H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu). Six column headline on page A3 of today's Wall Street Journal: "New Push in H1N1 Flu Fight Set for Start of School".
Lead paragraph: "U.S. health officials are preparing intensively to combat an anticipated wave of outbreaks of the new H1N1 flu when children return to school and the pace of cases picks up."
Here we go, folks! The directors of the scare campaign around the 'new' flu are about to push their drive into a higher gear.
The target will be the most easily susceptible to panic, school children and their young parents. The objective seems to be that on the first sign of sniffles, schools are to be closed. When enough of these schools are shut down, the directors hope to instill the thought, 'Golly this is serious" in the rest of the American people. From that point it will be relatively easy to stampede the population into lining up for their vaccination.
Also, it can be noted that the entire major WSJ article never mentions 'swine flu'. Instead the flu is now exclusively called 'H1N1'. So the directors have decided to drop the 'swine flu' moniker, probably because of negative connotations. For example, Egypt tried to kill every pig in the country when the scare campaign was launched months ago.
And still, the H1N1 virus is not as severe as normal flu. "But the agency [Center for Disease Control] believes that more than one million people have been infected and weren't tested for the virus or didn't visit a doctor." The CDC has records of 40,617 cases. So, in other words, according to the CDC numbers, 96% of those infected did not think it serious enough to do anything about it!!!! The CDC, of course, intends to do something about that: from now on if you don't believe that your flu bug is serious, you're being a bad citizen.
By the way, the CDC is planning to suspend tallying individual cases and instead focus on the big picture. They have a justification for this move, but it conveniently lets the CDC and other agencies use statistics to estimate the number of cases. And with statistics it is what you put into your formula that determines the result. We can expect an accuracy that is at the same level as the one million cases mentioned above.
Now here is the point: "Most of those who have the new flu get only mildly ill for a few days and don't need treatment. But officials are concerned about the virus because it is new and could easily mutate and become more virulent as it spreads through the population." And then again it might not mutate. Being "concerned" doesn't even come close to characterizing the current unprecedented mobilization of government, health and societal forces.
No, something else is going on. The cryptocracy has tried campaigns like this before in an effort to get the population used to accepting shots because they have been told too. Those efforts largely failed. So this time around they are pulling out all the stops. And if it takes a 'mutation' to accomplish their goal, then so be it, a 'mutation' we will have. By the way, when the population is on the road to panic, it won't take much to convince them that a mutation has occurred, whether it is true or not.
Be prepared. The campaign the cryptocracy plans for this fall and winter will be unlike anything before in human history.