Even though Benedict is one of the most pro-Judaic Popes in the history of the Church, his orientation evidently wasn't good enough to please the individuals who constantly strive to control human events in order to establish a world Talmudic dictatorship. These individuals know full-well that it is the Church and what it stands for that stand in the way. Sooner or later they had to attempt to remove the Church as an obstacle. It looks like they have decided that now is the time.
And so the Church faces a great challenge. Can the Vatican and the Church leaders recognize the danger? Can they take adequate action to turn back this attack?
Time will tell. Some of the Church statements have indicated a glimmering of understanding. But, for the most part, the Church statements have been framed in defensiveness. That stance will never succeed. Those going after the Pope will tear defensive statements apart and use the statements against the Church, as they already are doing.
The only way forward is for the Church leaders to go on the offensive. The Church is the most compassionate entity in the history of the world. It is utterly ridiculous for the Church to be painted as an organization of abuse and cover-up. The leaders need to get some gumption, quit worrying about the media's attitude toward them and start explaining what the attack on the Pope means for the development of world history.
The Church had no trouble going on the offensive in response to Luther's challenge. The danger to the Church in the present circumstances is far greater.