And so, the cryptocracy campaign to destroy the influence of the Church in Ireland has reached its final stage. The Christ-haters in the cryptocracy have long targeted the Church in Ireland because it is a bulwark of Catholicism in Europe and the world, and a supplier of priests to the world. The cryptocracy-inspired secularization of Ireland has been running apace for some time now. Attacks on the Church have become more and more common as the country has abandoned its Catholic heritage.
Now comes the semi-legal attack on sexual abuse. The model is the United States where this sort of campaign has been so successful. The blueprint is to find the inevitable abuse cases, publicize them out of all proportion to reality, generalize in the media that the abuse is characteristic of the entire Church, and sue the pants off the Church. The sine qua non of the campaign is to inveigle the Church hierarchy to be apologetic instead of fighting back.
The Irish report is typical. It says the abuse occurred in dozens of institutions without naming them. It places the abuse in the past (1930s to 1970s) which makes it more difficult to disprove the allegations. The report alleges systematic abuse without systematic proof. The report makes vague accusations and does not identify perpetrators (that will be left to trial attorneys who will be going after the big bucks.) It pulls on heart strings by saying victims had difficulties in later life. All in all, a clever attempt at a complete smear of the Church.
This type of slanderous and scurrilous attack on the Church can only be successful if the Church leaders adopt a stance of saying they're sorry and then handing over the money. That is what happened in the United States and it is what will happen in Ireland in all likelihood.
The question remains: what will the Vatican do? If past behavior is any guide, the Vatican will say very little and what it does say will be so general as to be meaningless.
The truth is that the purveyors of shoah Catholicism have little interest in the continuation of a strong, traditional Catholic culture. The ultimate goal of the Shoah Catholicism advocates is a Church based on the Noahide 'laws', which lead to a sort of universal all-encompassing Church. Countries that were bastions of the Church like Ireland, Poland and Croatia have no place in the future Church as they see it.
2. The New Government-Controlled Economy. WSJ. In an article titled "U.S. Rescue Aid Entrenched Itself," the following observation occurs, "Many of the other emergency measures created to prop up the financial system are developing an air of permanence."
This comes as no surprise to those in the know, of course. The cryptocracy's job right now is to begin to acquaint the public with the new reality of government control that was forced through under cover of an economic emergency. And so, now comes the spin that the emergency measures may have to stick around for a while.
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