Yet another setback for President Obama. This one concerns the "Volcker rule" which would prevent banks from making risky bets with its own capital. Former Fed Chairman Volcker is a prime spokesmen for the Rothschilds and other owners of the world's wealth. The reform he advocated is a Cryptocracy priority to try to stop ambitious novices from playing with the Cryptocracy's money.
The inability of Obama to achieve this reform is less than pleasing to the Cryptocracy. Obama is racking up a series of losses on projects that the Cryptocracy elected him to do. The reform of financial regulations to give the Fed more power has stalled almost completely. His setback on health care is a setback to major plan to bring 1/6 of the economy under government (read Cryptocracy) control.
Obama is trying to salvage his health care reform. Success is dubious.
The Israelis seem disappointed in Obama and, for the moment, are patiently waiting for him to come around to militarily attacking Iran. At some moment they will give up on Obama, and force a confrontation that the US will have to become involved in.
When the 2008 election began, it seemed that Obama would not be the choice of the Cryptocracy because his standing and experience were insufficient to rally the American people around key objectives such as attacking Iran. But, the Cryptocracy chose him, probably thinking that Obama's messiah-like image would carry the day especially in the context of their planned economic crisis. They were correct up to a point. But Obama's image tarnished rapidly and his hold on public opinion is declining, as is his ability to achieve the Cryptocracy goals.
There seems to be little the Cryptocracy can do to bring Obama back to his former authority. Once it is gone, it is very difficult to restore. Obama is trying valiently to press ahead, but the futility is right there for all to see.
What will the Cryptocracy do? We'll have to wait to see. But the changes they wanted to come out of the economic crisis are still very much must-do goals. They will not give up easily on achieving them.
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