What the media misses is the cleverness of the Israeli actions. Biden went to Israel to discuss the Obama agenda of pretending to be sympathetic to the Arab world. The Israelis, of course, wanted nothing to do with that discussion. So, to avoid the discussion, the Israelis simply announced as Biden was landing that they were putting up more housing in the Palestinian sector. Immediately the agenda was totally changed. Instead of the Obama agenda, the topic of concern was the Israeli actions. Everyone forgot about the Obama agenda.
The price the Israelis paid was a small one. They made Biden look like a fool, but that doesn't really matter to the Israelis. Soon the world will not pay much attention to the new housing. And so, things will be right back where they were before Biden's visit.
IOW, the Israelis completely out-maneuvered Obama. In fact, they made Obama look a little silly. But, the media has no intention to accurately report what happened. Their job is to enhance the image of Obama. So, they complain about the Israeli bad manners.
Much is being made also of the differences between Israel and the United States. Basically the differences are tactical. Both countries share the same objective to make Israel the premier country in the middle-east, and to do this by force when the time comes.
The media is making a big noise about the 'differences'. After all it sells. But, the differences don't amount to much. With one caveat: the hysterical Israelis can get very worked up over tactical matters, and they are capable of most anything. The recent actions of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee to pressure Obama are an example.
* - Hillary is still trying to get even with the Israelis for the way they treated her after she appeared on the same platform with Mrs. Arafat.
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