The events following the lifting of the excommunications of the Society of Saint Pius X bishops can lead one to the conclusion that Bishop Williamson was set up to enable an attack on the church. This operation was intended to:
* Discredit the lifting of the excommunications,
* Anathematize the traditional Catholic current,
* Embarrass and disparage the Pope and the Church,
* Establish belief in the "official" holocaust version as de facto church dogma, and
* Further entwine the Pope in the Judaic web.
All these aims were achieved, largely because the Pope, the Church, the SSPX, and the traditional Catholics failed to recognize an attack when it occurred, turned their back on the one being used to facilitate the attack, and in general adopted a stance of the most craven sycophancy toward the Judaic attackers.
The set-up of Williamson would not have been hard to accomplish. It was generally known that the excommunications were to be lifted. Williamson's views were also known. All that was necessary was to locate Williamson, find a friendly reporter, and arrange for a innocent question to be asked about something Williamson had said a few years ago. [I had a link to an article that described how the lesbian movement arranged for the above question. Unfortunately I misplaced the link.]
Williamson gave as minimalist an answer as he could, being fully cognizant of European laws on holocaust denial. But enough was said for the Judaic campaign to be launched. They had him on current public record on the eve of the lifting of the excommunications.
As soon as the Vatican released the recision of the excommunications, the world wide network of Judaic spokesmen, organizations, and media went into high gear. It was truly breath-taking to see the extent of the campaign. The Pope was caught unawares and then reacted in the worst way, making simply ridiculous statements on the holocaust. (See Maurice Pinay's answer to the Pope, linked below.) Moreover the Pope and everyone else ignored their obligation to defend a duly recognized Bishop of the Church.
Then when the full measure of the Judaic campaign became manifest, the Pope, Cardinal Bertone, and Cardinal George made statements to the effect that unless one believed in the holocaust (official version) one could not be a Catholic.
The Judaic interests thus had achieved a great victory: An authoritative public endorsement of their myth, by the Church no less.
Benedict's actions had further dire consequences. By not defending Williamson, he in effect gave his by-my-leave for these Judaic interests to go after Williamson. This they have done with a vengeance. Three countries now are ready to arrest him. Argentina yesterday gave him an expulsion order. Thus, the Judaic interests now have Williamson on the run and their intent is pursue him until they have him in prison, humiliated and silenced.
Stop for a moment and contemplate what has happened. The Church is standing by in silence while enemies of the Church heartlessly and with deadly intent attack a Bishop in good standing in the Church.
Williamson is now reported to have gone underground undoubtedly to plan and organize how he can defend himself when he has been abandoned by those who should have helped him. One cannot fault Williamson for whatever steps he may have to take to protect himself from the legal assault and possible physical attacks.
Michael Hoffman has suggested that Williamson may be relatively safe if he comes to the United States. This may be true. Hopefully there are serious men of Christ who will provide aid and comfort to Williamson in his fight for survival.
Please pray for Bishop Williamson in his time of dire need!