Tuesday, August 4, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 26, in Today's News 08.03.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. Hooray for the common sense of the American people!!! An Associated Press-GfK poll reveals that "56 percent of Americans aren't worried that they or their family will catch swine flu."

Moreover, "...only a third of people say they're very likely to get vaccinated themselves once shots arrive."

And, "A solid minority -- a third of adults and a little more than one in four parents -- opposes swine flu vaccination."

And, "Two-thirds of people are concerned the new vaccine might bring side effects."

The mighty efforts of the cryptocracy's agents in the Centers for Disease Control and other groups to scare the American people have hardly made a dent.

This is wonderful news and a tribute to the public's ability to see through a sham and a scam.

The cryptocracy, of course, will draw quite different conclusions from this poll. They are probably now realizing that they have not done enough to scare people. Expect new efforts from the scare campaign directors to attempt to terrify the public. One likely step is an announcement that the H1N1 (Swine) Flu has morphed into a more dangerous bug.


By the way, get a load of this from the AP article on their poll: "Get ready for a confusing fall. The regular winter flu is expected to make its usual rounds -- infecting up to one in five Americans and killing 36,000 -- at the same time swine flu spreads. But it will take two separate vaccinations [!!!] to protect against both kinds." (Emphasis added.)

And this, "...the last mass vaccination against swine flu, in 1976, was marred by reports of a rare paralyzing condition called Guillain-Barre syndrome..."

Just remember that the projected H1N1 (Swine) Flu vaccine has not been tested and has not been proved to be safe without side effects. In fact the scare campaign directors are contemplating going ahead with the vaccination program without approval of the flu vaccine.  

And who are the first targets (read 'guinea pigs') for vaccination? Why, pregnant women, of course.

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