"Provisions against abortion and in favor of conscience protection, affordability, and immigrants' access to health care must be part of a fair and just health care reform bill, or the final bill must be opposed."
Is the reader therefore to take it that if these subjects are included the final bill it can be supported? That certainly is the implication. And that certainly is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Fully more than half the country is opposed to this awful legislation. Their opposition for the most part is against a costly bill that will institute a bureaucratic, government controlled, cost-control, rationing, protocol-laden method of medical care in place of the existing (although feebly) system of compassionate health care. The health care that Americans are used to and which was originally inspired by the thought of Jesus himself is directly endangered by this legislation.
The new system is designed to carry out the wishes of the cryptocracy to drastically cut the societal costs of health care. That means a whole new world of health care where cost restraint predominates resulting in a rationing of health care.
If passed the average person will be faced with a system where profiles dominate. That is, medical care is dispensed to those who fit the profile for the particular health care method. If one doesn't fit the profile, for age or weight or whatever reason, then he or she will have to pay extra for the care. Similarly, doctors who don't follow the profiles will be punished. The profiles will be dictated by faceless bureaucrats in the medicare establishment or from insurance companies. The decisions will be compassionless and extremely difficult to fight or appeal.
The bishops have been at working on the health care legislation for many months now, and still they can not see the most fundamental problem with the bill, a problem that is abundantly obvious to the average American. They are so anxious to be 'good guys' and 'to play the game' without rocking the boat, that they are on the verge of seeing the destruction of the system of medical care that was originally started by the Church itself, implementing the compassionate thoughts of Jesus.
The headline on an article describing the bishop efforts is "US Bishops Launch Massive Effort To Keep Abortion Out of Health Legislation." And just what is their massive effort? They propose that everyone send a letter to their congressman and senator!!!
One is compelled to wonder if they are kidding. Letter-writing is their last minute effort? These bishops couldn't lead the way down the street if they had to. Perhaps they might consider a national campaign of the rosary and prayer to appeal to God for help in stopping this terrible legislation. There are millions of American Catholics, and perhaps their political weight ought to be brought to bear on the situation. How?Through public manifestations of the faithfuls' heartfelt feelings. Through the direct lobbying efforts of every Catholic.
In short, turn the creative energy of the faithful loose. Make clear to them that this legislation must not pass, and let them develop means to stop it.
Such efforts, of course, appear to be completely beyond the bishops' imaginative powers or their backbone. Whether they will ultimately support a legislation that overturns Catholic-inspired health care remains to be seen. The one good thing going in the situation is that the bishops' desired provisions most certainly will not appear in the legislation. So, in spite of themselves, the bishops may end up opposing the legislation. It would be for the wrong reasons, but at least they might oppose it.
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