Today's Wall Street Journal's feature page-one article is on the pledge of European nations to prevent a Grecian default. The WSJ terms it a watershed moment. "It was a watershed acknowledgement that the fiscal problems of one euro-zone country have now become the problems of all. That's a historic step for Europe in its 11-year-old experiment with a common currency. Until now, member countries had fiercely defended their sovereignty over taxes and spending..."
Now it just so happens that causing the Europeans to assert such authority is a long-standing goal of the Rothschilds and their ilk. This 11-year "experiment" has been a determined drive to create a European government that has sovereignty over national governments. Such an European entity is a decisive step towards the Rothschilds' hallowed goal of a world government.
And so, they did it. "Thursday's public show of support amounted to a tacit admission the currency bloc needs to address what critics [read Rothschilds] have long seen as its essential weakness: the absence of coordinated fiscal policies. Under the current system, the European Central Bank [controlled by the Rothschilds] has the power to set monetary policy for the entire 16-nation euro zone. But it has little influence over individual members fiscal policies." Now they do have that influence.
The process followed a familiar pattern. A crisis was created. In this case credit suddenly became hard to get for Greece. Greece was forced to concede that it might have to default. The various stock markets were then manipulated to act as if a momentous crisis was about to occur that would threaten the world economy. The media jumped in to build the hysteria over the-end-being-near. When the crisis was acknowledged as a genuine crisis, then the power players for the Cryptocracy stepped in with a plan that would save everything. Everyone, the media especially, breathed a sigh of relief.
In the meantime, no one seems to notice that Cryptocracy has accomplished their real aim of taking a step toward world government.
This Cryptocracy mode of operation of misdirection through crises in order to get their way, has been going on for some time. Sooner or later, those who have no inherent interest in the Cryptocracy will catch on. Only such consciousness of being defrauded will stop these Cryptocratic maniacs.
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