receive His bounty. (Luke 14:15-24) Jesus told a similar parable in Marriage Feast. (Matthew 22:1-14)

Store Crops. Jesus told this short story to a multitude that undoubtedly included Pharisees. The story was aimed at the Pharisees' covetousness.  He told of a man who had a plentiful harvest and decided to build a bigger barn so he will have ample goods for many years. He planed to eat, drink and be merry.  Jesus said, “But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’  So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God." He went on to explain how the Father always knows all that everyone needs.  Therefore no one need worry. (Luke 12:13-40) Jesus made the same point of God providing what is asked for in The Friend at Midnight. (Luke 11:5-13)

Salt Lost its Taste. This short parable is really only a statement that once salt loses its taste it is worthless. Even though the Pharisees had trouble understanding Jesus’ sayings, the lesson of this parable was obvious. Even the Pharisees would have seen that they were being compared to tasteless salt. (Matthew 5:13, Mark 9:50, Luke 14:34-35)

Barren Fig Tree. In this parable Jesus told of an owner of a vineyard who wished to chop down a tree because it had not produced fruit. His vinedresser asked for one more year during which he would cultivate around the tree. Even the Pharisees could catch the parallels. Jesus meant for all to understand that the vineyard owner representing God was fed up with the Pharisees (tree) who produced no fruit. Jesus, the vinedresser, said he will give try one more time to bring the Pharisees to understand how to produce fruit before the tree is chopped down. (Luke 13:6-9)

Children in the Market. Jesus discussed the perfidy of the Pharisees in this parable. Talking of the contemporary generation, He told of how the Pharisees slandered John the Baptist for having a demon because he ate no bread and drank no wine. Then the Pharisees turned around and slandered Jesus for being a "drunkard and glutton" because he ate and drank. Jesus in the parable both illustrated the Pharisees disregard for the truth and their shameless seizing on anything to attack those bringing the truth. (Matthew 11:16-19, Luke 7:31-35)

Rich Man and Lazarus. Jesus described a rich man who lived well but did not go to heaven. In contrast, Lazarus was a poor, disreputable beggar. Lazarus went to heaven. This story is obviously not a parable that the Pharisees would have told. The rich man pleaded in hell for someone to warn this family and others about what it takes to get to heaven.  In answer Jesus quoted Abraham in heaven saying, “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if some one should rise from the dead.” (Luke 16:19-31) Could there be any doubt that Jesus was referring to the chances of the rich, ritual-bound Pharisees to go to heaven?

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector in the Temple. Jesus related a situation where a Pharisee self-righteously made a prayer thanking God that the Pharisee was not like the tax collector. On the other hand, the tax collector feels completely unworthy and asked God to be merciful. Jesus then said that the exalted with be humbled but he who humbles himself will be exalted. (Luke 18:9-14)


Many books have been written about the meaning and subtleties of the parables. The discussion presented here looks at what Jesus said to and about the Pharisees through the parables.

Jesus devoted his entire ministry to negating the Pharisees' version of piety, and laying the basis for the Pharisees' replacement. He did this to prepare the way for His self-sacrifice for forgiveness of sin and to prepare the way for the maintenance of genuine piety after His departure to the Father.

[The next part of this series will discuss the Pharisees' confrontations with Jesus.]

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Swine Flu Update No 9, in Today's News 06.26.09

Swine Flu. The cryptocracy's campaign to scare everyone into stepping forward for their vaccine continues.

Today's big news item, worth almost an entire column in the Wall Street Journal, concerns a study of ferrets (!) to be published soon by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

So what have they discovered? "In their study of ferrets, which have respiratory systems similar to humans, CDC scientists found the new H1N1 virus could produce slightly more severe illness than a seasonal H1N1 virus...But the new virus didn't spread as easily from one ferret to another..."

And among humans? "CDC officials said Friday they received reports of nearly (?) 6,300 new U.S. cases in the past week...signaling the virus isn't letting up despite summer's arrival." [Emphasis added.]

Further: "Many cases are mild. In addition, there are probably people who have had the virus and didn't know it because they didn't develop symptoms..."

And so how many cases are there? "The Atlanta-based CDC has received reports of 27,717 probable (?!) and laboratory-confirmed U.S. H1N1 cases...but the agency estimates that more than one million people have had the disease in the U.S., a sign that many aren't going to a doctor or being tested for the new flu." [Emphasis added.] How do they know that there are one million? See yesterday's item.

And what does the CDC intend to do about all this? "U.S. government officials and manufacturers are preparing to produce 600 million doses of vaccine for the H1N1 virus, an effort that would dwarf seasonal-flu campaigns..."

To summarize: The virus spreads less easily than the usual virus. The symptoms are negligible, most even don't know they have it. In fact, if the CDC numbers are correct 972,283 people out of 1,000,000 are unaware that they have the virus!!! Yet the CDC is preparing the biggest campaign ever to combat this virus!!

What a boondoggle!!! The CDC builds its organization. The government gets to line everyone up for a shot. The manufacturers make a huge bundle. All around a illness that no one knows they have.

The whole thing is so incredible it is almost hard to believe. It doesn't make any sense, unless you think someone has something up their sleeve. The CDC's constant drumbeat campaign about this nothing illness could lead observers to such a conclusion.  

And what might be up someone's sleeve? Be prepared for the 'discovery' that this virus has changed into something more dangerous. Expect such a 'discovery' just about the time when all the vaccines are manufactured.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Swine Flu Update No 8, in Today's News 06.25.09

Swine Flu. After a lull of a few days, the swine flu campaign is back in the news today. Associated Press: "As many as one million Americans now have swine flu, U.S. health officials said Thursday..."

And so, how do they know this? "Lyn Finelli, a flu surveillance official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, made the one million estimate...The number is from mathematical modeling, based on surveys by health officials."

No need evidently to do it the old fashioned way, to actually count the number. No it is so much easier to make a model, throw in a few assumptions, and bingo, you have the number you want -- one million.

And just what is a 'flu surveillance official'? Would such a thing exist if big things weren't planned? Anyone want to bet that sometime this fall, the 'health officials' will discover that the swine flu has morphed into something much more dangerous? One can't say for sure that this is the planned scenario, but it looks ominously likely.

Bernanke, in Today's News 06.26.09

Bernanke. WSJ front-page four-column top headline: "Bernanke Blasted in House." Further: "Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke faced open hostility from lawmakers who barraged him during a Congressional hearing over his handling of the financial crisis and the central bank's role in reshaping the banking system. Setting aside the deferential tone usually reserved for Fed Chairmen..."

The members of Congress are not original thinkers and they are not leaders of men by any stretch of the imagination. For the most part, they are sycophants and addicted to doing the expedient. So when a gaggle of them 'blasts' the main front- man for the Federal Reserve, you have to know something is up. Not a one of them would do such a thing without having been told to do it.

It seems there is a body of opinion among the bank owners that Bernanke may be more trouble than he is worth. They are generally unhappy with Bernanke's performance during the economic crisis. He did what he was told, of course, but he suffers from a lack of elan and charisma. He could have pulled off his assignment with so much greater finesse. Instead of disarming protestors, he aggravated them (out of incompetence, not intentionally) and set the whole country into an uproar. This outcome was not what the wealth owners had in mind. They were required to set in motion all kinds of fire-fighting to overcome Bernanke's mis-steps.

It is impossible to say if the wealth owners are ready to dump Bernanke or whether all this is just a warning to him to shape up. There was speculation a few days ago over whether Obama would replace Bernanke. This talk too would not have occurred without the bank owners prompting it and unless they were seriously considering getting rid of Bernanke. So, we will have to wait and see.

MIchael Jackson, in Today's News 06.26.09

Michael Jackson. The media coverage of Michael Jackson's demise is unconscionable and hypocritical.

This commentator had to sit in a car dealer waiting room today trapped in front of the television for a couple of hours during the morning talk shows. Incredibly no other news was covered, only Michael Jackson. Even Farrah Fawcett was slighted. One would think that a major figure in world history, nay universe history, had passed away. And then the coverage was all adulation. Not a word of Jackson's scandalous past, including his being charged with sexual abuse of children.

If a well-known Catholic priest who had been accused of sexual abuse of children died suddenly, the media would only talk about the dark spot in the priest's background. Michael Jackson dies and nary a word of his dark past is spoken. Just the opposite, he is elevated to a great cultural icon. 

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Iran, in Today's News 06.25.09

Iran. The media seems all enthralled by an alleged 'toughening' by President Obama toward Iran in the last few days. As usual the media provides no insights whatsoever; it just repeats what the White House tells them.

Nothing much has changed re: Iran. The US is simply taking advantage of the post-election situation in Iran to score a few propaganda points. The basic orientation of the US toward Iran remains, which is to engage them in diplomatic busy work until the US is ready to take more aggressive action. Israel's orientation remains to attack Iran militarily at the first opportunity. Obama's new rhetoric can have the effect of making Israel feel a little closer to its goal, but Israel knows that US will not budge on military action until it is ready. (Or until the US is forced into action by some unforeseen event.) 

Monday, June 22, 2009

Swine Flu Update No 7, in Today's News 06.22.09

Swine Flu. If anyone doubts that the cryptocracy has plans for a flu epidemic this fall, just watch the constant, daily drumbeat of news and warnings that appear in the nation's media concerning swine flu.  

In the last seven days, articles have appeared warning medical personnel that they must take adequate protection from swine flu and warning pregnant women that they are in danger.

Today we have the warning to the corporate world.  Dr. Amin Mawani, associate professor of health industry management at Schulich School of Business at Toronto's York University, has an opinion piece today in the Wall Street Journal, "Fever, Chills...(sic) and Loses: More Companies Should Be Preparing for an Influenza Pandemic".

His article asks, "If the probability of a pandemic is significant and the adverse impact can be alleviated, why aren't more companies racing (!) to prepare?" [Emphasis added.]

He tries to scare the hell out of the corporate world, "It is estimated that 15% to 30% of employees would stay home during such a pandemic due to illness, family-care responsibilities and fear of being infected at work. The result would be to cripple operations and disrupt global supply chains. As in the credit crisis, the fallout likely would spread rapidly because of how connected the world's economies are." [Emphasis added.]

"The good news is that employee absenteeism -- and its financial toll on employers -- may be controlled to a large extent with adequate planning and stockpiling of antiviral medication, masks and gowns."

Mawani runs through various arguments about why preparation is good business. He also argues against caving in to the inevitable difficulties that corporations may face.

And if the corporate world doesn't get the message, here is the kicker, "Being unprepared carries risks, even legal ones...To the extent that identifying and assessing pandemic risks becomes a generally accepted practice within the corporate community, those who are unprepared may be found to be negligent, and therefore liable to stockholders, in the event a pandemic occurs." (!!!!!) [Emphasis added.]

So to summarize: the swine flu epidemic planned for this fall could bring the world economy to its knees. Corporations had better prepare to minimize the problems. And by the way, those who don't prepare had better be ready to defend themselves in court.

What we are witnessing is a very well planned and carefully orchestrated campaign to scare everyone to ensure that the flu epidemic will be a successful one. Success being if great masses of the population line up for their flu shot when they are told to. The cryptocracy is putting much effort into this exercise. It must mean a great deal to them. It all falls under the category of training the people to be sheep and to be docile followers of orders.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Swine Flu Update No 6, in Today's News 06.21.09

Swine Flu. Today's scare-o-gram from those planning the autumn swine flu epidemic concerns pregnant women. 

The Tribune Newspapers and the Associated Press: "Flu can be especially dangerous in pregnant women, particularly during the third trimester: And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization recently warned that pregnancy may be a risk factor for contracting H1N1 swine flu, which has reached pandemic levels."

Note the quote says 'may be a risk factor.' And so, then again it may not be a risk factor. Who's to say?

The CDCP and the WHO and others keep planting these little seeds of fear. Their plan is to reap a big harvest of people fearing for their lives when the health organizations declare the swine flu has morphed into the big one in the fall/winter of this year. The goal is to have everyone line up for their inoculation like good little boys and girls.

See previous swine flu updates for more complete explanations of the cryptocracy's plans regarding swine flu.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

World Government, in Today's News 06.20.09

World Government. The cryptocracy keeps trying to take a decisive step toward world government. Any little step would be okay by them. All that is needed is for some agency to be given authority over individual nations. 

The primary obstacle for the cryptocracy is what they see as provincialism. It is particularly galling to the cryptocracy when their own employees exhibit such provincialism, as in today's case. 

Yesterday the European Union tried to set up a European Systemic Risk Council. This group would assess financial entities. The goal was for the Risk Council to make financial-sector rescues of companies in any European country deemed to be a risk to the EU economy. Such power is exactly what the cryptocracy was looking to establish.

It didn't work out that way. Yet. WSJ: "But, largely due to pressure from the United Kingdom, the body [the risk council] would only be advisory. Final decisions on financial-sector rescues would rest with the national governments called on to fund them."

Quite a disappointment, especially when the pressure to water down the proposal came from Rothschild-land, the United Kingdom.

But all is not compromised. French President Nicolas Sarkozy: "We've created a new EU institution from scratch...We could have gone further, but I believe that it will widen [its powers] through experience and practice, the way it's always happened." The WSJ comments, "EU institutions and policies have often begun small and gathered powers over time."

Ah yes, the cryptocracy in action. They just keep working the system until they get what they want, all the while never telling the public what the ultimate goal is.

POSTSCRIPT, 06.21.09.  An alternate explanation for the above is that the Rothschild interests were worried about continental Europeans, who the Rothschilds have less confidence in, interfering in the Rothschild-English-banking empire via the Risk Council. Thus Rothschilds  decided to hold off on empowering the Risk Council until they are better assured that it will be in their control and work in their interests.

The real explanation may be something else. Who knows? The cryptocracy secrecy makes it difficult to know. The main point, however, is that a key step toward the world government was delayed.

Friday, June 19, 2009

World Government, in Today's News 06.19.09

World Government. If anyone thinks the goal of world government is a long-term goal of the cryptocracy and doesn't have much immediate impact, think again.

Today's WSJ has an opinion piece by one Peter Mandelson. Mandelson is Britain's business secretary. He was also the EU Trade Commissioner from 2004 to 2008. IOW, he is a key player for the cryptocracy.

What does he have to say? "We need much greater global coordination of financial regulation, facing up to systemic risk and ensuring that market participants are not able to play one regulatory jurisdiction against another...the only way to preserve a global growth model based on the huge benefits of dynamic markets is to regulate it better."

What brings this all about? "But what enabled the banking crisis to happen was a structural imbalance in the growth model of the global economy over the last two decades." The WSJ summarizes in a head: "The crisis reveals the weakness of nation-based regulation."

So there you have it. To paraphrase: Nations that only regulate themselves 'enabled' the banking crisis. Obviously what is needed is some form of global regulation of national economies; a global regulation that has bite.

One key cryptocrat or another is always publicizing this theme. What is missing so far is a concrete proposal on how to achieve the regulation. That will be coming.

Swine Flu Update No.5, in Today's News 06.19.09

Swine Flu. The drumbeat continues. Everyday some unidentified source is presenting a new item on swine flu. The purpose is to accustom the public to hearing about the possibility of an epidemic. Just a little bit of sub-liminal programming.

Today's item concerns health-care workers. WSJ: "The first study of U.S. health-care workers with swine flu found that many didn't do enough to protect themselves against the virus. Researchers focused on 13 nurses and other health-care workers who were likely infected at the work in the early days of the U.S. outbreak. They found that only half always wore gloves, and even fewer routinely wore other protection around patients who might have the virus."

Now this just won't do. If we are going to have a world-wide epidemic this fall, the health-care workers are going to have to take it more seriously. How can the world be taught to fear for their lives if the health-care workers are so uninterested?

A few comments about this 'study'. First, the authors are not identified. Second, the 'study' involved all of thirteen subjects. Third, only six or seven (half the subjects) were found to do practices displeasing to the authors. Fourth, the subjects were 'likely' infected at work. Then again maybe they weren't. Were they even infected? Fifth, the authors are complaining about practices around patients 'who might have the virus.' IOW, the patients could have been perfectly healthy.

As far as studies go, this is garbage. The point seems to be a warning to medical personnel that they have a crucial role to play in the big events to come this fall, and they had better do what they are supposed to do, or else. The news release also serves the purpose of keeping the swine flu subject in the public arena. 

Economic Reform, in Today's News 06.18.09

Economic Reform. Obama's vaunted overhaul of finance rules finally made into the light of day. The package of proposed legislation if adopted will further institute a government-run economy and mark a turning point in world history.

WSJ: "President Barack Obama urged policy makers to rewrite the rules governing U.S. finance, unveiling far-reaching proposals that would affect nearly every aspect of banking and markets."

If you desire a soviet-style economy and if you really want government regulation of every aspect of the economy and life, then to start the ball rolling this is the legislation for you.

"A new agency would regulate financial products for consumers, such as mortgages. There would be rules to mitigate booms and busts, a goal often sought but rarely reached.  The U.S.. would gain powers to take over tottering financial giants and supervise firms that could pose a threat to financial stability, even those that don't own banks. Executive compensation and hedge funds would face more scrutiny. Bank regulation would be streamlined somewhat. Financial firms would be required to hold more capital."

And in the center of it all is the privately-owned Federal Reserve. "The Federal Reserve would become the nation's most powerful financial overseer...The proposal, if passed, would represent one of the biggest changes ever in the Fed's role. The central bank would win power to monitor risks across the financial system, and sweeping authority to examine any firm that could threaten financial stability, even if the Fed wouldn't normally supervise the institution. The nation's biggest and most interconnected firms would be subject to heightened oversight by the central bank." (Emphasis added.)

So stop to think about this. The owners of the world's wealth through their control of the banks and through them the Fed now will have virtually unlimited power to direct the nation's economy in their interests. If some company doesn't do as it is told, the company will now be subject to the Fed's disciplinary powers, including taking over the company a la General Motors.

All this was but a dream for the bankers who conspired to set up the Fed in the first place. Their great plan was that someday in the distant future the Fed could evolve into the central planner for the nation's economy. Well, now they almost have it. All that stands in their way is the legislative process, which will probably tame the powers down a bit, but will leave the essential.

This development is a major, major change in the history of the world. And it is certainly a big step away from a world that looks to God for its direction. Will the Church leaders have anything to say about this? Dubious. Do the Church leaders even recognize what is occurring before their very eyes? Dubious.

Swine Flu Update No 4, in Today's News 06.18.09

Swine Flu. Christopher Viehbacher, Chief Executive of drug-maker Sanofi-Aventis, yesterday announced that his company would donate millions of doses of swine-flu vaccine to the World Health Organization. GlaxoSmithKline PLC has said it will donate 50 million doses.

Translation: We are going to make such a pile of money on this vaccine that we can afford to give away millions of doses in the expectation of making even more money from the publicity.

But the key revelation here is that there are so many doses of this vaccine in production that various companies can toss around 50 or 100 million of the doses as if it is almost routine.

Companies don't invest enormous amounts of money in the production of this vaccine in such huge numbers unless they are sure of a return on that investment. IOW, someone who knows and has the power is telling these companies that the market for their product is assured. Which means, of course, that those in the know are organizing and planning for a substantial flu epidemic in the fall and winter of this year. And if they know that the epidemic is going to occur, they also know how it is going to occur.

Bottom line: a very large event is being set up, and it is being set up behind the back of the world's population. This is the very definition of the cryptocracy. It does everything in secret. Concealment is its MO.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Iran, in Today's News 06.17.09

Iran. It is difficult to say something meaningful and accurate about the post-election demonstrations in Iran because sources of actual fact are lost in the media frenzy. Michael Hoffman has an article today on the media's hypocrisy in relation to Iran.  It may be read here.  

Here are some random comments on the situation:

First, demonstrations like this don't just occur. Even if there is popular support for a cause, it takes organization by someone(s) to bring off and sustain the demonstrations. The media doesn't report who these someone's are. The media confines itself to reporting that the supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi, the defeated candidate, are attending. But who brought them out demonstrating? Was it Mousavi? Not likely because if he were so capable of mobilizing people, it would have been seen earlier.

Second, the media is so biased that it is impossible to determine how much genuine popular support there is. As far as the media is concerned these demonstrations are the biggest 'uprising' since Tiananmen Square. Of course, that event also had some question marks. Heretofore President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has enjoyed wide popular support.

Third, it now becomes a little clearer why the United States was anxious to hold off Israel on an attack on Iran. If the American leaders had some inkling that such demonstrations were going to occur, it is far wiser to promote the demonstrations than to cut them off by military attack.

Fourth, there is always the consideration of who benefits. Mousavi probably will benefit, although there is a lot of water to flow under that bridge yet. The biggest benefactors so far are those who want to cause trouble or overthrow the regime in Iran. Those benefactors, of course, are the United States and Israel.

Fifth, the demonstrations have a remarkable similarity to such events in the Ukraine and Georgia. It is now recognized that the CIA and George Soros-funded forces were quite active in those countries at the time. It will take time to see if the same is true in the Iranian events.

Sixth, the charge of election fraud seems a little weak. After all Ahmadinejad won the election by a 2-1 margin, an enormous amount. Even if there were fraud it would take a giant effort, easily discernible, to create such a winning margin. No such fraud seems evident, and the accusers are remarkably short on details of the supposed fraud. Every election has some fraud, even in the United States (sarcasm). But a little fraud is not going to change a 2-1 margin very much.

The post-election demonstrations in Iran are one of those events where it will take time to determine what really occurred and what it represents. We have to wait for the sources that the media ignores to find their voice to the public.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Financial Regulations Ready for Prime Time, in Today's News 06.15.09

Financial Regulations. WSJ: "Barack Obama is expected Wednesday to propose the most sweeping reorganization of financial-market supervision since the 1930s, a revamp that would touch almost every corner of banking..."

Obama has backed off a bit on his goals, but his proposal still goes a long way to institutionalizing a government-run economy. "At the center of the a move to remake powers of the Federal Reserve to oversee the biggest financial players, give the government the power to unwind and break up systematically important companies...and create a new regulator for consumer-oriented financial products..."

Why is this being done? "Administration officials say their goal is to make it less likely the economy will ever again teeter on the brink of collapse by giving policy makers more tools to arrest a crisis the next time one occurs." Remember the slogan, 'the war to end all wars'? Such slogans and verbage are a favored cryptocracy tactic: create a fear, propose a 'solution' that will supposedly end the fear forever, and under the cover of the 'solution' put through changes that will benefit the cryptocracy. In this case, ending crises has nothing to do with it, except to provide a rationale. Here's what is really at stake: the central owners of the world's wealth are attempting to set up a system that gives them far more control of the nation's economy.

How will it work? "[Administration officials] envision a less volatile marketplace where banks are take fewer risks that have the potential to destabilize the economy. Hedge funds would be forced to register with the government and may face federal supervision...Mortgages and other consumer products would be monitored by a new watchdog, and there would be global transparency rules over exotic financial instruments." The cryptocracy doesn't care about a 'less volatile marketplace'. What they want is control of the market so that nobody can do things to damage their wealth production, much as some of the hedge funds (not under the cryptocracy's direct control) were able to do before the economic crisis.

The key part of all this is the empowerment of the Federal Reserve, a private entity owned by the largest banks, which in turn are owned by the world's richest families. "The Fed will likely have the power to set capital and liquidity requirements for the U.S.'s largest financial companies and scour the books of a wide range of firms." IOW via the Fed, the wealth owners will be regulating themselves. How do you think that will work out?

IOW, this 'reform' is nothing short of a power grab by the world's wealthiest individuals and families to gain exclusive control over the economy. In effect, they are establishing themselves as the board of directors for all the major companies in the American economy. Does it remind anyone of the politburo as head of all enterprises in the Soviet Union?

Where is all this going? "[Treasury Secretary] Mr. Geithner said...'We need a level playing field globally, or the effectiveness of our national safeguards against risk will be undermined.'" (!!!!!) So the American reform is just a step to 'globalizing' the control by the cryptocracy. Hang on!!! It is going to become very interesting!

Israel Offers Two State-Plan, in Today's News 06.15.09

Israel Offers Two-State Plan. Don't get too excited about Israel making a change in policy. This 'offer' is just a way to get the United States off Israel's back on the new settlements question. Then the attention can be turned to Iran.

WSJ: "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...said he would accept a Palestinian state as long as it was demilitarized and had limited governing powers." IOW, Israel is not for a Palestinian state, but the rhetoric sounds pretty for the benefit of Obama. Naturally the Palestinian angrily rejected this 'offer.'

Israel's prime objective is to take out Iran. What is going on here is an attempt to maneuver the United States into being a willing and enthusiastic accomplice right now without delay.

Swine Flu Update III, in Today's News

Swine Flu. Don't look now but the cryptocracy has big plans for everyone this fall. The WSJ reports today, "The world's biggest drug companies have started producing vaccines against the H1N1 virus and expect the first doses to be available by the fall. Many western countries have ordered millions of doses, at a cost of more than $1 billion." (Emphasis added.) "In the U.K., which has ordered enough vaccine to cover much of its population..."

Aside from the fact that these drug companies are making a bundle on a not-very-risky flu bug, it looks like the cryptocracy is gearing up to see if they can persuade the world's population to line up for their shot. They've tried this before and failed. But this time they are preparing more and appear to be ready to carry through.

The goal is to induce the world's population (especially the western world) to become accustomed to the idea of being inoculated whenever the government says so. It matters not what the inoculation is for, the important thing is to train everyone to be docile and obey orders. When this goal is achieved the cryptocracy can consider bigger things such as 'inoculating' with tranquilizers and other control substances.

Postscript: The campaign to scare everyone regarding a fall flu epidemic has begun in earnest. The New Scientist Magazine has an article by one Debora MacKenzie titled, "Swine flu: Are we ready for an autumn outbreak?" Her article appeared in many papers today.

"Flu pandemics historically come in waves, often getting worse as they go. The deadly one of 1918, which was also the last H1N1 pandemic, did just that."

MacKenzie's article then goes on for many paragraphs discussing 1918 and the preparations for this year's pandemic.

The subliminal message is, since flu's sometimes get worse and since people die from the flu, everyone should be thinking inoculation. 

Mark Whitney on the Economic Crisis

Economic Crisis. Mark Whitney has written an informative article on the background to the economic crisis and the current efforts to finance $1 trillion in debt. His insights can be helpful in gaining a better understanding of the current economy. His article may be read here.

Paul Craig Roberts on Hate Crimes and Anti-Semitism

Hate Crimes and Anti-Semitism. Paul Craig Roberts has written a must-read article on pending hate-crimes legislation and anti-semitism. Roberts describes well what the future may bring in the United States. His article deserves the widest possible circulation. It may be read here.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bank of America, in Today's News 06.12.09

Bank of America update. It appears that the cryptocracy is backing off from its plan to oust Kenneth Lewis, Chief Executive at Bank of America.

The cryptocracy had hauled Lewis before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform for an inquisition. But Lewis stood his ground, and explained how the government had threatened to remove him if the BoA reneged on the deal to buy Merrill Lynch. He managed to bring into the open the machinations of Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman, and Paulson, then Treasury Secretary. Lewis subsequently made a statement to try to smooth things over: (WSJ) "'I would say they strongly advised and they spoke in strong terms, but I think it was with the best intentions,' Mr. Lewis said."

A pretty fair performance in the face of the attack Lewis faced. The result: "Federal Reserve officials also have concluded it would be unwise to force out Mr. Lewis now, said people familiar with the situation."

The cryptocracy doesn't always get their way and they hate the light of day shinning on their secret doings. In this case, the retreat doesn't amount to much because Lewis is supportive of the cryptocracy's intentions. All that the was involved here was disagreement on how to handle Merrill Lynch, and on Mr. Lewis' having the temerity to challenge the wisdom of the central planners. The problem seems to have been papered over for the time being.

Maurice Pinay Blog on the Shooting at the US Holocaust Museum

Shooting at Holocaust Museum. The author of the Maurice Pinay blog has an item worth reading on the shooting at the US Holocaust Museum. It may be read here.

Window Laws, in Today's News 06.11.09

Window Laws. Appeasement seldom works. It usually only encourages the aggressor to be even more aggressive. Such is the case of the Catholic Church's appeasement in its handling of the sex-abuse scandals in the United States. The failure of the Church leaders to recognize a full blown attack on the reputation of the Church, to roll over and play dead, and then to hand over millions and millions of dollars has only whetted the appetite of those out to get the Church.

Now the Church leaders face the new escalation of the scandal in the form of "window laws" which attempt to bypass statute of limitation laws.  WSJ: "But triggered by high-profile scandals of abuse at the hand of Catholic priests, some of which occurred decades ago, a few states have seen the need for 'window laws' that temporarily open the courts again to allow past grievances to be remedied through civil actions, although not criminal prosecutions."

And so now the Church leaders are forced to fight a rear-guard action to prevent the adoption of a clearly unconstitutional law that further imperils the Church with allegations that are virtually impossible to disprove given the passage of decades of time. "Defense attorneys say many of the abuse cases that were brought in California and now in Delaware name perpetrators and religious superiors who are dead or retired. The only point, says some attorneys, is to wrench money from the Catholic Church. 'It's almost impossible to defend the cases,' says Mark Chopko, the former counsel for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops..." (Emphasis added.)

The only reason the Church leaders find themselves attempting to stop the 'window laws' is because the opposition sees the leaders as easy marks. The trial lawyers have already extracted enormous amounts of money from the Church without much of a fight by the Church leaders. Why not go for more? Why not see if they can break the Church's finances and reputation?

The accommodationist policies of the Church leaders, adopted primarily out of Vatican II, lead to messes like this. The way things are going, it is going to have to take divine intervention to get the Church leaders to remember and act on the words of Jesus (Matthew 10:26), "Behold I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves." (!!!!!) 

Israel and Iran, in Today's News 06.11.09

Israel and Iran. When we left off from this saga the United States had made clear to Israel that the US is not interested in a direct confrontation with Iran at this time. The Obama administration has enough to do to prevent Pakistan and 
Afghanistan from deteriorating further. Delay in taking on Iran, of course, doesn't hold much interest for Israel. They prefer now. And so, the US has to worry about Israel taking action on their own that would force the US into the confrontation.

Today's WSJ has an opinion piece by John R. Bolton of the American Enterprise Institute titled, "What if Israel Strikes Iran?". The article is mostly a discussion of possible retaliations by Iran in case of an Israeli attack. He then concludes by pointing out that the longer Israel waits to attack the more difficult Israel's predicament becomes.

"Although there is no profit now in complaining that Israel should have struck during the Bush years, the missed opportunity is palpable. For the remainder of Mr. Obama's term, uncertainty about his administration's support for Israel will continue to dog Israeli governments and complicate their calculations. Iran will see that as well, and play it for all it's worth. This is yet another reason why Israel's risks and dilemmas, difficult as they are, only increase with time."

Bolton and Israel need have no worries about US support. There is complete agreement on attacking Iran, just a disagreement on when. But, Bolton's article makes a case for action alone by Israel now. He writes to do otherwise only complicates Israel's situation. IOW, the longer Israel waits, the more difficult the eventual attack becomes.

This, of course, is a nightmare for Obama and company. They really dislike the possibility of their freedom of action being taking away by unilateral Israeli action. The American intelligence apparatus therefore is probably working overtime to try to detect any Israeli preparations.

It has happened before and could happen in this situation, that the Israeli preparations (which could included the usual blackmail, intimidation, and bribery) can sway the US to go along with the Israeli plans. So far the US is resisting, using a complaint about Israeli settlements to keep Israel on the defensive.

But, this situation is volatile and could change at any time.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bank of America, in Today's News 06.11.09

Bank of America. Today's news reveals a little of the reason for the cryptocracy's drive to undermine Kenneth Lewis, BoA Chief Executive. (See previous commentary on this issue here.)

The WSJ today quotes a number of statements and emails that indicate the central planners (Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke and then Treasurer Secretary Paulson) were near-apoplectic about Lewis' attempt to back out of the purchase of Merrill Lynch, which Bernanke, Paulson and others had pressured BoA to undertake.

Lewis is now finding out that it isn't wise to get cross-wise with the cryptocracy on one of their high priority projects. The cryptocracy doesn't forget and now Lewis will have to pay the consequences for his temerity.  

Pay Czar, in Today's News 06.11.09

Pay Czar. WSJ: "The Obama administration scrapped the $500,000 salary cap it proposed for executives at firms receiving large amounts of federal assistance but appointed a pay czar to review, reject and even set pay levels -- with no appeal." (!!!) (Emphasis added.)

"...the new 'special master for compensation' will have broad authority over compensation for senior executives and top 100 earners at American International Group inc, Bank of America corp, Citigroup inc, General Motors Corp, GMAC LLC, Chrysler LLC, and Chrysler Financial." 

The sovietization of the American economy continues. Central planners in Washington now dictate major decisions and pay guidelines for some of the most important corporations. And on the pay question there is no appeal to the planners decisions! Lenin, Stalin and all of them couldn't have arranged their control better.

BTW, the pay oversight is not the key for the cryptocracy. What they are after is a control measure to ensure that their chief executives toe the line on implementing the cryptocracy's desires.

Swine Flu, in Today's News 06.11.09

Swine Flu. WSJ: "The World Health Organization will hold an emergency meeting on Thursday as the H1N1 swine flu virus continues to spread around the globe, increasing the likelihood a pandemic will be declared. But the United Nations public-health agency also stressed that the influenza strain, which it characterizes as 'moderate' in severity, doesn't appear to have grown more virulent in recent weeks..." "As of Wednesday, WHO reported 27,737 confirmed cases of the virus in 74 countries, including 141 deaths."

What's going on? The WHO is about to declare a pandemic for a moderate risk flu strain that is not growing more virulent!! For reference purposes, it should be noted that the garden variety of flu has an average of 300,000 cases in any given year, and about 30,000 deaths.

The answer as to why this campaign is being continued rests elsewhere. Last week the new head of the Center for Disease Control in his inaugural address said his first priority would be preparing for an epidemic of the swine flu later this year.

In other words, the WHO's continued panic-mongering is only a trial run for the big event this fall and winter.

And what is the purpose of this fall's epidemic? Daniel Henninger, a WSJ Editorial Page Deputy Editor, has an opinion piece in today's WSJ on swine flu. He is indirectly critical of the WHO for promoting panic. "We need to keep cool about this flu because there are opportunities to put in place a genuinely effective response for the big one in our future. Notably by building a new vaccine." He continues about how several recombinant vaccines are in development. 

Basically Henninger is saying that all the panic-mongering is wasted because the real task is create sufficient quantities of an effective vaccine.

And this gets us to the real purpose of all this. If you have a flu pandemic and you have a vaccine, then the obvious thing to do is to vaccinate everyone. The cryptocracy has made a number of runs at convincing everyone that they need to be inoculated. So far the campaigns haven't worked. But the project of getting humanity used to the idea of receiving their medicinal shot remains a high priority for the cryptocracy.

So be prepared for what is coming this fall. Whether the cryptocracy launches this campaign remains to be seen, but certainly it is being actively prepared at this very moment.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Former Chief of AT&T to Become GM Chairman, in Today's News 06.10.09

Former Chief of AT&T to Become GM Chairman. WSJ: "Edward Whitacre Jr., who turned AT&T Corp into world's largest telecommunications company, will become chairman of General Motors Corp. when the company leaves bankruptcy...Mr. Whitacre's selection, made by Treasury Department officials [!!] comes as GM and the government race to reshape GM's culture after it ran out of money in December and entered bankruptcy protection last week. Mr. Whitacre's bulldozing style and attention to detail contrast with a GM boardroom criticized for being overly supportive of underperforming executives and unwilling to press for accountability."

Two comments:

1). If someone had left the country a year or so ago and had no access to the news, he/she would feel like they are in never-never land upon reading the above. How far the country has come in so short a period of time. Companies used to be their own boss until the economic crisis and the direct intervention of the Obama people on behalf of the cryptocracy. Now a company like GM can't even choose its own officers. The government-controlled economy has arrived. The government appointing company chairmen is no different at all from how the Soviet Union functioned.

2). Here's the irony. The Democrats, who like to pride themselves as being a 'friend of the working person', are bringing in a hard-nosed company man to run GM!! This move is priceless because it graphically illustrates what the liberals' priorities really are. All the liberal talk is for the most part just that, talk. The real commitment is to the goals of the cryptocracy.