The cynical, manipulative, Talmudic beings who control the world banking systems and who conspire daily to influence world affairs to their benefit, have two purposes in mind in sponsoring and monetarily supporting the environmental movement.
1). The cryptocracy sees the environmental movement as a key access road to a world government. Such government will first appear, as it has, in the form of international commissions that have the power to override national governments on particular issues. A conglomeration of these commissions along with the United Nations will eventually coalesce into the desired government that supersedes any other government.
Environmentalism addresses problems that go beyond any national entity. Issues such as the alleged 'global warming,' for instance, require action by many nations acting together. As the environmentalist see it, the saving of the planet means that world-wide coordinated efforts will have to occur.
The cryptocracy, of course, could care less about saving the planet. Their long term plans are to super-exploit the planet and its inhabitants to increase their wealth. But the activity of thousands of "useful idiots" in environmental causes well serves their aims. And through the cryptocracy's power they will transform any environmental commission into a body that they control to push around individual governments.
2). The cryptocracy means to use the environmental movement to increase greatly their control over the world's population and thereby to increase their wealth.
Steve Milloy, in his book Green Hell, has the following quote, "Green ideologues are bursting with an impatient zeal to begin dictating, through force of law, your mobility, diet, home energy usage, the size of your house, how far you can travel, and even--as we shall see--how many children you can have." In all cases this means less of whatever for everyone and more for the cryptocracy.
One of the greens' favorite expressions is to cite the need for 'behavior change' by humans to save the environment. The idea is for everyone to lead a life that suits the environmentalists, who just happen to have goals that coincide with the cryptocracy's.
Environmentalism is a perfect issue for the cryptocracy because it serves their needs yet it is difficult to oppose. Environmentalism is next to motherhood in sacredness at the present time. And there are legitimate environmental concerns in a world dominated by profit-taking.
For Benedict to declare support for environmentalism without explaining how the Christ-hating enemies of the Church plan to use the movement is a great disservice to the Church, the faithful, and the world's population. Benedict's stance allows the cryptocracy to go forward without worrying about what the billions of Catholics might do.
Benedict even goes so far as to parrot a cryptocracy theme by saying, "...the causes of the situation which is now evident to everyone are of the moral order, and the question must be faced within the framework of a great program of education aimed at promoting an effective change of thinking and at creating new lifestyles." [Emphasis added.] At least he didn't call for a world government as he did during the economic crisis! One doesn't know what Benedict has in mind for this new lifestyle, but one can be sure that the cryptocracy will use his declaration to promote their ends.
The Church can be proud of its record on the environmental issue. Just visit any monastery, seminary or convent in the world and you will see the Catholic attitude toward caring for and developing God's creation. Moreover, the Church has always been an advocate of the simple life in accord with God's wishes for His creation. The way of living initiated by Christ's sacrifice is the most pro-environment way in the history of the world. Benedict should not shy away from saying just this.
The real enemy of the environment is the cryptocracy who have fomented a century of war and destruction during their assent to power. Humankind has never known such craven disregard for nature and people as in the twentieth century when innocent millions and millions were sacrificed to the cryptocracy's mad rush for wealth. The countless wars of the last 100 years caused unimaginable environmental damage, not the least of which was the destruction of Europe and the polluting of Russia.
Instead of 'going along' with the current trends and movements, the Church leaders ought to proudly and forthrightly state that the way of Christ is the way of saving the environment.
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