Friday, June 19, 2009

World Government, in Today's News 06.19.09

World Government. If anyone thinks the goal of world government is a long-term goal of the cryptocracy and doesn't have much immediate impact, think again.

Today's WSJ has an opinion piece by one Peter Mandelson. Mandelson is Britain's business secretary. He was also the EU Trade Commissioner from 2004 to 2008. IOW, he is a key player for the cryptocracy.

What does he have to say? "We need much greater global coordination of financial regulation, facing up to systemic risk and ensuring that market participants are not able to play one regulatory jurisdiction against another...the only way to preserve a global growth model based on the huge benefits of dynamic markets is to regulate it better."

What brings this all about? "But what enabled the banking crisis to happen was a structural imbalance in the growth model of the global economy over the last two decades." The WSJ summarizes in a head: "The crisis reveals the weakness of nation-based regulation."

So there you have it. To paraphrase: Nations that only regulate themselves 'enabled' the banking crisis. Obviously what is needed is some form of global regulation of national economies; a global regulation that has bite.

One key cryptocrat or another is always publicizing this theme. What is missing so far is a concrete proposal on how to achieve the regulation. That will be coming.

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