Wednesday, September 23, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update No 46, in Today's News 09.23.09

H1N1 (Swine) Flu. It is beginning to look like the cryptocracy decided that it had had enough problems with health care, financial regulatory reform, Afghanistan, and Iraq to also take on a full-fledged mandatory vaccination program.

Schools have been in session for at least a couple of weeks. One would expect, based on the scare-campaign propaganda, that the hospitals would now be bulging with swine-flu victims. But news of the virus has virtually disappeared from the media.

What happened? In addition to the significant public opposition to the cryptocracy/Obama 'reforms', the coordinators of the swine flu scare campaign have a temporary logistical problem. They won't have enough vaccine until mid-October. And so there is no sense in going all-out on their campaign when there is no vaccine to stampede people toward.

Things will get interesting again in October.


Russia has not gone along with the cryptocracy's swine flu campaign. In fact they have been downright uncooperative.

The cryptocracy certainly cannot tolerate such insolence. Moreover, the Russian have the capability to spill the beans on the phoniness of the scare campaign. So, the cryptocrats found a respectable member of the Russian medical world to issue a statement attacking the government's swine-flu stance. 

The Wall Street Journal reports on this development today under the headline,"Doctor Says Russia Understating Swine-Flu Cases."

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