Wednesday, September 30, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 49, in Today's News 09.30.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. The cryptocracy is plenty worried about the success of their swine-flu-scare campaign. After months and months of loud propaganda on the dangers of the flu bug, the American public has refused to buy in.

The Wall Street Journal has an opinion piece today on the problem. Titled "How the First Family Can Lead on Swine Flu," it appears on page A21. Here are some key quotes:

" appears that many people are not planning to get the Swine Flu shot."

"A recent survey...shows that about three-quarters of Americans believe that neither they nor their family members or friends will contract H1N1..."

"A poll...reveals that 40% of parents plan to inoculate their children."

The data shows that the massive and unprecedented campaign to frighten the public to stampede into lining up for their shot, has failed miserably. Apparently the American public is a lot more intelligent than the cryptocracy believes.

The managers of the campaign screwed up big time by not having the vaccine available when the propaganda effort peaked. The scare campaign lost momentum and then the entrenched skepticism of the American public took hold. The campaign directors also lost credibility by over-selling their product. Their projections indicated a crisis of mammoth proportions that would take a shut-down of society to stop. Even the cryptocracy took exception to these plans and told the directors to cool it.

Now begins the cryptocracy effort to try to save their cherished drive to establish mandatory inoculations. The WSJ article authors' suggestion on motivating the public is for the President and family to receive shots in a very public way. Expect also a big propaganda push in the media in the next few weeks. Authoritative spokespeople will try their hand at scaring the public. Misleading data on the number of swine-flu cases will probably appear.

Then comes the big decision for the cryptocracy: whether to suddenly discover that the bug has transformed into a more dangerous bug.

Incidentally, the cryptocracy must be exasperated that their chosen directors were unable to pull of their assignment: to train the public to accept inoculation without protest and at the direction of their 'leaders.' What the cryptocracy may do next to accomplish their goal is a matter of some concern.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 48, in Today's News 09.29.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. Today's Wall Street Journal has a revealing article that sheds light on why the swine flu scare campaign is so important to the cryptocracy, and why we can expect more of these campaigns in the future.

Here are some quotes from an article titled, "U.S. Drug Companies Chase Vaccines; Abbot, J&J and Merck, Through a Spate of Deals, Expand in a Category with Built-in Buyers" [!!]:

"The deals reflect the growing conviction among pharmaceutical executives that vaccines against a variety of maladies, long an industry stepchild, will become an increasingly important source of growth to replace aging blockbusters that are poised to lose patent protections."

"Vaccine sales are growing faster than sales of other prescription medicines and are largely immune to the generic competition that is already costing drug makers billions of dollars in revenue on their top-selling treatments."

"Moreover, government agencies both in the US and around the world are increasingly reliable buyers of vaccine as they seek to stockpile medicines that could help protect the public in case of a major flu outbreak."

And so, one of the purposes of the drive toward mandatory vaccinations is to bail out the big drug companies. Health necessity has very little to do with it. The goal is get the public used to receiving vaccinations for more and more ailments. That way the profits of the drug makers are assured.

If there are promoters of the swine flu vaccine who have a conscience, one would hope that facts as revealed in the WSJ article would steer them in a better direction.

One would also hope that the Catholic leaders in this country would take some time off from being loyal supporters of the American way, and look into matters such as this vaccination fraud. A fraud that will only harm the faithful.

Iran, in Today's News 09.28.09

Iran. One of the pleasures of political commentary is that every once in a while Hillary Clinton will step forward with some stupidity. Clinton can be relied upon to provide comic relief to the serious business of world politics.

Clinton never does anything unless it is strictly in her own interests. Now she has figured out that Iran is a big deal and will provide many opportunities to get her face before the public. So, she steps in on the action.

Yesterday, she horned in on a media conference by Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Her amateur contribution: She said to the Iranian government, "Don't assert it [peaceful intentions], prove it..." Someone should tell Hillary that this kind of bluster is best suited to a high school political campaign.

And just how is Iran supposed to prove it? "...they can open their entire system to the kind of extensive investigation that the facts call for." [!!!] Extensive investigation of the entire system?????? Is there a country in the world that would be so out of their mind as to allow this? Let alone a country that everyday has to listen to threats from Israel and the United States to destroy their country as it exists today. The only way any government would permit this is if they were militarily smashed.

The reaction that could be expected from the Iranians would be some raucous guffaws. Members of the State Department and Obama's team probably also got a few laughs out it. The Obama-team resolution to keep Clinton away from the central issues could only be reinforced by her remarks.

Monday, September 28, 2009

World Government, in Today's News 09.26.09

World Government. As expected the leaders of the G-20 nations announced Friday that they will now subject their individual economic policies to the review by each other nation.

The newspaper commentaries stress that the new arrangement lacks enforcement mechanisms.

Several comments:

1. Stressing lack of enforcement is just a soft-sell of the plan. The idea is to convince the public that this is all a collaborative academic undertaking that will have no influence on peoples' lives. 

2. Stressing lack of enforcement is simultaneously a building of the groundwork for the really serious enforcement that is to come.

3. Finally, it is all malarky that there is no enforcement. Say you are Argentina and the other countries are critical of your policy. Standing up to that pressure would be very difficult, and moreover, to do so would invite war.

The International Monetary Fund is projected as the organization that does the reviewing of national economic policies. As is well-known the IMF has very effective enforcement mechanisms that surely would be used in this new arrangement.

Iran, in Today's News 09.26.09

Iran. Many newspapers today ran major stories on President Obama's statement on Iran. He and the leaders of France and Britain charged that (in the words of the Wall Street Journal) "Iran has built a secret nuclear facility designed to give the Islamic republic the ability to build an atomic weapon..." The Wall Street Journal comments that this revelation "significantly raises the stakes in the West's intensifying face-off with Tehran."

Revelation it isn't. The US has known about this reactor for a few years, according to the WSJ. So, why is the US now making a big deal about this?

Well, once again Obama got caught in an awkwardness. He too had been keeping the reactor secret so he could use it to convince the 'allies' of the danger of Iran. But then Iran decided to report the construction to the world nuclear regulatory bodies. Suddenly Obama's little secret would be public knowledge and it would be ruined as tool to convince others.

So, what to do? Simple, Obama decided to beat Iran to the punch. He made his dramatic statement before Iran could explain itself.

By the way, the reactor in question is a typical reactor for producing energy. It has no immediate capacity for weapons production.

The US says that the fact that Iran was hiding the facility and heavily reinforcing it indicates its non-peaceful intended use.

Well, gee, it that so hard to figure out? If major military powers in the world were threatening to bomb my nuclear facilities, I'd certainly go out of my way to protect a new one under construction.

This commentary is not to minimize the growing danger of a military attack on Iran. Obama, not wanting to attack now without preparation, has tried to buy time by projecting negotiations and setting deadlines far off in the future. This little maneuver has grown thin as time runs out on his deadlines. Thus he is brought back to Israel's plan to attack now.

The differences between Israel and the US never really existed. The 'differences' were just the media playing along trying to convince everyone that the US is really an independent force on this question. But now we are beginning to see that the US is once again supporting fully the foreign policy of Israel.


Today's Wall Street Journal has a major, major article, "The Iran Attack Plan." The article details who should attack what in Iran, when, and by what means. The article has a map of the Iranian facilities and individual descriptions of each plant.

The publication of such an article underlines the growing danger of an attack on Iran by the US and Israel. The publication indicates that the US and Israel are very close to taking this decisive step that would seriously and permanently disrupt world relations and world peace, such as it is.

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 47, in Today's News 09.27.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. Many newspapers are beginning to run feature articles about how individuals can keep from getting swine flu. The articles stress that the H1N1 is expected to sweep through the schools and other congested places soon.

This all very odd. Schools have been in session for weeks and swine flu has made no noticeable impact. For instance, as of September 24, Northwestern University has zero cases of swine flu; University of Chicago, zero; Southern Illinois University, 3 cases. The list could go on.

Now all of a sudden the population is supposed to be worried about swine flu. Could all this propaganda be related to the fact that the vaccine will be available in a couple of weeks? And now the cryptocracy can begin to work in earnest to scare people into a stampede to line up for their vaccination?

The cynicism here is unbelievable. The cryptocracy thinks it can turn on and turn off a flu epidemic at their will. The effect of their efforts will make for an interesting study of mass psychology. 

Friday, September 25, 2009

World Government, in Today's News 09.25.09

World Government. Leaders of the world's leading twenty economies are about to take a decisive step toward the new world order and toward a world government that can over-rule national governments. Will anyone sound the alarm?

Today's Wall Street Journal details the plan in a page one article. The lead paragraph: "The Group of 20 nations is close to an agreement that would require [!!] members to subject their economic policies to a type of 'peer review'..."

"Also, the G-20 heads of state will announce Friday that the G-20 will become the permanent [!!] council for international economic cooperation, eclipsing the Group of Eight..."

"The potential agreement envisions a procedure where G-20 countries assess whether each others' policies are working, and the International Monetary Fund provides technical help." [Emphases added.] The agreement does not yet include enforcement mechanisms.

This agreement is the foundation event for a qualitative transformation of the world. The Talmudic and Masonic goal of a world government is now so much closer to realization.

The agreement calls for monitoring of national governments' economic policy. But once one monitors economic policy, one will eventually control economic policy and everything else. It will only be a matter of time until the formality of a governing oversight of all political and economic national policies is adopted.

The agreement says each country will monitor other countries. Fat chance of that happening. No, an international apparatus will be set up that does the monitoring and formulates the changes to be made by national governments. It is not hard to figure out which philosophical outlook will dominate such an apparatus.

The cryptocracy will be overjoyed at this development. They precipitated the economic crisis in part to set an atmosphere where an international governing body could be established, no matter how preliminary. And they have achieved their goal.

What enables the cryptocracy to get away with this step is the absence of an organized opposition. Most everyone, who might be expected to expose and challenge a world government, has been bamboozled by all the propaganda about saving the world economy. Even the Pope, who speaks for billions, actually came out in his last encyclical in favor of creating such an international oversight body. Never mind that a world government would be a disaster for the faithful and the rest of the world's population.

This is a sad day for humanity. Some time in the future, leaders will mark this event as the beginning of the final march to the new world order.

Is there an authoritative leader in today's world who will stand up against the danger? Is there a Joan of Arc today who is willing to fight for rulership of Christ the King and against the rule of the almighty dollar?

Iran, in Today's News 09.24.09

Iran. Today's Wall Street Journal headline: "Obama Gains Russian Support on Iran". The reality is actually quite a bit different.

The Obama administration announced a week or so ago that the US would unilaterally abandon its effort to build missile interceptors and radar in Poland and the Czech Republic. The goal was to make a concession to the Russians in the hope that Russia would modify its support of Iran. Russian support to Iran is a major obstacle to US and Israel efforts to confront Iran. It would be a help to the US if the Russians did nothing when the US and Israel attack Iran.

This diplomatic maneuver was to bring results this week when Obama and Russian President Medvedev met at the G-20 meeting.

So, what happened? The Russians a proposal that they had already supported!!!! "The US and its allies [read Israel] have decided to present Iran once more with a version of an offer they have made previously: They would halt efforts to enact new economic sanctions against Tehran in exchange for it freezing it production of nuclear fuel..." This stance is know as the 'freeze for freeze' proposal.

So, in other words, what the US achieved with its overture to the Russians was absolutely nothing!!! Even worse Obama managed to give away a key bargaining chip in exchange for zilch. Experienced negotiators must be stunned by the incompetence of Obama and his team.

The WSJ and others in the media are portraying this development as a great victory for Obama. "President Obama scored a potential victory in his diplomatic engagement with Iran by gaining what appeared to be a commitment from...Medvedev..."

Note that the puff language to build up Obama is qualified by 'potential victory' and 'appeared to be'. The heavy thinkers on the cryptocracy team know what happened (or didn't happen), but they must nonetheless build up their spokesman Obama.

The truth is this little diplomatic adventure was debacle. The cryptocracy for one and the Israelis for two are not going to be pleased. Their desired war on Iran remains stalled.

Afghanistan, in Today's News 09.24.09

Afghanistan. The cryptocracy has decided that the Karzai regime in Afghanistan, which the United States installed in office, is not up to the task of winning the war with the Taliban.

As the Afghan situation deteriorates, Obama is faced with a crucial decision: to send in more troops, to stand and fight to the end, or to pull out. Obama chose none of the above. He decided to do another review of the American war strategy.

The first step in this review, it seems, is to change the administration in Afghanistan. The Wall Street Journal today has a major article (page A11) on Obama's new course. A key quote: "Senior administration officials said they had viewed the [national Afghan] elections [held a few weeks ago] as the first step in rebuilding Afghanistan, but that Mr. Karzai squandered the opportunity."

"U.S. officials have also tried to support members of the Afghan cabinet they believe are clean and effective, such as Agricultural Minister Mohammed Asif Rahimi."

"After [American commander] Gen. McChrystal's team took over in June, its members were stunned by the extent of corruption they found..."

So, if you are President Karzai, it probably would be a good idea to be aware of who is standing behind you.

Needless to say, Obama's decision to switch 'partners' in Afghanistan is a futile one. The switch is simply a way of looking like something is being done, but the underlying reality stays the same: US prestige is at a low point, the government is discredited, and the Taliban are making significant advances.

The key decisions regarding Afghanistan still sit there awaiting resolution. All Obama is doing is gaining a little time by strategizing and switching regimes. But the more time goes by, the more difficult will be the solution. Obama faces a situation where no matter what he decides, he will face opposition.


A note to Karzai and others who makes deals with the cryptocracy: By no means does the crytpocracy view a deal as establishing a partnership. No, the deal is solely one of the cryptocracy's using someone for temporary purposes. As soon as the purposes are over or as soon as the dealmaker does something the cryptocracy doesn't like, the cryptocracy will turn on the dealmaker like a mad dog. And with no qualms of conscience and without any thank-yous for services rendered, they will dispose of the dealmaker.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 46, in Today's News 09.23.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. It is beginning to look like the cryptocracy decided that it had had enough problems with health care, financial regulatory reform, Afghanistan, and Iraq to also take on a full-fledged mandatory vaccination program.

Schools have been in session for at least a couple of weeks. One would expect, based on the scare-campaign propaganda, that the hospitals would now be bulging with swine-flu victims. But news of the virus has virtually disappeared from the media.

What happened? In addition to the significant public opposition to the cryptocracy/Obama 'reforms', the coordinators of the swine flu scare campaign have a temporary logistical problem. They won't have enough vaccine until mid-October. And so there is no sense in going all-out on their campaign when there is no vaccine to stampede people toward.

Things will get interesting again in October.


Russia has not gone along with the cryptocracy's swine flu campaign. In fact they have been downright uncooperative.

The cryptocracy certainly cannot tolerate such insolence. Moreover, the Russian have the capability to spill the beans on the phoniness of the scare campaign. So, the cryptocrats found a respectable member of the Russian medical world to issue a statement attacking the government's swine-flu stance. 

The Wall Street Journal reports on this development today under the headline,"Doctor Says Russia Understating Swine-Flu Cases."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Health Care, in Today's News 09.22.09

Health Care. Here's the entirety of an article found in a number of newspapers: "The Obama administration warned insurance companies Monday they face possible legal action for allegedly trying to scare seniors with misleading information about the potential for lost benefits under health care legislation in Congress." [!!!!!]

If ever there was a sign that Obama and his health care legislation are on the ropes, this is it!

Obama pulled out all the stops in the last couple of weeks putting his political capital on the line. And the legislation is still going nowhere. 

So, now Obama is threatening legal action to get his way.

Any competent observer of politics will immediately see this threat as a sign of significant political weakness and desperation.

BTW, this threat has all the earmarks of the Rahm Emanuel school of politics.

Afghanistan, in Today's News 09.22.09

Afghanistan. President Obama is skating on some pretty thin ice.

As the situation in Afghanistan deteriorates Obama is faced with three choices, none of them pretty or easy: Send in gobs more troops, or have the current deployment stand and fight to the bitter end, or get out. Each one of these options is a massive problem for Obama. 

So, what does he decide to do? None of the above. Today's Wall Street Journal, "But the commander [of troops in Afghanistan] has been told to delay submitting the troop request to the Pentagon at the direction of Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and other top civilian officials [read President Obama], according to defense officials." [Emphasis added.] It seems the administration wants to make yet another strategic review before decisions are made.

In other words, Obama is telling the troops in Afghanistan to 'hold the fort' until he figures out what to do.

This stance is a big gamble. Basically Obama is hoping nothing goes wrong in Afghanistan until he can make a decision. 

And plenty can go wrong. The Taliban may very well continue their string of significant military victories. Sentiment in the Afghan government is turning against the United States as atrocities against civilians mount (even though the US tried to blame Germany for the last disaster). The battle for Afghan public opinion has been pretty much lost and won't get any better. And finally, telling your troops to table their request for help and to sit tight, is not exactly the way to inspire the troops to inspired combat.

All these factors will worsen as time goes on and as Obama scratches his head. The ice he is skating on is getting thinner and thinner.

Monday, September 21, 2009

World Government, in Today's News 09.21.09

World Government. If anyone thinks that talk of a cryptocracy drive to establish a world government now is the product of a fevered imagination, try reading today's Wall Street Journal.

This quote is from a front page, top of page article on the G-20 summit, "The G-20 summit, the third such gathering in a year [!!], is shaping up as a test of whether industrialized and developing nations can function as a board of directors for the global economy." [!!!!!!][Emphasis added.]

"Leaders are working on ways to enforce commitments countries make..."

And from a page-two article: "This week, leaders of the world's 20 largest economies will launch a debate over how new financial rules can prevent a repeat of the Great Panic." 

" policy makers [exactly who are these people?] have sketched the outlines of a plan that will penalize risk-taking in a number of ways." [!!][Emphasis added.]

"'Implementation is always the issue,' says Timothy Adams, a former senior Bush Treasury official. 'If we wait even one more year, it may be too late [!!!!].' The sense of urgency will have faded, he says."

And so, another goal that the cryptocracy had in mind when they precipitated the economic crisis was to stampede the leading nations and the world's population into accepting a big jump to a world government, if not to the government itself. The first step is to establish some world agency that has authority to over-rule national governments on economic policy. When that agency is institutionalized, then the cryptocracy can move on to controlling political policies.


Also today we learn that the cryptocracy is about to renew its drive to establish a world body that can govern environmental policies of national states. Page A8 of the WSJ today: "More than 100 world leaders, including Mr. Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao, are scheduled to meet Tuesday at the 64th United Nations Genera Assembly to talk about fighting climate change..."

"U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has made global warming a focus, and he is worried that the meeting won't move the ball forward toward a new global climate-change treaty in Copenhagen this December..."


So, hold onto your hats. The cryptocracy is moving rapidly, determinedly, and with all due diligence to establishing their world government.

Have no doubt of this!! We are very close to the nightmare that humanity has feared for centuries, the unaccountable global iron fist.

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 45, in Today's News 09.21.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. The cryptocracy may have gained a bonus in the swine flu scare campaign, or maybe they planned it this way. In any case, they have the Saudis intimidated by all the swine flu propaganda. As a result there is a plunge in the number of expected pilgrims this year to Mecha.

The cryptocracy couldn't be happier with this development. They have succeeded in disrupting an event that otherwise is not in their control. 

Pope Benedict XVI, in Today's News 09.21.09

Pope Benedict XVI. "Pope announces synod in Middle East for 2010." (Catholic News Service headline today.)

Here's hoping the Pope knows what he is doing politically because his Talmudic friends are not going to be happy about a gathering in their area of world that gives impetus to Catholic, Orthodox and Christian activity.

Or does Benedict really think he can pull of such an event and give it a philo-Judaic slant?


Postscript (09.22.09). Benedict was undoubtedly infuriated when Palestinian Catholics strongly criticized him on the details of his trip to Israel before the trip began. Namely, they said the Pope should go to Gaza first instead of to the holocaust memorial.

Benedict's trip was planned for months, if not years. The purpose was to further demonstrate the Pope's and the Church leaders' profession of admiration toward Israel and Judaics. 

To have the Palestinian question and what Catholic leaders really ought to be doing about it thrust upon on the Pope on the eve of the trip must have been aggravating, to say the least.

One therefore might conclude that one of the purposes of the Mid-East Synod would be to make sure that kind on nonsense never occurs again. It is of supreme importance to the Pope and the Vatican that Mid-East Catholic leaders be brought into line with the Vatican's philo-Judaism. At the very least these critics must be silenced to prevent any more embarrassment

Incidentally, in the articles concerning the Synod there is no Vatican reference to the situation of the Palestinian faithful and the Palestinians as a whole. There is mention of Christians leaving the Mid-East, which is an indirect reference to the murderous attacks on Christians in Iraq. But there is no reference, direct or indirect, to the plight of the Palestinians and the Palestinian Church. 

Such neglect is an absolute disgrace.


Postscript II (09.22.09). Today's Catholic News Service has an article on the North African reaction to the Synod. Here's a key quote, "Some portions of the African Church do not find their experiences or issues reflected in the Synod's themes...'

If Benedict wants to achieve his goals (see above) he certainly has his work cut out for him.


Postscript (09.23.09). It turns out that Benedict does know what he is doing politically with the Synod in the Mid-East. And he probably has the okay from the Zionist board that monitors his actions and gives him advice.

Objectively the Synod fits in with the cryptocracy's efforts to pacify the Mid-East in the interests of the Israeli stat.

But Benedict is taking a chance. There happen to be many Catholics and clergy in the Mid-East who can clearly see the nature of Zionism. And they are sure to be vocal leading up to and at the Synod. Also, the very holding of the Synod will encourage Catholic action, which will not be pleasing to the Israelis.

Benedict is betting that his authority and that of Vatican leaders backed up by the philo-Israeli media can overcome the opposition. It will be interesting to watch. 

Friday, September 18, 2009

Economic Crisis, in Today's News 09.18.09

Economic Crisis. The cryptocracy's real purpose in precipitating the economic crisis was an audacious grab for more power. Most Americans probably thought the nation's situation before the crisis was okay. Not so the cryptocracy. They saw money that should have gone in their pockets being diverted into high salaries, health care, risky investments, etc. Their perspective saw a downhill slope with more and more of society's wealth escaping their grasp.

And so, they precipitated the economic crisis with several concrete goals in mind. One was to greatly increase the power of the Federal Reserve, which just happens to be the cryptocracy's central device to control the economy to their benefit. 

One of the first proposals to come along after the economic crisis hit was to put key economic regulation in the hands of the Fed, a privately-owned entity, and out of the hands of government agencies. The idea was to give the Fed, and thereby the cryptocrats, greater control over the economy and over the engines of wealth production. Evidently the cryptocracy felt very strongly that the present arrangement was an enormous infringement on their ability to pull in the lucre. This proposal is currently tied up in various congressional committees and looks pretty much doomed. 

Today the Fed revealed a plan to impose sweeping curbs on pay in financial institutions. Wall Street Journal page one: "The Fed's plan would, for the first time, inject government [sic] regulators deep into compensation decisions traditionally reserved for the banks' corporate boards and executives. Under the proposal, the Fed could reject any compensation policies it believes encourage bank employees-- from chief executives, to traders, to loan officers--to take too much risk."

This proposal is in reality 'Plan B'. Obama failed to shepherd 'Plan A', the regulatory reform, through Congress. So the cryptocracy played their trump card: they simply will take over corporate oversight using their existing authority. 

The thrust of the Fed's latest proposal is to curb pay at all levels of a financial organization. But think about it. If one controls employee pay, one also controls employee activity. And to control employee activity is to control corporate activity. Thus the cryptocracy will have the Fed and their control of corporate boards to ensure that financial institutions do exactly as the cryptocracy wants. The cryptocracy thus is seeking to put an iron grip on the economy and its principle institutions.

One can never say the cryptocracy doesn't have chutzpah. 

It is amazing that they are able to get away with this stuff. The innocence of the American public is enduring. And one of these days, they will come to realize that the cryptocracy has taken extreme advantage of their innocence. 

If the Church leaders were at all conscious of where things are headed, they would take a lead in educating the public. Don't hold your breath.

Iran, in Today's News 09.17.09

Iran. The preparations for a United States confrontation with Iran are growing more serious. The US is now trying to clear some of the obstacles to the US-Israel plan to bring Iran to its knees. One of the principle obstacles is Russia's support to Iran.

On September 16 the Wall Street Journal ran a story covered by all the media. The headline: "Medvedev Blasts Russian System." If one reads the article one learns that Medvedev did no such thing. His criticisms of Russian corruption, etc., were the same as Putin's, with whom Medvedev says he talks regularly. The article implies a break between Putin and Medvedev which exists only in the imagination of the author.

What's going on here? Believe it or not, but the cryptocracy's employees actually think that they can drive a wedge between Medvedev and Putin, by indicating to Medvedev that if he plays ball they will be helpful to him. Somehow the foreign policy experts think they have a better chance of neutralizing Russia on the Iran issue with Medvedev. Fat chance.

Then today, the White House leaked that the "US to Shelve Nuclear-Missile Shield" (page one headline in the Wall Street Journal). The US is now abandoning the Bush Administration plans to build a missile-defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. The idea is to please Russia, but the 'allies' will be infuriated. That the US is willing to make such a dramatic move indicates how seriously the US wants the confrontation with Iran and wants it with no opposition from Russia.

The message to Medvedev is pretty clear: the US is willing to make big efforts to show that Russia is better off under him than Putin. The US may have some intelligence to show that these maneuvers may actually work, but success is highly doubtful. The US actions seem to be a fairly desperate attempt to get Russia out of the way.

Israel keeps pushing the US to end Iran's nuclear efforts and to secure Israel's position of dominance in the middle east. The pressure keeps mounting and Obama's time to make some sort of decision grows short. 

The decision to confront Iran is a 'lose-lose' proposition, but Obama has little choice than to go ahead. 

These American maneuvers are part of the build up to a meeting between Medvedev and Obama at the G-20 meeting next week.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Catholic Church, in Today's News 09.17.09

Catholic Church. The Vatican has announced that talks between the Vatican and the Society of Saint Pius X will occur at the end of October.

Now the SSPX will pay the price for their failure to defend Bishop Williamson when the media, the church leaders, and Jewish spokesmen were calling for his head because he questioned the official version of the holocaust. In fact, the SSPX silenced Bishop Williamson as their response to the controversy.

This failure sent a message to the Vatican that the SSPX at best wavers on the question of the holocaust and relations to Judaism. The SSPX in effect opened a door wide open, and the Vatican is now walking through it with great confidence.

Cardinal Schonborn is quoted, "The SSPX will be told very clearly what is not negotiable for the Holy See. This includes such fundamental conclusions of the Second Vatican Council as its positions on Judaism, other non-Christian religions, other Christian churches and on religious freedom as a basic human right."

In other words, the Vatican will insist that the SSPX repudiate any critical outlook on Judaism and the holocaust. Because the Vatican saw a weakness in the SSPX on the Judaism question, they are now going to put it to the SSPX to stand or die on this very question. And they fully expect to prevail.

If the SSPX had been principled and stood by Bishop Williamson and his right to his views, the Vatican would have realized that it would be tough to confront the SSPX on Judaism. Instead the SSPX has handed the initiative to the Vatican. And the SSPX has made the discussion of this issue all that much more difficult.

Every epoch has its key issue. In our talmud-influenced world the key question is the holocaust and holocaustianity.  If one goes wrong on this question they will not arrive at an accurate understanding of anything in the battle for the souls of the world's population.

The truth is that very, very few people understand this key question. It is a pity and damaging to the future of the Church that the SSPX does not understand. They in fact dismiss the notion of holocaustianity. And by doing so they have given up the fight for the future of the Church before the fight even really begins.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Obama, in Today's News 09.15.09

Obama. The left tends to see Obama in messiah-like terms and the right tends to see him as evil-incarnate. The truth is that Obama is just a central employee of the cryptocracy and he does what they want. And right now his handling of several of the cryptocracy's projects is no doubt causing the cryptocracy some displeasure.

Twice in one week Obama has had to give speeches that he shouldn't have had to make. It is always a sign of trouble when the top guy has to intervene to try to salvage a project that a subordinate should have handled. Obama last week tried to save the health plan in a speech to congress and the nation, and to save the reorganization of financial regulation in a speech on Wall Street.

Both projects are high priority for the cryptocracy and both are stumbling badly. So bad that Obama is trying to make a last desperate gamble to save them. Especially with the health issue Obama is staking his political capital. His prospects for success are not great.

The health reform is now tied up in a myriad of disputes, objections, partisan politics, public opposition, and you name it. About all that Obama and the cryptocracy can hope for is to pass something that gets the health reform off the ground.

Obama's speech on Wall Street yesterday appealed for support for his plan to transfer powers to the Fed. Not one CEO of a top bank attended his talk in an amazing display of opposition and lack of respect!! That dramatic rudeness just about says all that needs to be said about Obama's prospects on financial regulation reform.

The cryptocracy precipitated the economic crisis in part to establish an atmosphere that would better enable adoption of the health reform and the financial re-regulation. Both reforms are crucial for the cryptocracy to ensure the security of their wealth-producing set-up. Obama's failure to shepherd these projects to a successful conclusion has to cause pause for thought about Obama among the cryptocrats.

Obama's difficulties are complicated by two other situations: Afghanistan and Iran. Very soon Obama will have to make a decision on how to salvage the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. Any decision he makes will increase his problems. If he sends in more troops the American people and the left of his own party will object. If he leaves the situation to its own devices, he faces the possibility of a soviet-type debacle in Afghanistan.

The cryptocracy would very much like to see Iran brought to its knees so that the cryptocracy's mother country, Israel, will have dominance in the middle east. While the US and Israel both agree on what should be done to Iran in the long run, some tactical differences have emerged under the Obama regime. Probably what has happened is that Obama has far too many central projects to be able to spend time and effort on Iran. Thus he has consistently pushed for negotiations to gain some time.

Israel, on the other, hand is becoming quite impatient. Israel has, in effect, given the US until spring 2010 to do something or Israel itself will militarily attack Iran. Today's Wall Street Journal has a column by Bret Stephens, "Obama is Pushing Israel Toward War." Stephens diligently puts together all the Israeli threats to the US if the US doesn't act. The column is meant as a shot-across-the-bow for Obama.


Incidentally, Obama's speech on Wall Street contains a quote that is pure bluster and also almost a declaration of war on the street. "Hear my words: We will not go back to the days of reckless behavior and unchecked excess at the heart of this crisis, where too many were motivated only by the appetite for quick kills and bloated bonuses."

One can almost hear the central bankers thinking, "Who the hell does guy think he is? 'Hear my words.' Give me a break!!!!" 

Behind the bluster, though, Obama is asserting that he is more powerful than the street, and he intends to exert that power. One wonders how he thinks he can carry this threat out. At the very minimum he has made permanent enemies of the financial chiefs, and he will face a stupendous political fight.

Friday, September 11, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 44, in Today's News 09.11.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on Globalization has written an informative article, "The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency."

The article is long, but well worth the read. Circulate it to a friend.

His conclusion: "What we are dealing with is a big lie. A process of generating fake data which is then used to justify a nationwide vaccination program."

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Health Care, in Today's News 09.10.09

Health Care. The cryptocracy is fundamentally worried about the escalating health care costs, which are and will be taking a greater and greater percentage of the nation's wealth. Health care spending diverts potential income from the cryptocracy's pockets where it could be so much better put to use.

The aging of the baby boomers will substantially increase health spending over the next couple of decades, adding to the cryptocracy's fears about disappearing wealth. 

The cryptocracy feels so strongly about the increase in health costs that they are instructing Obama to risk his political capital in an effort to get some sort of legislation passed. It appears that they are also pushing the Democrats to use their voting majority to adopt legislation whether the Republicans go along or not.

And so Obama took his high stakes gamble with a nationally televised speech to the legislative branch. His prospects for victory are slight. As Karl Rove of the Bush White House remarked today, "The problem for Democrats is they are scaring voters by proposing a takeover of health care that spends too much money, creates too much debt, gives Washington too much power, and takes too much decision-making away from doctors and patients." (Wall Street Journal, 9.10.09, pg A21.)

If the Democrats push through their bill, they will risk voter revenge in the next elections. Not an easy situation for the Democrats.

The leaders and bishops of the Church seem to be indicating support to the legislation so long as funding for abortion is not included. Their approval seems to stem from a desire to see all Americans with medical care. One cannot fault their desire, but unfortunately universal health care is not the only story, not even the most important story, in this legislation.

The problem is the Church leaders are getting snookered, and they don't even know it. The cryptocracy is quite willing to spend a few dollars on universal health care (in reality it will save them money in the long run) in order to enact legislation that begins the process of government-directed, cost-reducing medical care. And so they build up the universal health care (and the church leaders go for it), while in the meantime they stock the legislation with all manner of mechanisms to ensure the change in the basis of health care from compassionate to the cost-cutting business model.

Obama is quoted as saying that the "huge driver of cost...[is] the chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives..." [Sarah Palin quotes him in the WSJ, 09.09.09] Here is precisely what the cryptocracy wants desperately to do: cut health care costs of the elderly by instituting one-size-fits-all treatment procedures and protocals that are based on spending priorities determined by the government. Anyone who has spent some time in the hospital recently will be able to see that this process is already well on its way.

If the Church leaders can't put two and two together, here is what four equals: a prohibition on certain procedures for those who are old or infirm. It is a kind of slow-motion euthanasia. 

The cryptocracy's diabolic goal is what lies behind the desire to end compassionate health care. For no other reason the Church leaders ought to oppose the legislation. But, not only oppose. They should pull out the stops to educate the public and the faithful about what compassionate health care is, and how it contrasts to the system desired by the cryptocracy. 

Jesus' teachings impelled the Church into becoming the leader in compassionate health care where everyone receives appropriate help regardless of circumstance, including and especially age. 

This centuries-old legacy of the Church is now in danger. It ought to be the duty of the Church leaders to ensure its continuation. One way to do this is to oppose the cryptocracy's legislation instead of trying to be nice guys and amend it.

Economic Crisis, in Today's News 09.09.09

Economic Crisis. When the cryptocracy precipitated the economic crisis, one of their primary goals was to grant the privately-owned Federal Reserve more power, especially regulatory power.

So, how is that project going?

Today's Wall Street Journal (page 1): "...Democrats' efforts to rework the rules for finance have bogged down amid infighting between federal regulators, fury among bankers and opposition from many lawmakers who believe that further expanding the government's reach will only create new problems. The all-consuming debate over health care has damped enthusiasm for tackling such complex legislation." [!!!]

The cryptocracy can not be pleased. They thought they had a winner in Obama, but so far he is screwing up the health care reform, and the all-important Fed empowerment is all but finished. Plus, he is heading for domestic and foreign trouble as Afghanistan blows up in this face.

There is a scary side to all this. The cryptocracy made an economic crisis to accomplish these goals and many more. As the efforts by their employees to change things limps along, the cryptocracy is apt to conclude that they need an even bigger crisis to accomplish what they want.

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 43, in Today's News 09.09.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. The media and the government are doing anything necessary to convince the public that swine flu is dangerous. Once again they are playing with the data.

Today's Wall Street Journal (page A3) reports that more than "2,500 students have reported becoming ill at Washington State University..." And, "Emory University...had more than 220 ill students..." And, "About 25,000 students were dismissed from 24 secondary schools due to the flu..."

This data is supposed to justify the unprecedented scare campaign against swine flu. But note carefully: the students at WSU and Emory are not even reported as having the flu, let alone swine flu. They are reported as being "ill"!!!! Note also that the 25,000 students in secondary schools are reported as having the "flu," not swine flu. [By the way, the 25,000 number comes from the Center for Disease Control whose data has been notoriously unreliable.]

So where is the swine flu? Where is the great danger that is mobilizing government and other agencies all over the world?

Expect more of this dishonest reporting.

And now for the ominous part: "A campaign to urge Americans to get vaccinated for both seasonal and the new H1N1 flu is also in the works, with some efforts staring this week."

If what has been occurring during the last several months is not a campaign, one wonders what this campaign is going to be like. Are they building toward mandatory vaccination?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 42, in Today's News 09.09.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. Stephen Lendman of the Centre for Research on Globalization has writtten an article, "Martial Law Alert Over Swine Flu." He documents how all the pieces are in place for local and the national governments to declare a health emergency which would activate mandatory vaccination, quarantine, martial law, etc.

The cryptocracy is not quite ready to take the emergency step, although their projections of the scope of swine flu affliction last summer would seem to indicate that they were actively contemplating such a move. Since then the directors of the scare campaign have backed off a bit, saying that the swine flu has not morphed into something more serious and that it poses no threat to make people seriously ill. 

Nonetheless the scaremongers still hold the threat over the public's head that they may 'discover' that the swine flu has changed into a mega-bug, which would open the door to a health emergency declaration. Such a 'discovery' is unlikely in the near term simply because they won't have vaccine until the middle of October, and even then it will not be enough right away.

This scare campaign seems to be, among other things, a practice run to see if the present legal and regulatory set-up is sufficient for declaring a health emergency. They also want to create a significant enough crisis to make sure that every state enacts health emergency laws.

Lendman's article should be seriously studied and given wide circulation.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 41, in Today's News 09.08.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. The crazy season has begun where the media and various governments are predicting imminent disaster at the first sign of sniffles.

Case in point: France. Mainland France has had all of three swine flu deaths (out of approximately 62 million people; an infinitesimal percentage). The Associated Press reports that because of swine flu, the French custom of "le bise", the cheek-to-cheek peck used to say hello and good-bye is being reconsidered.

Whether this is an actual fact or whether it is an Associated Press wish, we shall probably not learn. But the point is that no matter how inconsequential the event, the powers-that-be are ready to recommend drastic measures.

The directors of the swine-flu-scare campaign have issued instructions to various segments of society. But they managed to neglect telling day care centers how to behave.

Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, corrected this oversight on Friday, September 4. Her remarks were the usual drivel, but she did say one interesting thing: the Tribune newspapers report that she said "Most children who catch swine flu do not need medical care unless they have underlying medical conditions."

And so, one has to point out that the effects of swine flu are no different than everyday flu. And thus, the question arises, if the effects are the same why are the government and related organizations mounting a totally unprecedented campaign to scare people about swine flu?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Health Care, in Today's News 09.07.09

Health Care. More bishops of the Church are speaking up on the health care situation. The public and the faithful would have been better off if the bishops had maintained their previous silence. Here's a roundup:

1. The bishops of Camden and Trenton, New Jersey issued a letter, dated August 26 but not reported until September 5. Their contribution urged that New Jersey's congressmen should work to prohibit funding of abortion and to uphold conscience protections. The bishops said that health care reform is needed.

COMMENTARY: Note that the bishops took the stand of urging congressmen to work to do things. How's that for militancy. They can't even bring themselves to oppose something that violates their beliefs. Their idea of politics is to cravenly plead with their representatives not to do something bad. 

In the craven vein, the bishops stated that health care reform is needed!! This puts them at odds with the great bulk of the public who made it very clear in the 'town hall' meetings that they wanted nothing to do with health reform that includes death panels, government-prioritized treatment options, and ton of debt.

2. Two Kansas City bishops have chimed in. They issued a joint pastoral statement which discusses apparent flaws in health care and points to how Catholic social teaching can bear on the topic. They credited US leaders like Obama and those of both political parties for trying to address flaws in health care. They advocate some 'proper moral principles.' And they too emphasized the necessity of excluding abortion and of protecting conscience rights.

COMMENTARY: All one really needs to know about these bishops is that they gave credit to Obama and both parties (!) for trying to improve health care. This orientation shows that they have no understanding of what is going on the world. As usual, they cannot recognize an attack when it occurs. Obama and the others are quite simply endeavoring to radically revolutionize health care from a compassionate basis to a government-directed cost-cutting basis. This effort is a major turning point in American history, and all these bishops can do is compliment the enemy and hope that bad things are not included in the legislation. 

Of course, it is useful to call for no funding to abortion and for protection of conscience rights. But, they entirely miss the point by zero-ing in on those issues when the legislative package as a whole should be completely unacceptable to those who are supposed to defend the legacy of the Church. And the legacy of compassionate health care is one of the Church's great contributions to humanity. 

3. The bishop in Tucson, Arizona spoke out after a meeting with US Representative Giffords of Arizona. His contribution was that the 'complexity of the proposals' for health care reform has caused 'a great deal of misunderstanding and fear.' He urged the Representative to fight [!] to 'simplify and clarity' the issues.

COMMENTARY: Could a bishop be more out of touch with the sentiments of the American people than this? The public is fearful because this legislation is fearful and represents an attempt to drastically alter their standard of living and quality of life. That fear has nothing whatsoever to do with the 'complexity of the proposals.' To the public it is very simple: the legislation seeks to transform health care to an de-humanizing government-directing cost cutting basis. Is that so difficult for the bishop to understand? Apparently.

Incidentally, this bishop doesn't even recognize when he is being used. The public uproar has sent the proponents of the legislation scurrying for authoritative support. And so, Representative Giffords called together 20 southern Arizona faith leaders (Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, and Jewish) for a private meeting. And lo and behold what happened as a result: the bishop's 'simplify and clarify' riff just happens to coincide with Giffords' desire 'to talk more concretely and be sure people understand.' Well, they can simplify and talk more concretely all they want, but it will have very little effect on the perception of the public that they are in great danger.

4. The bishop of Charleston, South Carolina issued a letter. He is quoted as saying, "Our representatives and senators need to hear our voice and we have a voice that is credible because a moral voice and one that has centuries of experience in health care."

COMMENTARY: He came oh so close to getting it right. If he would have elaborated on his statement, it would have been a tremendous contribution to the public discussion. He might have pointed out that it was the Church who first championed universal health care regardless of circumstance. He might also have emphasized that it was the Church who first invented hospitals. And he might have underlined that the Church's legacy on health care flows very concretely from the teachings of Jesus. He might have added that Jesus never said anything about cost-effectiveness.

COMMENTARY: It seems pathetic to have to say that the problem is not to draw a picture of what a health care system ought to look like. The problem, which a big percentage of the American people understand, is to defeat this terrifying legislation that threatens to change lives forever! Ivory tower statements only divert attention from the very immediate task at hand. When this attack is defeated, then we can talk about health reform should look like.

6. The archbishop and three officials of Archdiocese of Cincinnati issued a statement. They said the present moment offers 'an opportunity that should not be buried by partisan politics or misleading exaggerations of what the emerging legislation does or does not include.' 'We hope that civil dialogue will produce an affordable method that provides ready access to quality, comprehensive and affordable health care for every person living in the United States.'

COMMENTARY: This statement represents a new low point in the intervention of the bishops. They actually in effect attack the outrage of the public over the legislation. Who else but the public can be making 'misleading exaggerations?' Can the call for 'civil dialogue' be anything but an attack on the well-deserved rowdy-ness of the public meetings?

Need it be said that these bishops should be on the other side of the divide? Their stance is yet another instance of craven subservience to those who are out to completely change health care.

By the way, what is this bit about 'access care?' Is it so hard to say the public should have health care, not just access?

7. Cardinal O'Malley of Boston reported that he had told Obama that the US bishops "are anxious to support a plan of universal health care, but we will not support a plan that will include a provision for abortion or could open the way to abortions in the future."

COMMENTARY: Surprisingly O'Malley's statement is not horrendous. He actually used the words 'will not support' (why not 'oppose'?), a series of words that seems to be anathema to the bishops. It is also useful that he told Obama that abortion is a deal-breaker. But, once again, the focus is too narrow. He has nothing to say about what is actually occurring: an attempt to totally change the nature of health care.

8. The bishop of Rapid City, South Dakota said health care reform "is not just a task facing the government" but is also related to "our need to take personal responsibility for our health."

COMMENTARY: If this doesn't beat all!!! At a time when the American people are facing a historic set back, this bishop chooses to lecture them on taking care of themselves. What can one say about such stupidity?
**The bishops give no indication of comprehending that an unprecedented attack is occurring.
**In fact, the bishops come down on the wrong side of the divide with their apparent stance of giving critical support to the legislation if a couple of conditions are met.
**The bishops mention nothing on the legacy of the Church on health care and do not quote Jesus as the basis for 
compassionate health care.
**The bishops are supposed to be sheperds of the faithful.  
Instead they are cozying up to the politicians.
**Taking a principled stand and fighting for it seems 
completely alien to the bishops. Where is the spirit of Joan of Arc?
**Surprisingly the bishops have nothing to say about the 
death panels in the legislation, even though the Church 
characterizes the nation as the culture of death.
**If the legislation is defeated it will be no thanks to the 
**Heaven help us!!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 40, in Today's News 09.04.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced yesterday what was obvious to any serious observer months ago: "...most people [who are infected with swine flu] will not be severely ill," David Frieden, director of the CDC.

A few weeks ago the CDC was predicting that the Intensive Care Units at hospitals would be overwhelmed by the spread of the virus. Today the CDC says: oh, never mind. No reference is made to the previous projection; no explanation of how they could have made such an error. No need for that; the head bureaucrat has spoken and that is all the public has to know.

And so, why would the CDC make this announcement after campaigning for months on the deadly seriousness of swine flu? 

The CDC and others directing this campaign screwed up and did not allow enough time to produce the vaccine that will be needed. In other words, they will not have sufficient vaccine to engineer their scare campaign to herd everyone into getting their shots.

What to do? What to do?

Simple, very simple. The CDC all of a sudden happened to discover that the virus is not so serious, and therefore only one vaccination will be needed, instead of the projected two.

And wallah!! Miraculously they have enough vaccine. 

The cynical manipulation of the public by these people is truly amazing.