Sunday, February 28, 2010

Economic Crisis, in Today's News 02.26.10

Economic Crisis. Today's Wall Street Journal page A2: "The Federal Reserve is gaining support in the Senate and could emerge from the overhaul of financial-market rules as the primary regulator of the country's largest financial firms, according to people involved in the negotiations."

This possibility is a switch. Until very recently this particular reform has been stuck in Congressional mud with little hope of passage. But, the Cryptocracy desire to put the Fed (which they own) in charge of regulating large banks and others is very high on their priority list. A case can even be made that the Cryptocracy brought on the economic crisis just to accomplish this reform.

And so, in the last few weeks pressure (in all its manifestations) has been brought
to bear on Christopher Dodd, chairman of Senate Banking Committee, and on all his fellow committee cronies. 

When the Cryptocracy really wants something, they will pull all the strings to achieve it. And so they have.

How craven these Senate toadies can become was illustrated in the WSJ by a participant in the negotiations, "All eight of us said it is unthinkable [!] to have the central bank of the United States not have supervisory authority over the financial industry..." 

The most surprising aspect of this development is the silence of the critics. Those voices who have been criticizing the Fed and calling for an audit, have been completely silent on this regulatory change. And yet this change has a significance that is almost beyond measure for the economy and the American public.

The Fed in charge of regulating the financial industry means that the private owners of the banks that own the Fed will be in control of the nation's economy. The Cryptocracy already mostly directs and manipulates the economy thru the Fed and other devices, but this change would institutionalize private control and supervision. It means handing over the economy to these ghouls who will plunder anything and everything to grab the nation's wealth.

If history is any indication, when the Cryptocracy has exclusive control of something, bad things happen.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Afghanistan, in Today's News 02.22-27.10

Afghanistan. The media's pravda-like coverage of the US offensive in Marjah, Afghanistan continues. One would think that the US is completing a magnificent strategic and tactical victory. The reality is quite a bit different.

The latest achievement is the arrival in Marjah of the Afghan-appointed new administrator of the area. The media describes this event as a turning point, as a key event in eventual success. Take a look at the reality:

There is no government building in Marjah. Lack of security is such a problem that this new official spent his first night in a simple tent in the middle of a heavily armed security zone. His tent had a red rug with floral designs and a cot. He received military meals. Hail the conquering hero! [Sarcasm]

The rest of the bureaucracy (health, schools, utilities) that will be imposed on Marjah has yet to make it there. One can easily understand their fear.

The Wall Street Journal (February 24) described the situation with the Afghan police: "The biggest challenge for the government, Afghan officials acknowledge, will be to reverse the damage done by the national police who served in the town before the Taliban takeover. Locals uniformly [!] complain the police were brutal and corrupt." [!]

Another big victory was recored. Three (yes, three, count them) elders played up to the US forces, telling a tale of how they rebuffed the Taliban. Such confessions are suspect, of course, when there is a power around that has millions of dollars to distribute.

To win support, the US forces distributed food. "After the food distribution some 20 [yes, 20, again count them] men signed up with the Marines for $5-a-day jobs cleaning roads and irrigation canals." [Sarcasm added.]

The final stupendous [sarcasm] achievement has been the hoisting of the Afghan flag in Marjah. This was supposed to signify something, but who knows what. It occurred surrounded by a heavy 'allies' military presence at a empty building that is now called the government offices.

And so, the 'allies' great military action continues its merry way. In the meantime the Taliban struck again in the capital, Kabul, with a three-hour battle that was heard throughout the city. In the aftermath, a key hotel and two guesthouses were found to be severely damaged.

So, while the allies continue their make-believe in Marjah, the Taliban is massing its forces in Kabul, preparatory to driving the Karzai and his government out of power.

Is there anyone who does strategic thinking for the 'allies?'

Greece, in Today's News 02.25.10

Greece.  The Rothschilds and their underlings, such as George Soros, have made a fortune many times over in the run-up of the Euro. Now that they have exhausted all possibilities of more profit-making on this project, they are now ready to reverse the cycle and make more fortunes on a run-up of the dollar. 

How do they go about such an ambitious reversal? As always, the Cryptocracy's mode of operation is to create a crisis and then attempt to stampede everyone into supporting what they want. They can't reveal their real aims because the public would rebel, so they have to use secrecy, misdirection, and manipulation to achieve their goals.

The Cryptocracy followed true to form in the latest case. They picked a weak link in the world economy, Greece. Then they tightened credit enough to put Greece in a precarious situation. (This is a simple matter of refusing to grant any further loans to the country.) Then they instructed the media to begin a hysteria campaign about how the world economy is in danger because of a possible Greek default. When the world media and markets were convinced that a genuine crisis existed, the Cryptocracy through their various agents in banks, stock brokers, and investment trusts made a few key trades. This action was enough to convince the rest of the 'investment community' that a run on the Euro was about to begin. And viola', the dollar starts to rise.

Of course, if one knows all this is about to occur, one can make zillions. And so they are.

The Cryptocracy is able to get away with manipulations such as this because a false consciousness exists about how the world economy and politics works. This false consciousness will break at some point because it is so out of touch with the actual reality. Then life will become very interesting. Until then, the Cryptocracy is step by step accumulating the world's wealth and political power in their exclusive hands.

Health Care, in Today's News 02.25.10

Health Care. President Obama at his carefully contrived health care summit is quoted, "We cannot have another yearlong debate over this..."

Obama's remark well expresses his frustration with two dilemmas. First, he and his mentors realize that the longer it takes to complete health reform legislation, the poorer will be the result. 

The Cryptocracy who promoted Obama and created an economic crisis to ensure the passage of several of their big projects, has a high priority on health care reform, which is another way of saying governmental take-over of 1/6 of the American economy. This is such a big theft and will result in such a qualitative leap in Cryptocracy fortunes, that the Cryptocracy is in no mood to accept anything less.

The Cryptocracy craves this 'reform' so much that they are willing to sacrifice their latest man in the White House, Obama, and the Democratic control of Congress. They are not at all pleased with the plodding pace of Obama's attempt to pass the appropriate legislation which in the end may be defeated.

Thus Obama's quote on not taking another year. He meant every word of the quote because he knows that health care failure also means Obama failure in the eyes of the Cryptocracy.

Second, the Obama team is perfectly aware that to the extent that Obama's identification with health care continues over time, to the same extent his standing with the American public will plummet. Obama knows he must get this legislation moving or he can forget about a second term, and he can kiss the Democratic majority in Congress good-bye. 

If it were up to him, he would probably put off  health care reform to another day in order to save his career. But the Cryptocracy is insistent. He must achieve this take-over.

And so Obama set up his health care summit. The whole show had no purpose at all except to try to demonstrate to the public that Republican opposition will force him to proceed on his own without bi-partisan support.

Obama is scheduled to make an announcement next week where he will say that he must go ahead and that he needs the support of the public. It is dubious that the public will take the bait.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Economic Crisis, in Today's News 02.24.10

Economic Crisis. Today's Wall Street Journal (page A4) headline: "Attempt to Curb Risky Trading Hits Senate Wall."

Yet another setback for President Obama. This one concerns the "Volcker rule" which would prevent banks from making risky bets with its own capital. Former Fed Chairman Volcker is a prime spokesmen for the Rothschilds and other owners of the world's wealth. The reform he advocated is a Cryptocracy priority to try to stop ambitious novices from playing with the Cryptocracy's money.

The inability of Obama to achieve this reform is less than pleasing to the Cryptocracy. Obama is racking up a series of losses on projects that the Cryptocracy elected him to do. The reform of financial regulations to give the Fed more power has stalled almost completely. His setback on health care is a setback to major plan to bring 1/6 of the economy under government (read Cryptocracy) control. 

Obama is trying to salvage his health care reform. Success is dubious.

The Israelis seem disappointed in Obama and, for the moment, are patiently waiting for him to come around to militarily attacking Iran. At some moment they will give up on Obama, and force a confrontation that the US will have to become involved in.

When the 2008 election began, it seemed that Obama would not be the choice of the Cryptocracy because his standing and experience were insufficient to rally the American people around key objectives such as attacking Iran. But, the Cryptocracy chose him, probably thinking that Obama's messiah-like image would carry the day especially in the context of their planned economic crisis. They were correct up to a point. But Obama's image tarnished rapidly and his hold on public opinion is declining, as is his ability to achieve the Cryptocracy goals.

There seems to be little the Cryptocracy can do to bring Obama back to his former authority. Once it is gone, it is very difficult to restore. Obama is trying valiently to press ahead, but the futility is right there for all to see. 

What will the Cryptocracy do? We'll have to wait to see. But the changes they wanted to come out of the economic crisis are still very much must-do goals. They will not give up easily on achieving them.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Catholic Church, in Today's News 02.23.10

Catholic Church. Zenit press service reports today that sexual abuse charges are now being made in Germany. "Around 100 former students [in certain Jesuit schools] have come forward in recent days reporting they were abused; most were students at one school."

The German Catholic episcopal conference has responded in perfectly predictable fashion. Archbishop Zollitsch, "I apologize in the name of the Catholic Church in Germany to all those who are victims of that crime." The next steps will undoubtedly be to admit guilt and to offer sizable cash settlements. 

This approach is the 'American model' of how to handle sexual abuse charges. The Irish church leaders have recently charted the same course.

Is there anyone in a position of responsibility in world Catholicism that notices a pattern? Is it possible that perhaps these charges against the Church are being planned and orchestrated on a country by country basis with one aim in mind: to destroy the authority of the Church? Is there anyone who realizes that to try to appease these forces only emboldens these enemies of the Church?

Does it occur to anyone in the Church leadership that 100 people just don't come together spontaneously? Do they have any suspicion that someone(s) is working hard to organize the charges, someone who doesn't have the best interests of the Church in mind? Do they think that maybe, just maybe the German situation is occurring because this style of attack has been so 'successful' in the United States?

The response to the charges that will save the Church is to tell the truth about what these charges represent and who is behind these charges that occur in country after country. Tell the truth that a conscious attack is being made on the Church. Tell the truth about how only the Church is being charged but not other public institutions that have far worse abuse situations. Then in this context determine guilt through Church investigation without governmental interference. Set a standard of guilty conduct, do not accept without question the trumped-up charges being made. Make clear this investigation is Church business and that the Church will handle it. Where apologies are required, they should be made after a clear determination of guilt.

There seems to be little hope that German church leaders (like the American and Irish, and their mentors in the Vatican) will ever recognize an attack on them when it occurs. As a result the Church becomes weaker and weaker, and its authority plummets. 

What is needed is a Joan-of-Arc-type figure. Someone who is unafraid to tell the truth and to take decisive, militant action to defend the Church and its best interests.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Health Care, in Today's News 02.23.10

Health Care. The main headline in today's Wall Street Journal reads: "Obama Renews Health Push."

It is easy to conclude that Obama and the Democrats are tone-deaf when they press ahead with their health care legislation against the overwhelming opposition of the American people.

But they are not tone-deaf. They are astute politicians that can read the tea-leaves as well as anyone. Their push on health care simply reflects the extremely high priority the Cryptocracy has put on health care reform.

The Cryptocracy has a plan for a government take-over of 1/6 of the American economy (the health care system), moving the profit-making out of private hands into their conglomerates. In the process the traditional compassionate health care now existing will be replaced by bureaucratic control, cost reduction, protocols, and death panels.

The Cryptocracy really, really wants this change. They want it so bad they are willing to sacrifice the second term of Obama and a loss of Democratic control of Congress. 

And so, Obama presses ahead against all odds in an effort that is guaranteed to further destroy his reputation and authority.

Three things to watch out for:

1. Treachery. Obama will make any kind of deal to win over some votes for his legislation. Will anyone take the bait? We'll see.

2. Second Chance for the Leaders of Catholicism. They flunked miserably the first test on health care reform by not opposing the whole rotten mess. Now the American public has made its opposition clear. Will this mean anything to the Catholic leaders? We'll see.

3. Contrived Event. If the Cryptocracy runs true to form, they will produce an event, crisis or scandal to try to stampede support for the legislation. This is their tried and true method of operation. For example, most recently they managed to get someone to fly with an explosive in his underwear, creating a crisis that could conveniently be solved with full-body scans of all travelers at airports.

The Cryptocracy means business. They intend to push until they get their way. In some ways the situation is analogous to pre-World War II. Then the American public was overwhelmingly opposed to the US entering the war. But the Cryptocracy pressed ahead in the face of opposition, created a crisis (Pearl Harbor), and finally got their way.

There is a big test coming up. Will there be anyone in public life who will step forward, tell the truth, and rally the public to stop this take-over that will drastically affect the lives of every American?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Afghanistan, in Today's News 02.17-21.10

Afghanistan. It is difficult to figure out whom the US government is trying to fool with their offensive in Afghanistan. Is it themselves, the military, the Taliban, the Afghan government, the American public? Who?

The question has to be asked because the media coverage is so different from the reality. The media seem to think the offensive in Marjah is one of the greatest battles in American military history. But is it really? What is this Marjah place anyway? Just what are the 'allies' conquering?

Marjah is an agricultural center of some 75,000 people spread over a wide area. The central buildings (the government office, schools) are mere shells and have not functioned for years. The irrigation canals have fallen into disuse with garbage and refuse filling them up. Most people have left the area to avoid the 'allies.' 

The 'allies' have met only token resistance to their full-scale invasion of some 15,000 troops. (Does it really take a fully-armed force such as this plus helicopters to capture what is almost a ghost town?) 

The Afghan government is even more of a joke. The Wall Street Journal revealed that President Karzai had to be awakened from a mid-day 'nap' to be briefed on the offensive on the eve of the invasion. Evidently the briefing was his first acquaintance with the action, which had been reported for weeks in the American press. 

Known as the 'President of Kabul', Karzai gave his assent to the offensive, but covered his butt by saying there should be no civilian casualties. He then appointed someone to be the administer for the new Marjah. The only problem is the 'allies' know nothing of this figure, who has failed to appear in Marjah, despite the 'victory' there.

The US has no confidence in Karzai, having tried to oust him before and during the presidential elections in Afghanistan last year. The WSJ reported (2.19.10), "US officials have concluded that despite Mr. Karzai's failings as a leader, they have to find a way to make him lead if they [the 'allies'] are to succeed."

How about the Afghan army and police? WSJ (2.19.10): "The Afghan army and police are still works in progress, beset by desertions, and their members frequently picked off by the Taliban. The police are despised by many Afghans, who view them as corrupt and predatory." [!!!!!]

Meanwhile the 'allies' are announcing the capture or killing of a number of Taliban leaders, mostly in Pakistan. Whether these leaders are actually leaders is unknown. The Pakistanian forces could easily pick up anyone and claim he is a Taliban leader.

The US State Department sent an official to Marjah to see if the area was ready to be transformed by American plans and money. His conclusion: "I don't think we are there yet." (WSJ 2.20.10) Why did he conclude this? WSJ: the official found "the town so devastated by years of war and neglect that it was hard to imagine scores of civilians setting up shop there very soon."

The official is quoted upon seeing the ruins of the government center, "Is there a good part of town?"  Further, "Where are the Afghans?"

To sum up: the US is conducting a major offensive to capture an area in ruins which even the Afghans have abandoned. The Afghan president appears to hardly care about the military action.

The question is, just what do the allies think they are capturing? They are seizing an area that the Taliban is perfectly willing to let them have. The Taliban only needs to do a few small-scale counterattacks to keep the 'allies' pinned down. Meanwhile the Taliban can concentrate its forces somewhere else, where the 'allies' are not.

One is almost forced to conclude that this offensive is just busy work to allow Obama time to try to get the Saudis to convince the Taliban to reach a settlement. There is no other road out for Obama. He cannot win militarily. The longer the conflict goes on, the more he will face opposition from the American public and from his own party. And the costs of the action continue to sky-rocket at a time when the public wants government costs and taxes reduced. 

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Health Care, in Today's News 02.14.10

Health Care. Paul Craig Roberts has written a column on the health care crisis that must be read. 

If only his awareness was broadly held in the population, a lot of the current problems would be solved.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Afghanistan, in Today's News 02.13.10

Afghanistan. The much publicized US and allies' offensive in Marjah, Afghanistan, has begun. The media is treating this action as if it had the importance of say, the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. The Wall Street Journal, for instance, has a page one lead that jumps to an entire page devoted to the offensive.

But, it is all absurd. The US is in reality invading a town of some 75,000 people that threatens no one. Here's how the WSJ describes the town: "Marjah...[is] spread out over a vaguely rectangular area some 12 miles north to south, and about six miles wide at points. Much of the town is farmland, with clusters of houses and shops. It is crisscrossed with canals and irrigation ditches built with US foreign aid in the 1950." And: " spread over an area with no paved roads and few modern conveniences, not even regular electricity."

And so it takes a fully armed assault of 7,500 troops backed up with helicopters to capture this hapless farm area that is barely a village. The WSJ reports, "The immediate resistance to the landings [of troops] was very light..." [!!!!!]

Wow, can you imagine that. No resistance. And the media is terming this a major battle and potential victory.

In reality the 'allies' are stepping in with overwhelming military force to turn the lives of the villagers upside down. As Lt. Col. Calvin Worth, commander of the main assault force, said, "The people of Marjah will wake up to a new Afghan government tomorrow."

Lt. Col. Worth ought to be ashamed of himself. Compare his words with that of any of the founding fathers of the US regarding creating a new government. Worth's approach betrays the great ideals of the founding documents of the US, which emphasized getting rid of the foreign oppressors so that the people themselves could organize their own government.

Instead the US is bringing in what they call a "government-in-a-box," a ready-made administration that is intended to allow the Afghan government to quickly reassert its authority. 

"Coalition commanders hoped the presence of so many troops in Marjah would convince tribal elders to side with the government..." (WSJ) They won't convince anyone. They might intimidate people into tolerating the authority of the corrupt Kabul regime, but they won't convince a soul. 

This orientation is not how a Christian nation ought to act. Where is the compassion and the desire to help people with their lives as they actually exist? The orientation is instead an imitation of how the Israelis do business. Brute force to take over an area. And so we have further evidence of the de-Christian-izing of America.

It will be interesting to follow this offensive. It won't be long until the rationalizations begin to explain the lack of accomplishment.

One final note: How are the allies going to determine who is a Taliban fighter and who is a villager? The Afghan government has an answer. "Afghan soldiers know how to 'tell the difference between the terrorists and the farmers,' said Mohammad Zahir Azini, a spokesman for the Afghan military." (WSJ)

Yeah, right. How many times were similar words heard in Vietnam where whole villages were destroyed to 'save' them? Any Afghan males in Marjah over about 12-years-old would be well advised to run for their lives if they don't want to be shot or end up in some stockade. 

Friday, February 12, 2010

Greece, in Today's News 02.12.10

Greece. Where there is an economic crisis, one can be sure that the Cryptocracy is up to something. Such is the case in the current credit crisis in Greece.

Today's Wall Street Journal's feature page-one article is on the pledge of European nations to prevent a Grecian default. The WSJ terms it a watershed moment. "It was a watershed acknowledgement that the fiscal problems of one euro-zone country have now become the problems of all. That's a historic step for Europe in its 11-year-old experiment with a common currency. Until now, member countries had fiercely defended their sovereignty over taxes and spending..."

Now it just so happens that causing the Europeans to assert such authority is a long-standing goal of the Rothschilds and their ilk. This 11-year "experiment" has been a determined drive to create a European government that has sovereignty over national governments. Such an European entity is a decisive step towards the Rothschilds' hallowed goal of a world government.

And so, they did it. "Thursday's public show of support amounted to a tacit admission the currency bloc needs to address what critics [read Rothschilds] have long seen as its essential weakness: the absence of coordinated fiscal policies. Under the current system, the European Central Bank [controlled by the Rothschilds] has the power to set monetary policy for the entire 16-nation euro zone. But it has little influence over individual members fiscal policies." Now they do have that influence.

The process followed a familiar pattern. A crisis was created. In this case credit suddenly became hard to get for Greece. Greece was forced to concede that it might have to default. The various stock markets were then manipulated to act as if a momentous crisis was about to occur that would threaten the world economy. The media jumped in to build the hysteria over the-end-being-near. When the crisis was acknowledged as a genuine crisis, then the power players for the Cryptocracy stepped in with a plan that would save everything. Everyone, the media especially, breathed a sigh of relief.

In the meantime, no one seems to notice that Cryptocracy has accomplished their real aim of taking a step toward world government.

This Cryptocracy mode of operation of misdirection through crises in order to get their way, has been going on for some time. Sooner or later, those who have no inherent interest in the Cryptocracy will catch on. Only such consciousness of being defrauded will stop these Cryptocratic maniacs. 

Afghanistan, in Today's News 02.11.10

Afghanistan. The soon-to-occur, much heralded US military offensive in the Marjah district of Afghanistan is receiving lots of media coverage. The Wall Street Journal today has a 27-inch article on page A17.

The gist of the offensive seems to be to establish a US foothold in the area and move the district into the central government's sphere of authority. The problem is that the local population wants nothing to do with it. As the district governor says, "People here are on the side of the insurgency and have no trust in the government. Insurgents are in their villages 24 hours." [Quoted in the WSJ.] 

To get a flavor of the atmosphere, read what Lt. Col Reik Anderson, a battalion commander, has to say. "Villagers were just livid with me. Because so much lethality was going on, they said that the kids are crying, the women are scared" whenever helicopters appear. [Quoted in the WSJ.]

The people in these villages have lived a certain way for hundreds of years. To say the least, their ways are settled. Now the US comes along and intends to set up a whole different way of life with western-oriented hospitals and schools, etc. It is natural that the villagers would be distrustful of this change, especially when it is not understood, and especially when it is imposed by military force.

Can the US prevail? Well, the American forces have dubbed Pashmul, a cluster of villages west of Kandahar city as "the heart of darkness." That kind of lack of respect for a culture that has existed longer than the US is easily spotted by the villagers. Their resistance cannot be broken simply because they have no use for a country and culture that lords it over them and insists that the villagers' way of life is no good.

Anyone who has lived through the Vietnam war will recognize the US verbiage and tactics being used here. The Vietnamese didn't appreciate it too much, and neither will the Afghans. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Afghanistan, in Today's News 02.09.10

Afghanistan. Afghan President Karzai strikes one as the type who will say anything, regardless of the truthfulness, to please those who have authority over him. Everyone probably knows this type from work. He or she is the one, when questioned by their responsibility, who will quickly think up some seemingly rational answer that has no basis in reality, just to get rid of the questioner.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Karzai is now bringing up the idea of a draft in Afghanistan. The WSJ, of course, gives this idea credence. But, come on. This is a country where the central government is isolated and controls only the capital, Kabul, and maybe a few other locations. This is a country that just arrested a colonel for (WSJ) "helping to store, distribute and install explosives around Mahmud-Raqi, the capital of Kapisa province." The WSJ further reports that the colonel was involved in bribery and corruption involving road projects in the province, and that others in the Kapisa government were suspected of the same.

Karzai thinks he can have a draft in such a situation!

But it is all a ruse. Karzai is just trying to say the right things. He said that with a draft within five years the Afghan forces would be sufficient to guarantee that the country's security would "no longer [be] a burden of the shoulders of the international community."

And so, that means the international community can withdraw in five years, right? Wrong. (WSJ) "Still, he said foreign troop would be needed to help battle hard-core militants because the 'war on an issue separate from this security arrangement in Afghanistan.'"

No wonder Karzai is President with such an ability to speak out of both sides of his mouth. On the one hand, he seeks to please the United States by appearing to be doing something (the draft proposal) to secure the country. But, on the other hand, the US and others will have to stay because the issue of the war on terrorism is international. Bottom line: you guys in the US will have to carry the burden of the war.

What a guy!!


Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top US general in Afghanistan, (WSJ) "told reporters that the success of a coming offensive in the Taliban-infested south hinges on whether troops and civilian aid workers can quickly get schools, hospitals and public services running." 

Aside from being a convenient CYA statement, his remarks are a bit peculiar. Does he mean that the existing schools, hospitals and public services will be knocked out in the coming offensive? Local inhabitants are always receptive to having their native institutions shut down. (Sarcasm.) 

If McChystal means what he says, the coming offensive will drive the population right into the arms of the Taliban, if they aren't there already.


The Wall Street Journal has a 23-inch article with a huge picture today praising the efforts of the US and Afghanistan to enlist veteran officers of the anti-Soviet battles of the 1980's. This is an interesting action because the rest of the officers of the Afghan army are the very ones who fought the anti-Soviet insurgents!

Somehow the US thinks this will work. After all, the US brought them together them together for a "senior Afghan National Army command course," taught by the US and the French. Now surely everyone knows that the wisdom of the Americans and the French can overcome years of these officers trying to kill each other and overcome centuries of tribal conflict between Pastuns and Tajiks. (Sarcasm.)

The US is in a dream world that will never settle or win this war.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Toyota, in Today's News 02.05.10

Toyota. Toyota's recall of 4.5 million vehicles because of sudden acceleration problems is like a dream come true for the leaders of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. They are thinking something like, 'at long last, comes an opportunity to pay Toyota back for taking away the American auto manufacturers' preeminence.' 

And so, GM and the others are pulling out all the stops to influence Washington to initiate all manner of investigations against Toyota. As a result, congressional investigators expanded their view of Toyota to include the new Prius hybrid. And lo and behold, Toyota announced a recall of 270,000 of the Prius.

The House Oversight Committee plans a hearing on Toyota's recalls which will focus on whether Toyota failed to properly deal with safety complaints.

Today's Wall Street Journal, page B5, "One Democratic lawmaker who will lead a congressional grilling of Toyota, Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan [read 'of the American auto industry'], predicts the Toyota hearing could surpass the Ford/Firestone uproar of a decade ago -- largely, he said, because Toyota appears to have dodged questions about problems with its accelerators for years." Gee, now where could he have gotten the idea to make the hearing a whiz-bang event?

Yep, there must be high-fives up and down the corridors in GM's and Ford's headquarters. But, it is dubious that all this manufactured concern will convince the American public that GM's vehicles are better quality than Toyota or other foreign brands.

The task before GM, especially, is to put together a vehicle that the American public will want. GM can't solve there declining sales by better promotion or by government-appointed new management or by jumping on Toyota. GM can only increase its sales by putting out a car that speaks for itself about good quality.

Bank of America, in Today's News 02.05.10

Bank of America. The cryptocracy neither forgives nor forgets. They have been trying to "get" Ken Lewis, the former CEO of BoA, from the beginning of the financial crisis brought about by the cryptocracy. Why they are after him is unknown, but there is something about Lewis that the cryptocracy hates. 

Yesterday, Andrew Cuomo, the New York Attorney General, filed a civil complaint against Lewis for duping investors by failing to disclose mounting losses at Merrill Lynch and Co. before BoA tookover Merrill.

This action is the latest of many efforts to go after Lewis, including a congressional hearing. Lewis fought off most of the attacks, but the constant pressure finally forced him to resign.

One would think the cryptocracy would then forget and get on with other business. But, no, as the cryptocracy might say, 'vindictiveness R us.'  

Lewis, who is no angel, might now regret having resigned, because as a private citizen he is more vulnerable. He is probably wishing he had the BoA legal department in his corner now.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Afghanistan, in Today's News 02.05.10

Afghanistan. General Stanley McChrystal, the head of US and allied forces in Afghanistan, is undoubtedly a good man and an honorable soldier. But he gets himself in trouble when he enters into the world of politics, and especially when he tries to make nice to the Obama administration.

In a moment of candor a few months ago McChrystal described the situation in Afghanistan as "serious and deteriorating." This assessment caused Obama no end of dismay and trouble. The Obama team let McChrystal know that he had better change his mind and say so.

Yesterday, McChrystal held a small media conference where, according to the Wall Street Journal, he said "he no longer believes the battlefield situation there [in Afghanistan] is deteriorating." How does he back up this assertion? "I'm not prepared to draw it on a map; I'm not prepared to give you numbers. But I'm prepared to tell you what I see. And what I feel gives me that sense." [!!!!]

This is really pitiable. First note that he only says the battlefield situation is not deteriorating. No mention is made of the Afghan government which is corrupt, completely isolated, and hanging by an American-supported thread. Also note that in a war like Afghanistan there is no such thing as a "battlefield."

Next, McChrystal's statement that things are not deteriorating comes a week or so after the Afghan government postponed elections because they feared what the results might show. Also, the capital, Kabul, was rocked about two weeks ago by an day-long Taliban attack on the center of the city. Other attacks have occurred recently that are notable by the obvious Taliban stratagem of attacking where the US isn't.

And so, McChrystal is correct in one sense. The situation is not deteriorating. It would collapse of its own power were it not for the American military presence.

Also, it is a commentary on the state of the American civilization when a general is pressured to make a statement that is patently untrue just to make sure the President looks good. 

The Obama strategy seems to be to squeeze the Taliban so they will agree to negotiate a settlement. Thus Obama is appreciative to McChrystal for saying the US is doing well. 

The truth, however, is that the Obama-squeeze-tactic won't work. He has no power to bring pressure on the Taliban, because the Taliban is always a step or two ahead of him. They strike where they know they can win. And they know that time is on their side. As time marches on, the US military spending continues to get out of hand, the left wing of Obama's political party puts increasing pressure on him, and the American public becomes more and more war-weary.

And so, Obama finds himself in an increasingly untenable position. And a fawning statement by McChrystal will not change things.

Stock Market Decline, in Today's News 02.05.10

Stock Market Decline. Wall Street Journal page C1: "Dow [Industrial Average] Sinks to 3-month Low Near 10000."

It is always a mistake to see the stock market ups and downs as primarily a function of supply and demand, natural causes, etc.

The Rothschilds and others in the cryptocracy don't make their money through speculation in the market. They have always believed in making money through manipulation and usury. To them the stock market is merely a tool to influence the course of human events. 

The cryptocracy has manipulated the stock market from the beginning of the stock market age. The media covers it up and the volume of trade on the market would seem to preclude manipulation, but the truth is these families in the cryptocracy are extremely powerful, strong enough to influence the market to do what they want it to do.

So, it pays to look at the present politico-economic situation from the point of view of the cryptocracy.

The current drop in the stock market just happens to coincide with several setbacks for the cryptocracy. First was the dramatic disillusionment in their man in the White House, as shown in the Massachusetts election. Next, was the utter crash and burn of the health reform. This reform was a central goal of the cryptocracy and one of the purposes for precipitating the general economic crisis. And then, there is the cryptocracy's much desired reform of financial regulation putting more power in the Federal Reserve. This reform is stuck in congressional quick-sand, and is going absolutely nowhere. Even worse, their nominee to head the Fed, just barely squeaked through his election in congress.

All this means only one thing to the cryptocracy: it is time to deepen the economic crisis in the hopes of creating an atmosphere where their cherished reforms can be pushed through. This is the cryptocracy's primary mode of operation: create a crisis so that in the resulting emergency, they can obtain what they want from the government. 

Will it work? It is dubious that the health care reform can be resurrected in the short term. But their real aim is probably to get the Fed (which they own) empowered to regulate the entire economy. Obama himself is also making a valiant effort to regain his stature. He even went to a prayer-meeting, of all things!

In the meantime, the entire population suffers. Every person now knows of someone or family that is in a crisis because of the economy and the machinations of the cryptocracy.

And not a word from the leaders of Catholicism. It's almost as if they don't live in the real world of today.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Afghanistan, in Today's News 02.02.10

Afghanistan. Today's Wall Street Journal has a report on the 'allied' plans to secure Kandahar in the spring of this year. The plans come complete with three concentric rings: a ring of stability, a ring of security, and a ring of deep fight. The allied coalition plans to stabilize this spring the stability ring, which includes Kandahar and major satellite towns.

One wonders if they have stopped studying history at the military academies. There is nothing new is these plans. They have all been tried before, many times, as far back as Algeria. These type of plans have failed each time.

Why have they failed? Because it is all paper, dreamed up schemes, that have nothing to do with the real life in the war situation. It is epitomized by a statement by Canadian Brig. General Daniel Menard, the commander of the Task Force Kandahar, "They [the Taliban] will not fight us when and where they want. We will fight them when and where we want, and that is a huge change."

This is just dreaming. Already in the last two weeks the Taliban has struck in their own fashion where they wanted, almost toppling the Kabul regime. In the meantime the 'allies' were concentrating in a whole different area of the country.

In other words, the Taliban is fighting when and where it wants.

All this 'allied' activity comes down to busy work, designed to look like something meaningful is being done. All the while the Taliban is building its real support throughout the country.

Well, at least the next few months should be entertaining.