In a moment of candor a few months ago McChrystal described the situation in Afghanistan as "serious and deteriorating." This assessment caused Obama no end of dismay and trouble. The Obama team let McChrystal know that he had better change his mind and say so.
Yesterday, McChrystal held a small media conference where, according to the Wall Street Journal, he said "he no longer believes the battlefield situation there [in Afghanistan] is deteriorating." How does he back up this assertion? "I'm not prepared to draw it on a map; I'm not prepared to give you numbers. But I'm prepared to tell you what I see. And what I feel gives me that sense." [!!!!]
This is really pitiable. First note that he only says the battlefield situation is not deteriorating. No mention is made of the Afghan government which is corrupt, completely isolated, and hanging by an American-supported thread. Also note that in a war like Afghanistan there is no such thing as a "battlefield."
Next, McChrystal's statement that things are not deteriorating comes a week or so after the Afghan government postponed elections because they feared what the results might show. Also, the capital, Kabul, was rocked about two weeks ago by an day-long Taliban attack on the center of the city. Other attacks have occurred recently that are notable by the obvious Taliban stratagem of attacking where the US isn't.
And so, McChrystal is correct in one sense. The situation is not deteriorating. It would collapse of its own power were it not for the American military presence.
Also, it is a commentary on the state of the American civilization when a general is pressured to make a statement that is patently untrue just to make sure the President looks good.
The Obama strategy seems to be to squeeze the Taliban so they will agree to negotiate a settlement. Thus Obama is appreciative to McChrystal for saying the US is doing well.
The truth, however, is that the Obama-squeeze-tactic won't work. He has no power to bring pressure on the Taliban, because the Taliban is always a step or two ahead of him. They strike where they know they can win. And they know that time is on their side. As time marches on, the US military spending continues to get out of hand, the left wing of Obama's political party puts increasing pressure on him, and the American public becomes more and more war-weary.
And so, Obama finds himself in an increasingly untenable position. And a fawning statement by McChrystal will not change things.
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