Monday, June 15, 2009

Financial Regulations Ready for Prime Time, in Today's News 06.15.09

Financial Regulations. WSJ: "Barack Obama is expected Wednesday to propose the most sweeping reorganization of financial-market supervision since the 1930s, a revamp that would touch almost every corner of banking..."

Obama has backed off a bit on his goals, but his proposal still goes a long way to institutionalizing a government-run economy. "At the center of the a move to remake powers of the Federal Reserve to oversee the biggest financial players, give the government the power to unwind and break up systematically important companies...and create a new regulator for consumer-oriented financial products..."

Why is this being done? "Administration officials say their goal is to make it less likely the economy will ever again teeter on the brink of collapse by giving policy makers more tools to arrest a crisis the next time one occurs." Remember the slogan, 'the war to end all wars'? Such slogans and verbage are a favored cryptocracy tactic: create a fear, propose a 'solution' that will supposedly end the fear forever, and under the cover of the 'solution' put through changes that will benefit the cryptocracy. In this case, ending crises has nothing to do with it, except to provide a rationale. Here's what is really at stake: the central owners of the world's wealth are attempting to set up a system that gives them far more control of the nation's economy.

How will it work? "[Administration officials] envision a less volatile marketplace where banks are take fewer risks that have the potential to destabilize the economy. Hedge funds would be forced to register with the government and may face federal supervision...Mortgages and other consumer products would be monitored by a new watchdog, and there would be global transparency rules over exotic financial instruments." The cryptocracy doesn't care about a 'less volatile marketplace'. What they want is control of the market so that nobody can do things to damage their wealth production, much as some of the hedge funds (not under the cryptocracy's direct control) were able to do before the economic crisis.

The key part of all this is the empowerment of the Federal Reserve, a private entity owned by the largest banks, which in turn are owned by the world's richest families. "The Fed will likely have the power to set capital and liquidity requirements for the U.S.'s largest financial companies and scour the books of a wide range of firms." IOW via the Fed, the wealth owners will be regulating themselves. How do you think that will work out?

IOW, this 'reform' is nothing short of a power grab by the world's wealthiest individuals and families to gain exclusive control over the economy. In effect, they are establishing themselves as the board of directors for all the major companies in the American economy. Does it remind anyone of the politburo as head of all enterprises in the Soviet Union?

Where is all this going? "[Treasury Secretary] Mr. Geithner said...'We need a level playing field globally, or the effectiveness of our national safeguards against risk will be undermined.'" (!!!!!) So the American reform is just a step to 'globalizing' the control by the cryptocracy. Hang on!!! It is going to become very interesting!

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