Tuesday, July 28, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 24, in Today's News 07.28.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. Wall Street Journal page D3 headline today: "Why School Closures May Not Ward Off Flu."

From the article: "The authors [of an infectious disease study] suggested that governments could reduce transmissions [of the flu bug] more effectively by basing closures [of schools] across regions on early epidemiological signs of a pandemic, but they warned that such a system would likely close more schools than strictly necessary."

The cognizatti have known for some time that the plan was to close schools this fall to get the flu scare really rolling. But this plan hasn't been made public in any significant way. So the author of WSJ article is letting the cat out of the bag here, but also is revealing more details about the plans of the scare-campaign directors.

We now know that if some kid in Atlanta gets the sniffles, the plan is to close all the schools in Georgia, or maybe if some restraint is exercised, all the schools in Atlanta.

All this for a flu that has symptoms that are not as severe as everyday flu.

The cryptocracy and their health employees want very much to scare the dickens out of the public this fall.

Pakistan Refugee Crisis, in Today's News 07.27.09

Pakistan Refugee Crisis. One doesn't know what to say about the latest stage of one of the world's worst refugee crises.

The United States pushed Pakistan to wage their military assault in the Swat Valley in Pakistan. This action quickly produced two million refugees who overwhelmed the government of Pakistan and the relief agencies of the United Nations. The United States did very little to relieve the crisis and the media found the crisis unworthy of any significant coverage.

Now Pakistan has let about 350,000 people return through checkpoints to their homes. And now, we're supposed to think this is a big victory!!

Not a word about the hardships these people faced, having left homes and work to live in a sweltering camp with little food and water.

The cruelty of the cryptocracy is almost beyond description.

Government-Controlled Economy, in Today's News 07.27.09

Government-Controlled Economy.  Wall Street Journal page one headline today: "U.S. Pay Czar To Rework Contracts Deemed High" (!!!!!)

Well, they came close, only missed by 100 years or so. They meant to say "Commissar" not "Czar". 

"The role of the government in settling pay is reaching a pivotal moment. Seven banks and industrial companies that received significant bailouts must submit proposals for their compensation packages by Aug. 13.: Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp, American International Group Inc., General Motors Co., Chrysler Corp., Chrysler Financial and GMAC Financial Services Inc."

Central Executive Officers do not deserve sympathy, but try to imagine this: You are a CEO, you've devoted your life to a company, you've worked hard to be in the position you're in, you hired a team of people around you, you know them and what they can accomplish and contribute, and you put in much effort to ensure they get the pay that is appropriate.

Now comes along some bureaucrat who knows nothing about this history, knows nothing about your business, and knows nothing about your company. And now this bureaucrat is going to tell you how much to pay everyone, and in effect, is going to tell you how to run your company!!!

All this would have been unthinkable just two years ago!!!

Yet here we are, well on the road to an organization of the economy that very much resembles that of the former Soviet Union. 

It appears the cryptocracy is very, very serious about establishing this central government control of the economy. They did not tell us this was coming and they don't tell us now what the motivation is. Secrecy and manipulation are their method of operation.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 23, in Today's News 07.25.09

H1N1 (Swine)Flu. Well, what do you know? The Vatican finally did something that displays some good judgement. It's not perfect but it is a start!

The Juy 24 issue of the Vatican newspaper, L 'Osservatore Romano, has an interview with Dr. Giovanni Rocchi, a professor specializing in infectious diseases. He says the Vatican has avoided an alarmist [!] approach to dealing with the H1N1 virus based on the "serious, careful and balanced observation of data coming from the World Health Organization."

He and the Vatican, it seems, don't understand that this is just a scare campaign by the cryptocracy, but at least they are not being stampeded into joining in on the plans to panic the public.

Such a stance is not pleasing to the cryptocracy. If they had their way, the Vatican would be mobilizing its faithful to be really, really scared. And at the first sign of flu symptoms, parishes, schools, etc. should be closed. Also, the cryptocracy would be very pleased if the Vatican suspended public gatherings such as Papal addresses and audiences. The use of Church facilities to administer the vaccine would certainly be appreciated by the scare-campaign directors.

So, we will see what happens. The flu pandemic campaign directors cannot leave things with the Church as an unenthusiastic participant. You can bet that influence is being brought to bear on the Vatican from any number of sources to change its policy. And change it now.

Israel, in Today's News 07.25.09

Israel. The Zionists are getting a little testy about the Obama administration's policy toward Israel.

First some sixteen Zionist leader met with Obama to express their concern (and make veiled threats). (See here.) Now in today's Wall Street Journal appears an opinion piece by the editor of the quarterly journal of the Foreign Policy Research Institute.

The article is meant as a further warning to Obama. "Mr. Netanyahu was sworn in as Israel's Prime Minister on March 31. Shortly thereafter, the Obama administration confronted Israel's new leader in a very public way regarding Israeli settlements in the West Bank...This was an extremely unusual way for an American president to greet the new leader of a liberal democracy that's a close ally of the U.S."

Obama is an old, old friend of the Zionists. But his maneuvering around the mideast issues (Palestine, Iran, militant Muslim-ism) is making the Israelis very nervous.

And if the past is any indication, you better know what you are doing if you are going to irritate the Zionists.

Hillary Clinton, in Today's News 07.25.09

Hillary Clinton. Clinton has certainly elevated the level of diplomatic discourse recently. (Sarcasm)

Clinton got the ball rolling by calling the North Koreans "small children" demanding attention. Now the North Koreans have responded by calling Clinton a "funny lady" who sometimes "looks like a primary school girl and sometimes a pensioner going shopping."

Yes indeed, Mrs. Clinton is making a new level of contribution to international discourse: name-calling!!

None of this is worth mentioning, except it has entertainment value which is something you can always count on the Clintons to provide.

Incidentally, today's Wall Street Journal has a big page A9 spread on Clinton's plans to lead on foreign policy.

The WSJ comments in paragraph two, "But the emerging structure of the Obama administration's foreign-policy team could challenge the secretary's [Clinton's] influence on some of the pressing issues Washington faces in the coming months."

That's a diplomatic way of saying she is on the outs, and will remain so. The only purpose in having Clinton be the Secretary of State is to keep better track of her and to eliminate any challenges by her.

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 22, in Today's News 07.24.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. Someone screwed up in the central planning department of the H1N1 flu scare campaign.

The planners had the whole flu pandemic all scheduled out with roles allocated to various entities to promote the scare. Then someone noticed that the time needed to test the new vaccine will take too long and will mess up the schedule.

What to do? What to do?

Simple. Just have the Food and Drug Administration approve the vaccine without the testing! No problem is too big for the manipulators at cryptocracy-central! 

Today's Wall Street Journal page A3: "In the U.S., a federal advisory panel said the FDA should move ahead to approve or license the new H1N1 vaccine without waiting to receive data from clinical trials to test its safety and efficacy."

Well, that takes care of that!! There's only one problem. How are you going to convince people that the flu bug is very, very serious when you're attitude toward using the vaccine is anything but serious???

Oh well, that problem can be solved also. Any day now they will announce that the flu bug has changed to something more problematic and therefore everyone should be really scared and run out and get their vaccine that the government is graciously providing.


A note of warning: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's advisory panel will meet next week to make recommendations about how to mount the vaccine campaign. 

Anyone paying attention will know that the decision has already been made: the target will be school-age children, who are perhaps the easiest group, along with their young parents, to panic. That's just to get the panic-ball rolling in the rest of the population.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 21, in Today's News 07.23.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. Today's news brings us a new player in the H1N1 flu scare-scam: the National Institutes of Health. We haven't heard from them up to now, but it appears their assigned role is to convince the public that the H1N1 vaccine is safe. And so, they are asking for volunteers to test the vaccine.

An Associated Press release has a revealing quote: "The new swine flu strain is part of the H1N1 family of influenza viruses. We're used to that family. Some strain of H1N1 has been included in regular influenza vaccine for 33 years..." Oh, really!

Continuing: "The swine flu vaccine 'falls somewhere between a completely new vaccine and a strain change we do every year...", said Dr. John Treanor of the University of Rochester.

And so how would you read that quote? It would seem that to say the vaccine is only a strain change wouldn't be sufficient to promote the scare campaign. So, the problem is covered by saying it might be a new vaccine.

Hillary Clinton, in Today's News 07.23.09

Hillary Clinton. Clinton's foot-in-mouth tour of Asia continues. Today's display of total ineptitude involves her statement on Iran in which she managed to anger the Arab client-countries, Iran, Israel, and Asian nations, and embarrassed the Obama administration.

Wall Street Journal: "...Hillary Clinton caused waves in the Middle East during her visit to Southeast Asia, telling a Thai television program that Washington could extend a 'defense umbrella' to protect its Arab allies if Iran succeeds in developing nuclear weapons."

"...her comments...left the impression among some Middle East diplomats Wednesday that the U.S. envisions having to find ways to defend its Persian Gulf allies from a nuclear-armed Iran -- rather than preventing Tehran from ever getting that far."

Washington tried to spin her statement into something supporting what Obama has said, but the attempt was pretty lame, and not worth quoting.

Israel, of course, was none-too-happy. The minister of intelligence and atomic energy said that Clinton's remarks indicated the U.S. had "already come to terms with a nuclear Iran." He added, "I think that's a mistake." Those who can read Israeli diplomatic language will realize that Israel saying the U.S. has made a mistake is tantamount to accusing the U.S. of betrayal. Which, of course, is a serious, serious charge coming from Israel.

Clinton may well have been expressing where Obama wants to go on Iran policy, but her communication handicap has managed to put Obama in a very tight spot.

Clinton is so used to having a back-up squad to tailor and explain her remarks that she feels she can just shoot off her mouth anytime. But there is no such squad now; she's on her own; and Obama must be losing patience.

What will she do next? Stay tuned.

Afghanistan, in Today's News 07.22.09

Afghanistan. In case no one has noticed the Obama administration is facing an increasingly difficult challenge in Afghanistan. The situation is beginning to look bogged-down just as the Russians found themselves a couple of decades ago in Afghanistan.

Here follows some quotes from a Tribune Newspapers release. The quotes illustrate the deteriorating situation.

"Sowing security fears less than a month before presidential elections, a wave of gunman and suicide bombers staged coordinated attacks in two eastern cities Tuesday...during hours of chaotic fighting."

"The commando-style assaults...demonstrated [the] insurgents ability to mount sophisticated, multipronged attacks over a wide area."

"The attacks coincided with what has been a surge in battlefield confrontations."

"This month has been the deadliest of the nearly eight-year conflict for Western forces."

"...the attacks helped foster a sense that large swaths of the country are unsafe."

"...witnesses said waves of of attackers appeared to have come close to overrunning some of the government compounds."

Obama faces a no-win situation in Afghanistan, even with the troop build-up he has ordered. Sooner or later he and his advisors will have to recognize that the situation is a drain on budgets, fighting capacity, America's reputation, etc. What they do then will be interesting.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ireland, in Today's News 07.22.09

Ireland. From the news wire today: "A report of the Catholic Church cover-up of child abuse in Dublin details 'horrific acts of depravity' for decades, Ireland's justice minister said Tuesday. Another investigation two months ago found scores of church-run schools, orphanages and reformatories harbored child abusers in religious orders from the 30s to the 90s."

The Church in Ireland and the Vatican chose to not fight this attack on the Church. The aim of the reports is to destroy the influence built up through centuries of Catholic practice in Ireland. 

When the first report was published, the Church leaders decided to take the "American" approach of not fighting, expressing remorse, and handing over gobs of money. (See previous blogs on this subject here.) Presumably they thought that would settle things. As usual their judgement was atrocious.

Not fighting only encourages the attackers. Their language has now escalated to a charge of "horrific acts of depravity." And this won't be the end of it. Before long the charges will escalate even more.

The accommodationist policy of the Church leaders will lead to the certain destruction of any meaningful Catholic influence on Irish society and individuals. And it means that millions and millions of money that was contributed by hard-working Irish faithful will now be turned over to enemies of the Church.

Every shyster who can practice law in Ireland will soon be there to make their fortune via legal suits against the Church.

If the Church leaders had any backbone they would tell the truth that this is a conscious pre-meditated attack on the Church, and that it will be met with determined counter action. To the extent that there were abuses in the Church, the Church will deal with them in no uncertain terms.

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 20, in Today's News 07.21.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. Today's Wall Street Journal headline on page A11: "U.K. Ramps Up Flu Preparation".

Second paragraph: "Health Secretary Andy Burnham told Parliament on Monday the government will launch a new national service in England that will allow people who suspect they have been infected by H1N1 virus to be diagnosed and prescribed medicine by phone or online, taking some pressure off local doctors." (!!!) [Emphasis added.]

Now, lets see if we have this correct. English government and health officials are predicting a pandemic of drastic proportions, and they are going to diagnose people by phone????? 

Are the central organizers of the H1N1 flu scare campaign so arrogant that they can't see the obvious contradiction? How can this illness possibly be serious if it is going to be handled by phone????

"Hello, is this the flu number?"

"Yes, it is."

"I have the sniffles."

"How do you feel?"

"Oh, I guess I'm a little tired."

"You obviously have H1N1. Stay home immediately. If you own a business, close it now! Take your spouse, children, relatives and friends to get their vaccination right away!"

The whole thing is ridiculous. The concern is not the health of the people of England. The concern is making sure everyone is in such a state of panic that they will demand to get their shot. This effort is simply an exercise by the cryptocracy to train their subjects in obeying the words of the masters.

Also, note that the quote says a "new national service" will be established to handle the flu. This step is also being considered in the United States. It is the old game of using a "crisis" to set something up that otherwise would not receive great approval.

Also, from the article: "U.K. airlines British Airways PLC and Virgin Atlantic Ltd. have put in place screening measures to turn back passengers showing flu symptoms." Note they turn back if passengers have symptoms, not because they have the flu. And also note, it is not symptoms of H1N1 flu, but just general flu symptoms.

Seen at the boarding gate: 

Ticket taker: "Excuse me, but did I see you blow your nose a minute ago?"

Passenger: "Well, yes I did."

Ticket taker: "I'm sorry you are not allowed on this flight."

Health and concern about people is not what is involved here. What is involved is an effort to scare people, big time.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hillary Clinton, in Today's News 07.21.09

Hillary Clinton. Clinton's trip to India really doesn't deserve to be written about, but it is such a complete joke, one can't resist.

Her big accomplishment: deals that could bring American defense contractors and power companies billions of dollars in business in India. Her request that India set limits on their carbon emissions was rejected, almost laughingly. She invited the Prime Minister to make a state visit. That's about it, except for lots of talk about democracies, cordial relations, etc.

Obama and his handlers must be laughing out loud. Their little maneuver to control Clinton by holding her close in the administration is working out just fine. Obama is making an impact on all sort of world issues, and Clinton is running around issuing invitations for leaders to come visit Obama! 

By the way, Clinton shot off her mouth again and may have caused diplomatic problems with North Korea. In an interview, she compared North Korea to a child seeking attention. The Obama team has warned Clinton before not to make statements outside the diplomatic standard verbiage (see here), but apparently she can't help herself.

Bernanke, in Today's News 07.21.09

Bernanke. Bernanke's last stand?

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke was on Capitol Hill today for two days of testimony as he tries to keep Congress from interfering in the Fed.

The background: It was Bernanke's ineptness during the height of the economic crisis that got Congress all riled up. Now two-thirds of the House members are sponsoring a bill requiring far-reaching congressional audits of the Fed.

The private owners of the Fed don't take this threat lightly. They have had close to a century of doing exactly what they want without anyone looking over their shoulders.

Bernanke's testimony is his last ditch effort to save his reputation with the bank owners. Should he fail to stop the legislation, his days as Fed chief are over.

Bernanke is basically a university professor. He seems to lack the 'street smarts' needed to guide the cryptocracy's central control mechanism for the American economy. He does seem to be a risk-taker, though, and such people often come out on top.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu) Update No 19, in Today's News 07.18.09

H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu). Six column headline on page A3 of today's Wall Street Journal: "New Push in H1N1 Flu Fight Set for Start of School".

Lead paragraph: "U.S. health officials are preparing intensively to combat an anticipated wave of outbreaks of the new H1N1 flu when children return to school and the pace of cases picks up."

Here we go, folks! The directors of the scare campaign around the 'new' flu are about to push their drive into a higher gear. 

The target will be the most easily susceptible to panic, school children and their young parents. The objective seems to be that on the first sign of sniffles, schools are to be closed. When enough of these schools are shut down, the directors hope to instill the thought, 'Golly this is serious" in the rest of the American people. From that point it will be relatively easy to stampede the population into lining up for their vaccination. 

Also, it can be noted that the entire major WSJ article never mentions 'swine flu'. Instead the flu is now exclusively called 'H1N1'. So the directors have decided to drop the 'swine flu' moniker, probably because of negative connotations. For example, Egypt tried to kill every pig in the country when the scare campaign was launched months ago.

And still, the H1N1 virus is not as severe as normal flu. "But the agency [Center for Disease Control] believes that more than one million people have been infected and weren't tested for the virus or didn't visit a doctor." The CDC has records of 40,617 cases. So, in other words, according to the CDC numbers, 96% of those infected did not think it serious enough to do anything about it!!!! The CDC, of course, intends to do something about that: from now on if you don't believe that your flu bug is serious, you're being a bad citizen.

By the way, the CDC is planning to suspend tallying individual cases and instead focus on the big picture. They have a justification for this move, but it conveniently lets the CDC and other agencies use statistics to estimate the number of cases. And with statistics it is what you put into your formula that determines the result. We can expect an accuracy that is at the same level as the one million cases mentioned above.

Now here is the point: "Most of those who have the new flu get only mildly ill for a few days and don't need treatment. But officials are concerned about the virus because it is new and could easily mutate and become more virulent as it spreads through the population." And then again it might not mutate. Being "concerned" doesn't even come close to characterizing the current unprecedented mobilization of government, health and societal forces.

No, something else is going on. The cryptocracy has tried campaigns like this before in an effort to get the population used to accepting shots because they have been told too. Those efforts largely failed. So this time around they are pulling out all the stops. And if it takes a 'mutation' to accomplish their goal, then so be it, a 'mutation' we will have. By the way, when the population is on the road to panic, it won't take much to convince them that a mutation has occurred, whether it is true or not.

Be prepared. The campaign the cryptocracy plans for this fall and winter will be unlike anything before in human history.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Swine Flu Update No 18, in Today's News 07.17.09

Swine Flu. Bloomberg News and Chicago Tribune headline today: "Swine flu shot to boost Baxter, Company reports 13% increase in 2nd-quarter profit".

Well, can you imagine that? A swine flu vaccine manufacturer is hauling in the dough from the scare campaign! Is it possible that Baxter could have a material interest in seeing that the swine flu is a big, big deal?

From the article: "...the company's plant in the Czech Republic was running at capacity as it fills orders for 80 million dosages [!!] from five countries." [Emphasis added.]

And here is a revealing quote: "Baxter has all the work it can handle and expects production of vaccines to combat the H1N1 swine flu to continue indefinitely, particularly as strains mutate, [Chairman and Chief Executive Officer] Parkinson said" [while drooling over the thought of the outrageous profits to be had. (Sarcasm)][Emphasis added.}

"There will be demand for whatever we will be able to produce," Parkinson said.

(And how does Parkinson know that the swine flu will mutate? Is it possible that the central planners of the scare campaign will soon announce that they have 'discovered' swine flu is more dangerous? Is it possible that Parkinson is in on the plan?)

What a dream world for Baxter and the other manufacturers! The scare campaign is going to ensure a lucrative market as far into the future as can be seen.

Someone told me that Lily Tomlin once remarked that no matter how cynical one becomes it is not enough to keep up with reality.

Swine Flu Update No 17, in Today's News 07.16.09

Swine Flu. Today's Wall Street Journal page A6: "A swine-flu vaccine is proving difficult to manufacture because the viruses used to make the shots aren't yielding a large amount of active ingredient...[it]mean[s] that millions of doses ordered by many governments could arrive later than expected."

What this development really means is that the central planners of the swine-flu scare campaign will have to delay their date for revealing that the flu-bug is more serious than originally thought.

Baxter and Novartis are the two companies that reported the difficulty in manufacturing. The value of their statements doesn't revolve around whether they are true or not.  The main value for the companies is that it gives them cover in case anything goes wrong with the vaccines. If some problem comes up, they can always point back to their statements about the difficulty.

So, not only are these manufacturers going to collect a really big bundle of lucre, but now they have created a sort of insurance policy to safeguard their take.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Swine Flu Update No 16, in Today's News 07.16.09

Swine Flu. Headline on an Associated Press article today, "Swine flu isn't taking a vacation, Nation's summer camps disrupted by perplexing strain that targets kids more than others."

The directors of the swine flu scare campaign have certainly reached into every corner of society. Now they have summer camps for kids closing down at the first sign of a sniffle. "Officials at the CDC [Center for Disease Control] say at least 50 camps have closed sessions or sent campers home early this summer. But the actual count is likely to be much higher because there's no requirement that camp closures be reported."

Imagine what this means for this autumn when the cryptocracy's campaign is full-blown. Schools, universities, businesses, work sites, local and state governments, etc. will be closing down, because that's what the CDC says to do.

And for what? A flu virus that is less virulent than everyday flu which regularly afflicts millions. "Most [swine flu] cases have been mild, but they have deprived campers and parents of a cherished summer-time tradition." [Emphasis added.]

"The two-week camp [an arts camp at the University of Northern Colorado] sent kids home a week early after some came down with flu-like symptoms." Note only 'some' came down with, not swine flu, but 'flu-like symptoms'. And for this they close a camp early.

Heaven help us.

The whole thing is a sham. A virus that causes few symptoms is being trumped up by the media and various power centers as the threat of the century. Most people don't pay attention to the details of the coverage, but the constant drumbeat that swine flu is a danger has its effect.

And by the way, note that every day an article appears on a different aspect of the swine flu issue. Such coverage doesn't happen by accident. It has to be carefully organized. And the careful organization serves only one purpose: to scare and convince the American people that they face a serious threat and therefore must line up for their vaccination.

Obama, in Today's News 07.16.09

Obama. During the presidential election one got the impression that the cryptocracy had bigger plans for Obama than just the USA presidency. Witness his speech in Berlin to many thousands before the election.

Now read this paragraph (Wall Street Journal, page A11, today) from Daniel Henninger, deputy editor of the WSJ Editorial Page: "On his just-completed foreign trip, he [Obama] gave a major address in Moscow reinterpreting the Cold War and another in Ghana laying out a persuasive path to prosperity for the African continent. In June he gave a major speech on Islam's place in history and its relationship to the rest of the world, spoke the next day on the meaning of Buchenwald and a day later about D-Day at Normandy. He seems to be on the TV every day, talking."

This paragraph describes not someone who is a president of the United States, but someone who is using that post to become president of the world.

General Motors, in Today's News 07.16.09

General Motors.  Here is a good one: : "GM Seeks Younger Fans For Buick" (today's Wall Street Journal page B2 headline).

The central planners in their arrogant manner thought GM would be easy to transform. All that was required was to drive out the CEO and the board, put GM in bankruptcy, create a new good GM and a bad GM, install a no-nonsence CEO, and wallah, GM makes money.

There's just one problem: The GM cars don't inspire potential buyers. WSJ: "With the average U.S. Buick owner older than 70 [!!!!!], GM is trying to figure out how to attract new buyers, particularly young, more affluent ones. Buick's brand chief acknowledged Wednesday the strategy will be an uphill battle." [Emphasis added.]

Susan Docherty, chief of the Buick-Pontiac-GMC sales channel: "You talk to people in their 40s and 50s and they know it [the Buick brand]. But they say, 'This isn't for me.'"

All the machinations of the central planners runs headlong into the unpopularity of many GM brands and models, especially Buick. It will take years to redesign the models and to find a customer base for them. There is no central-planner machination that can change that reality.

And so there is not a whole lot of difference between the former GM and the new GM in terms of its ability to perform in the market. And it is this fact that will undermine all the central planners' ambitions for GM.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hillary Clinton, in Today's News 07.16.09

Hillary Clinton. You have to give the devil his due. Obama certainly knows how to handle Hillary. His administration has succeeded in isolating her when no one else could, including the Democratic Party.

Clinton gave a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations on Wednesday that was notable for its lack of coverage in the media. The "...address [was] aimed at raising her visibility as a chief voice of U.S. foreign policy," according to Paul Richter of the Tribune Newspapers.

Obama has done what he wanted in foreign policy and has largely ignored Clinton while letting her flit around the world here and there. At one point Obama's people let a warning to her appear in the Tribune Newspapers, telling her to cool it. See here.

Richter: "Though the former New York senator and first lady brought star power to her post, they say the debut months of the administration's foreign policy have been dominated by her boss, President Barack Obama, as well as a White House inner circle that has strong ties to him."

"State Department officials dismissed portrayals of Clinton as a secondary player. But some have said there has been concern at the department that Clinton has not gotten enough credit for her efforts."

There she goes again with the victimized stuff.

It's probably true that she is not a secondary player. Tertiary seems more like it.

"Though administration officials insist she is a major player in all top decisions, she has not been the leading voice so far on the urgent national security issues, from Iran to North Korea, Arab-Israeli peace or Afghanistan, Pakistan, or Iraq." [!!!]

The Clinton star has been eclipsed. 

Government-Controlled Economy, in Today's News 07.16.09

Government-Controlled Economy. Four column headline on Page C1 of today's Wall Street Journal, "U.S. Regulators to BofA: Obey or Else". Lead paragraph, "Bank of America Corp. is operating under a secret regulatory sanction that requires it to overhaul its board and address perceived problems with risk and liquidity management, according to people familiar with the situation."

The cryptocracy really has something against Bank of America. Their drive to get Chief Executive Kenneth Lewis and the bank is back in full-force after a short respite recently.

"The MOU (memorandum of understanding with BofA) is the most serious proedural action taken against Bank of America by federal regulators since the financial crisis erupted. Citigroup Inc. has been operating since last year under a similar order with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency..."

The cryptocracy is dead serious about ruling through a government-controlled economy. Step by step they are bringing their goal into reality. If you don't go along, they will slap you with enforcement orders to make it impossible to do business unless you comply.

It seems that the centrally planned economy in the Soviet Union is the model that cryptocracy desires. The only difference now is that in the Soviet Union if you disagreed with an order from the central planners, you would be pushing up daisies. Here, so far, if you disagree, the central planners just make your life extremely difficult.

By the way, Kenneth Lewis is no pushover. So far he has countered every attack by the cryptocracy. When they tried to move Merrill Lynch wonder-boy John Thane into a position to replace Lewis, Lewis simply fired Thane. When the cryptocracy tried to use a congressional hearing to undermine Lewis, he adeptly turned the hearing against his accusers. 

All this Bank of America business may stem from the Merrill Lynch-Bank of America merger which the central planners strongly pushed. Evidently the planners had some specific ideas about what was to happen and Lewis had his own. A lot of bad blood occurred during the negotiations. Ever since the central planners have been trying to get their revenge.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Swine Flu Update No 15, in Today's News 07.15.09

Swine Flu. Seldom has the cryptocracy put together an international campaign as thorough and well organized as the current swine flu scare campaign.

Today's Wall Street Journal (Page A8, five columns, over 25 inches of copy(!!!)): "The medical establishment in Britain, the nation hardest hit by swine flu outside North America, is scrambling to roll out a large-scale vaccination program in an effort to protect its population against a virus that threatens to spread rapidly here in coming weeks."

"The country has ordered enough vaccine to cover all 60 million of its residents."

And what justifies the unprecedented mobilization of governmental and societal resources in the United States, Britain, and many other countries? Their answer is a virus that is not as dangerous as everyday flu, which millions catch every year!!

"...U.K. Health Secretary Andy Burnham...stressed that this was a projection [of 100,000 new cases per day by August], and also that the vast majority of cases so far have been mild." [Emphasis added.]

There's more: "There is a good chance that many of these cases will be mild, he [Dr. Ian Jones, professor of virology at the University of Reading] said, because the H1N1 virus has shown little evidence yet of becoming more virulent." [!!!!] [Emphasis added.]

Note the 'yet' in that sentence. The cognizatti know exactly what is going to happen and the happenings are the real reason behind the mobilization. Be fully prepared for an announcement some time in the next few weeks of a new 'development'; namely, that the virus has mutated and is proving to be more virulent than originally thought.

By the way the two corporations supplying the virus in Britain are the same as the two of the corporations in the United States. What a bundle these companies are going to make!!!

Obama & Jewish Leaders, in Today's News 07.14.09

Obama and Jewish Leaders. The media failed for the most part to report on a meeting at the White House on Monday between Obama and 16 Jewish leaders. No other group (based on nationality, religion, cause or whatever) has this kind of access to the presidency, and no other group has such immunity from the media.

Obama was groomed for many years by the Pritzkers of Chicago. He has a record of loyalty to the interests of the Israeli state. He was strongly supported for President by Zionist interests. His chief of staff is the son of an Israeli terrorist leader. He is the first President to have a seder in the White House. 

This meeting then was a meeting of old friends. But as to be expected from the ever-dissatisfied Zionists, many at the meeting did not appreciate Obama's speech in Egypt that called for a stop to Israeli settlements while negotiations with the Palestinians were attempted. Obama in the speech was merely trying to sucker the Palestinians into compromising their stand by pointing to how the Israelis had allegedly given up something. 

Such diplomatic maneuvering, however, was alarming to some of the Zionist leaders because it didn't coincide with the stance of the current Netanyahu regime. It is reported that some participants made a thinly veiled threat by saying that only when the United States and Israel are in lockstep is any progress made. It was left to the imagination what might happen if the two countries are not in lockstep.

In general, the leaders felt that Obama was being too critical of longtime ally Israel and too lenient toward Palestinians and their Arab neighbors.

Obama tried to explain that it is all a maneuver, but did not make much progress.

(One error Obama makes is to assume the Israel wants a settlement of the mideast situation. Israel has never wanted this. All their words and diplomacy are simply attempts to gain time and superior position for the eventual eradication of the Palestinians.)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Swine Flu Update No 14, in Today's News 07.14.09

Swine Flu. Today's Wall Street Journal (page D4): "The U.S. government signed contracts with four companies worth a total of almost $1 billion to purchase ingredients used to make vaccines against the new H1N1 influenza virus."

So, the government is spending $1B on a vaccine for a virus that causes no noteworthy symptoms in the overwhelming majority (97%) of those afflicted. The proper word for this is "boondoggle."

But what a deal for those pushing the scare campaign to get everyone vaccinated! The cryptocracy is able to further develop a conditioned-response in the public to accept 'what's good for them'. The government gets to practice lining everyone up for their shots and also to create a whole new network for administering the vaccine. The drug companies make a bundle, a really big bundle. The Center for Disease Control gets to build its reputation. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius can project herself as a great champion in the fight against illness.

The losers, of course, are the public, who have this sham forced upon them. 

The scare-campaign directors, by the way, are going to concentrate on those most easily stampeded into getting their shots, the school children.

This entire swine flu effort is ridiculous as it stands. Massive publicity, billions of dollars spent, and the mobilization of governmental and health agencies for an illness that is less virulent than everyday flu.

Of course if you believe what has happened so far is a prelude, then you know that the authorities are going to have to show that the virus has become more serious. And lo and behold, (WSJ) "Separately, a new study published online Monday in the journal Nature suggests the H1N1 virus is stronger than previously believed." (!!!)

Expect more 'studies' like this and look for reports that the virus has mutated. Expect more and more of these in the period leading up to the completion date for production of the vaccines.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

General Motors, in Today's News 07.11.09

General Motors. Today's Wall Street Journal (page B1): "General Motors Co. kicked off a new era following its exit from bankruptcy protection on Friday, with Chief Executive Frederick 'Fritz' Henderson promising to transform the auto maker into a leaner and more customer-focused company."

Three comments:

***Will it work? The government central planners and the new government-appointed board and Chairman are almost giddy with the success of their maneuver in bankruptcy court to re-form GM without its debts and unpopular car brands. Listen to them and you would think GM will slim down and be profitable in no time. 

It's dubious. First the slimming down is yet to happen. And to get rid of "hundreds of middle managers" is not so easy. Second, they are stuck with car brands and models that, with one or two exceptions, inspire no one.  It will take years to re-design those cars. And what happens in the meantime?

***Good and Bad GM. The GM described above is what the central planners call 'good GM.' Bad GM is still in bankruptcy court and will probably stay there a long, long time, until the planners figure out how to eliminate those troublesome debts and obligations. The media is all too willing to describe what Good GM is composed of. The media falls completely silent when it comes to Bad GM. When the media goes blank like this, one can be sure they are covering up something. 

***Obama. It is amazing that the self-professed pro-labor Democrats have pulled off such an anti-labor deed. And the unions say nothing! Amazing. Of course, if McCann had tried to do these things, the outcry from the Democrats would have been way up there in decibels. That the Dems could pull this off so easily, probably helps explain why the cryptocracy was so anxious to elect Obama.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Swine Flu Update No 13, in Today's News 07.10.09

Swine Flu. Today's Wall Street Journal (page A4) headline; "Plans for Vaccination Campaign Begin". 

Pretty much on schedule the federal government is making public some of its assigned plans for the fall-winter scare campaign to induce the public to demand their vaccinations.

WSJ: "Concerned that the current H1N1 swine-flu pandemic will intensify in the fall, the Obama administration said Thursday that it is pushing ahead with plans for a government-funded vaccination campaign...U.S. government officials and manufacturers are preparing to produce as many as 600 million doses of vaccine against the new H1N1 virus, an effort that would dwarf seasonal-flu campaigns..." [Emphasis added.]

It may be recalled that the virus has mild or even non-existent symptoms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 34,000 cases have been reported out of one million estimated people who have had the disease. IOW, about three per cent of the affected population has considered the disease serious enough to report.

And yet the government et al are going ahead with an extraordinary campaign against the illness. One may be suspicious that the cognizatti know about a planned mutation of the disease about the time the vaccine is in full readiness. Already this expected 'development' is being hinted at:

"Another serious concern for public-health officials is whether the virus will mutate and become more virulent as it spreads through the population."

Beware what the cryptocracy has planned for this fall. "And because doses must be distributed quickly, officials are asking state health departments to help find new ways to get them to people beyond doctor's offices and clinics, where seasonal flu shots are generally distributed. [Health and Human Services Secretary] Ms. Sebelius said vaccinations could be offered at schools and day-care centers, for example."

Be apprised that the government is planning a major, major effort through a newly created apparatus to make contact with every citizen and to coerce (by persuasion this time) the public to line up for their shot.

In passing it can be noted that the 'Catholic' Kathleen Sebelius, newly installed in her position, has been briefed and brought on board for the campaign. In fact, she is now one of the key spokespeople. 

For those just becoming acquainted with this subject, please see the previous blog updates on swine flu. We are witnessing the development of an unprecedented cryptocracy effort, as part of their continuing attempts to train the world's population to be docile sheep who accept whatever they are told, and in this case to line up for their prescribed shot. The ultimate goal that is some years away from achievement is to be able to inoculate, pacify and chemically control people without protest or resistance.

Government-Controlled Economy, in Today's News 07.10.09

Government-Controlled Economy. Three news items today illustrate how far the new government control of the economy has proceeded:

***General Motors. Page one Wall Street Journal: "The new General Mortors Co. is poised to exit Chapter 11 as soon as Friday morning...The chances of a sustained turnaround hinge on a revamped board of directors the government has installed, in particular the new chairman Edward E. Whitacre Jr. The former AT&T executive was hand-picked by government's auto task force. He was charged with keeping a tight watch over GM management and its performance..." [Emphasis added.]

***Citigroup. Page one WSJ: "Citigroup Inc. shuffled its senior executives, including removing its finance chief, as it tries to appease U.S. regulators worried about its financial health and Chief Executive Officer Vikram Pandit's management team." [Emphasis added.]

***AIG. Page one WSJ: "AIG is asking the Obama administration's new compensation czar whether it should pay previously agreed-to retention bonuses." [Emphasis added.]

All the flowery talk about the beauty of capitalism, fair play, and competitiveness is pure b.s. All that the cryptocracy cares about is having absolute command of the economy so that their wealth generation is not threatened or interrupted. The cryptocracy's power grab in the wake of the economic crisis has meant a decisive turn in American political and economic life to central government planners now exercising control over all major decisions in key sectors of the economy: banking, auto, and insurance.

Any resemblance to the Soviet Union, the politburo, and its central-planned economy is purely accidental. [Sarcasm.]

And remember, it was not more than a couple of years ago that corporations could actually run their own businesses and make their own decisions. 

Iran, in Today's News 07.10.09

Iran. Today's Wall Street Journal page one headline; "Protesters Return to the Streets of Tehran."

Memo to Iran protesters: It may be in your better interests to recall that when push came to shove in Georgia and the Ukraine, the American sponsors of those protests disappeared, leaving the protesters high and dry.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Caritas in Veritate, in Today's News 07.08.09

Caritas in Veritate. Pope Benedict XVI's encyclical, "Caritas in Veritate," isn't available yet, but the media coverage and some quotes from it are truly dismaying, if not alarming.

The encyclical gives the cover of the Catholic Church to the most treasured aim of the cryptocracy, the establishment of a world government.

Today's Wall Street Journal's lead paragraph on the encyclical (page A11): "Pope Benedict XVI issued a rare papal critique of the global economic crisis Tuesday, calling for a 'true world political authority' charged with exercising greater oversight of financial markets." [Emphasis added.]

Further: "Pope Benedict said the United Nations and other international bodies need to 'acquire real teeth' to properly monitor markets, stem the current crisis and prevent future ones." [Emphasis added.]

IOW, the encyclical has put the Church strongly in favor of an international body that has the power to overrule duly constituted national governments!!!!! This position is truly shocking, and the cryptocracy could not have asked for anything better.

The rest of the document which criticizes the global economy as creating a growing divide between rich and poor, calling for "great social responsibility" on the part of business, and "rediscovering the genuinely ethical foundation of their [business] activity" is just so many words. The criticism is actually useful to the cryptocracy because in the context of support to the cryptocracy's goal, the Church leaders give the impression of a discussion. The cryptocracy is more than willing to allow such a discussion while they go ahead and pursue their aims. 

The various suggestions in the document for reform could matter less for the cryptocracy. For the most part, the cryptocracy will ignore them.

As for the faithful, the document appears to be no help at all. It provides no guidance for the billion or so Catholics on what they are supposed to do. All it gives is some general truisms. As Michael Novak of the American Enterprise Institute said, "...the encyclical was stronger on principles than policy suggestions." (!) This wouldn't be so bad if the principles were actually applied to the real world.  Instead as one commentator observed the quotes tend to sound like what a beauty pageant contestant might say in answer to a question about the economic crisis. 

Worrisome is the fact that the Vatican released the encyclical on the eve of the Group of 8 industrialized nations summit meeting. So, the Vatican is pathetically trying to be a player in this confab. And not only a player, but the most enthusiastic supporter of the cryptocracy's plans for these nations.

In short, the encyclical seems to be addressed to an audience of the world's elite, the rulers of world's superpowers and their bosses. But, the Pope is supposed to be the shepherd for the masses of world Catholicism and not be the chief Christian adviser to the diabolically-inspired cryptocracy. Where is the encyclical addressed to the great numbers of Catholics that gives the meaning of their situation in the world economic crisis and explains in concrete human terms what they should do about it?  

A reading of the actual encyclical may modify the above observations. But, truth to say, it is a daunting perspective to have to wade through 144 pages of vaticanese.

Iran, in Today's News 07.08.09

Iran. President Obama over the weekend gave interviews in which he, in effect, rebuffed Vice President Biden's remarks on July 5 that indicated a change in US policy toward military action against Iran. 

Obama's statements seem to be pro forma, and nothing more. It is the old game of asserting something baldly, and then 'retracting' it via a more reasoned statement that still supports the original. Biden has an inability to state things without causing controversy, and so Obama had to 'clarify' the US position.

The United States still is not ready to militarily attack Iran, but it is proceeding with preparations behind the scenes and in cooperation with Israel. This is shown by a statement made by the top US military officer, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff yesterday.

Adm. Mullen, according to today's Wall Street Journal (page A9)"...told a Washington think tank that Iran was likely just one to three years away from successfully building a nuclear weapon, which means that U.S. and its allies are running out of time to persuade Iran to abandon it nuclear program."

Further WSJ: "In his remarks Tuesday, Adm. Mullen said that the U.S. is keeping all options on the table as it worked to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons, 'including certainly military options.'" [Emphasis added.]

WSJ: "Still, Adm. Mullen made clear that an Israeli strike was far more likely than an American one."

Clear enough? Be prepared at any time for any option from the current diplomatic busywork, to an Israeli military attack, to a US military attack.

And now for the double-standard and a full dose of hypocrisy. All this hullabaloo is over Iran and nuclear weapons.  And yet, (WSJ) "Earlier this week, an Israeli submarine believed to be carrying nuclear-tipped missiles returned to the Mediterranean after crossing the Red Sea and moving towards Iran. An Israeli official said in an interview that the maneuver was meant to show Iran that 'they are not beyond our reach.'" [Emphasis added.]

So, it is forbidden for Iran to try to produce nuclear weapons, but not only is it okay for Israel to have nuclear weapons, but is also okay for them to sail around the mideast threatening to actually use them.

This is the double-standard epitomized. And it is also more than alarming that Israel is so close to using nuclear weapons. (See Michael Collins Piper's book, "The Golem," published by American Free Press, for background on Israel's nuclear threat.)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Iran, in Today's News 07.06.09

Iran. Today's Wall Street Journal (page A8): "Meanwhile, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden suggested that Washington wouldn't stand in the way of a possible Israeli-led military attack on Iran's nuclear facilities."

Biden sometimes shoots off his mouth, but in this case he seems to be articulating America's slight shift in policy. 

Now that the American and British intelligence operations have had their fun in the Iranian post-election period, it is now time to move on to a new stage of the confrontation with Iran.

Note that WSJ paraphrases Biden as saying "Israeli-led." Israeli-led means the involvement of more than Israel. And the only more-than that is available is the United States. Even if Israel bombs Iran by itself, Biden's statement commits the US to full participation in the aftermath. And Biden's statement leaves plenty of room for the US to be completely involved in a military attack on Iran. The question is when.

General Motors, in Today's News 07.06.09

General Motors. The nationalization of General Motors is now complete with only the paper work to be completed. Today's Wall Street Journal (page B1): "A federal judge approved the sale of General Motors corp.'s assets to a new government-run company..."

Yes, the cryptocracy moves fast when they want something. Two years ago this outcome would have seemed to be from another planet. Yet, here we are in the new world of a government-run economy, well on its way to a soviet style organization.

"The ruling paves the way for GM's government-brokered restructuring, in which the auto maker will move its 'good' assets -- including automotive brands Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick and GMC -- to a new company owned by the U.S. Treasury."

Look out GM employees and retirees!!! The 'restructuring' means the government can re-set the terms and conditions of employment at GM without the bother of dealing with the unions. The government planners do not have the best interests of the employees in mind, to say the least.

Also, the "good" assets are only going to this enterprise. The bad assets, which include all those troublesome obligations on health care and retiree benefits, will go to a bad assets company. This company will take its time making it into the light of day as the planners figure out ways to make each one of the bad assets problems go away.

In short, the cryptocracy has taken the premier American corporation and turned it into a model for the dawning new world. A world where the cryptocracy exercises much greater control over the lives of Americans and over the economic life of the country.

Sarah Palin, in Today's News 07.06.09

Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin will find no support here, but her situation does shine a light on what has happened to American politics. As the Talmud-ization of the country advances, the politics of personal-destruction have become predominant.

Witness Sarah Palin. Today's Wall Street Journal (page A3): "In all, Gov. Palin has faced 16 ethics inquiries of one sort or another in Alaska since last year." (!!!)

Palin has a certain charisma that frightens those who don't control her. And so, in their view the only way to ensure that Palin doesn't cause trouble is to destroy her personally, or at least to try. 

There was a time not too long ago that such tactics would have been frowned upon. Not that American politics was ever perfect.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Swine Flu Update No 12, in Today's News 07.05.09

Swine Flu. Associated Press headline: "'Harry Potter' star recovering from swine flu." Celebrities with swine flu could have been anticipated. 

One wonders what other celebrities are set to take a dive for the swine flu global effort to scare people into demanding a vaccine shot. Celebrities can make easy points with the cryptocracy by volunteering to become a publicist for the swine flu campaign, and it gets one's name in the news. What a deal!!!

That the Harry Pottter news is a publicity stunt having nothing to do with the 'seriousness' of the virus, is shown in the AP article. "...the actor is recovering from a mild case of swine flu...Grint [the actor] took a few days away from the set of the latest film, but has now been able to return to work." [Emphasis added]

Wow, can you imagine that? He took off a few days!!!! And for what? A mild case of swine flu. An observer might wonder if he is one of those who have no symptoms at all.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Swine Flu Update No 11, in Today's News 07.03.09

Swine Flu. Wall Street Journal headline (page A8 today): "China Tries to Head Off Rural Flu Outbreak".

And so China now gets into the act. It's the same story: a few cases in which the symptoms in most people are negligible or even non-existent. And yet the government mounts a mammoth, unprecedented campaign against the 'threat.'

Two comments: 1) The evidence grows that cryptocracy has something big planned for this fall and winter involving swine flu. Perhaps a 'discovery' that the bug has transformed into something more contagious. No matter what, the behind-the-scenes preparations (e.g., massive amounts of vaccine) indicate a big deal to come.

2) The cryptocracy can be well-satisfied. They now have a genuine world-wide coordinated effort, which is something that has to help prepare their future world government. The work that has gone into the briefing and prodding of various governments to step forward fits right into the cryptocracy's case that a world-wide regulatory or governmental structure is urgently needed.

Economic Crisis, in Today's News 07.03.09

Economic Crisis. In today's Wall Street Journal the following sentence occurs in an article about the elections in Bulgaria (page A8): "From the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea, the once fast-growing, ex-communist economies lately have been hammered by collapsing demand and vanishing foreign investments."

Add this situation to the reasons why the cryptocracy precipitated the economic crisis. De-stabilized economies offer all kinds of opportunities for the bankers to make some loot. For example, new sizable loans with a healthy interest rate to restart the economies. In addition, countries in crisis translates to the possibility of installing new governments more to the liking of the cryptocracy. Just like in the United States with Obama.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Swine Flu Update No 10, in Today's News 06.26.09

Swine Flu. WSJ headline, page A7: "Buenos Aires Declares a Swine Flu Emergency". "Argentina's Health Ministry has reported 26 swine flu deaths in the country, but local press reports indicate the toll is higher and rising..."

Nothing is ever as it seems with swine flu. The news here is not so much swine flu cases, but the imposition of an emergency in Argentina's capital and most important city. Argentina is no small potatoes. Argentina is a large wealthy country with a large sophisticated population. A government-directed emergency in such a locale is ominous and a precedent that is dangerous.

The details of this emergency are not revealed yet. When Mexico declared a similar emergency, the government took the power to quarantine anyone it felt like. (!!!!)

Is the cryptocracy planning a declaration of an emergency in the United States in the fall? The precedents are building up and the scare campaign regarding the danger of the illness is in the beginning stages of full tilt. We will see what they have in mind, but don't exclude the most extreme variants. The precipitation of the economic crisis has seemed to indicate that the cryptocracy has picked up the pace of its drive to consolidate exclusive and definitive power over the world's population and governments.

BTW, the Argentine situation reveals just a little bit of the machinations of the cryptocracy. It seems the federal Health Minister Graciela Ocana was not implementing the gameplan for swine flu to the cryptocracy's satisfaction. And then her resignation and the declaration of the emergency occurred almost simultaneously. One would have liked to have been the proverbial fly-on-the-wall to have witnessed all the maneuvering and power politics behind those changes. It also shows how important the swine flu campaign is to the cryptocracy. If you don't agree with them on the campaign, they'll get you out of the way.