How do they go about such an ambitious reversal? As always, the Cryptocracy's mode of operation is to create a crisis and then attempt to stampede everyone into supporting what they want. They can't reveal their real aims because the public would rebel, so they have to use secrecy, misdirection, and manipulation to achieve their goals.
The Cryptocracy followed true to form in the latest case. They picked a weak link in the world economy, Greece. Then they tightened credit enough to put Greece in a precarious situation. (This is a simple matter of refusing to grant any further loans to the country.) Then they instructed the media to begin a hysteria campaign about how the world economy is in danger because of a possible Greek default. When the world media and markets were convinced that a genuine crisis existed, the Cryptocracy through their various agents in banks, stock brokers, and investment trusts made a few key trades. This action was enough to convince the rest of the 'investment community' that a run on the Euro was about to begin. And viola', the dollar starts to rise.
Of course, if one knows all this is about to occur, one can make zillions. And so they are.
The Cryptocracy is able to get away with manipulations such as this because a false consciousness exists about how the world economy and politics works. This false consciousness will break at some point because it is so out of touch with the actual reality. Then life will become very interesting. Until then, the Cryptocracy is step by step accumulating the world's wealth and political power in their exclusive hands.
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