Saturday, February 28, 2009

What Next in the Williamson Affair?

The various forces in the current attack on Bishop Williamson and the Church have reached a stasis that cannot endure.   Someone will have to make a move in the near term.  And then we will have a whole new situation presenting an opportunity for the Church to properly defend itself.

The current situation is:
  • The Judaic spokesmen stated definitively that Bishop Williamson and his views in the Church are unacceptable.  They have also made clear that they will not be satisfied until Bishop Williamson is repudiated and re-excommunicated.  These spokesmen have not indicated their next move.
  • The Vatican has rejected Bishop Williamson's apology.  They demanded that he make a full and public recanting of his remarks on the holocaust.  The Vatican has not indicated what they will do next.
  • The Society of Saint Pius X through its superior, Bishop Fellay, has asked Bishop Williamson to reject his views about the holocaust within 30 days.  There is a news report that Bishop Fellay intends to expel Bishop Williamson if he speaks out again.  The traditional Catholic current has turned its back on Bishop Williamson.
  • Bishop Williamson has apologized twice for the trouble his remarks caused.  He has said he will review the historical evidence.  He has not withdrawn his original remarks or beliefs.  He has been ordered to not say more.
So. something will have to break soon.  Before it does, it may be worth repeating that Bishop Williamson is not the enemy, as everyone but Bishop Williamson seems to think.  Bishop Williamson was simply set up in order to launch an elaborate campaign to attack the church.  His views were a convenient handle for the attackers, but what matters to the attackers is forcing the church to make concessions.  (See my previous post on this.)  The real enemy are those who are ensuring that 'the scandal' is a world-wide cause for hysteria.

Punishing Bishop Williamson is not the way to turn back the attack.  Such action will only temporarily ease the situation.  The Judaic attackers cannot be appeased.  To end the attack it is necessary to tell the truth that what is occurring is a political attack that is designed to weaken the Church; that disputes within the Church will be settled within the Church; and that the Church rejects all thug-like bully tactics from forces outside the Church.  

Friday, February 27, 2009

Williamson's Second Apology

The Maurice Pinay blog has an incisive commentary on Bishop Williamson's second apology for his remarks on the 'holocaust.   Pinay's remarks are must reading and can be found here.   Michael Hoffman also has two sets of discerning remarks in the same vein, viewed here and here.

Some comments inspired by the above:

1.  Thuggery.  Thug-like behavior, as evidenced in the attack on Williamson, has become commonplace in political life and acceptable as normal.  Such thuggery is a rabbinic speciality and follows a pattern. First appears the precipitation of a scandal.  In the wake of the scandal comes hysterical ranting out of proportion to the objective importance of the 'scandal'.  Then comes the thuggery or intimidation to achieve specific ends.  The uproar is continued until the talmud-supporters or their imitators get their way.  

This pattern is all too obvious in the Williamson affair.   Scandal mongering is also now the way to get things done in the American congress as Democrats and Republicans salivate to get the goods on their rivals.   Newpapers and the media have come to rely on the scandalous as the anchor of coverage.  I even saw this pattern in the corporate world, where one department of an enterprise would scandalize another to gain power, and usually to obtain a bigger share of the budget.

Gone are the days of civilized behavior between human beings.  Now we see the Judaic-inspired cut-throat competition between impersonal interests.

2.  A key objective of the Benedict papacy seems to be the defusing of the traditional Catholic current.  The aim is to drive a wedge into the traditionalists, bringing part into the Church proper and ostracizing the rest.  Benedict has been successful in this endeavor to a surprising extent.  

Benedict's many seemingly traditional comments, his allowing of the Latin mass, and the lifting of the excommunications of the four Society of Saint Pius X Bishops has disarmed a significant number of traditionalists.  The holocaust-mongering of the last weeks was the key catalyst to splitting the former critics of the Vatican II policies.  Even Bishop Fellay, the Superior of the SSPX, has used recently Benedict's pro-Judaic 'elder-brother' language, as Pinay points out.

We now witness significant leaders of traditionalists turning their heads away from defending Williamson, and finding ways to sidle up to Benedict.  Meanwhile, Williamson and his few allies are under a world-wide assault from Judaic sources with the goal of forever anathematizing and even prosecuting the Williamson supporters as anti-semites.
Thus a profound split has occurred.  The traditonalists have been co-opted and those who don't go along are thrown to the wolves for prosecution.  That the traditionalists can't see what has happened and what the consequences will be, is truly shocking.

Benedict's hand or that of his successor will now be freed to pursue the transformation of the Church to 'new Catholicism' without any significant opposition.  Have no doubt that this is the direction that will be followed.

3.  One cannot fault Williamson for whatever measures he feels necessary to defend himself.  He is after all the target of an unprecedented world-wide Judaic campaign to get him.  Yet, from the point of view of what is necessary to combat the Judaic long-term effort to undermine the Church, his responses to the attacks have been less than satisfactory.  Hopefully he is just trying to find some high ground from which to launch a counterattack after having been completely blind-sided.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cardinal O'Malley on the Holocaust

If there is any doubt that the holocaust has replaced the crucifixion in importance in the Catholic Church, please read this news report from 

Therein Boston Cardinal O'Malley is quoted as saying that the holocaust was "the worst crime in human history." (!!)  

His declaration almost defies comment.  Consider what we have here:  the Cardinal in one of the most important Catholic cities in the world (at least historically) considers the holocaust in world war II to be more important than the crucifixion of Jesus.  The crucifixion of the Lord and Savior of humanity, a crime that rocked the cosmos and reshaped human history, is not as important as the holocaust?   

It is hard to find a more graphic example in all of the Church history that shows such a capitulation to Judaic interests.  And an extreme capitulation it is:  denying the central importance of the very foundation of the Church that O'Malley purports to represent. 

The Judaic campaign in the aftermath of the lifting of the excommunications of the SSPX bishops has indeed been successful.  Church officials of the highest ranks of the Church hierarchy are now boldly and publicly asserting the religion of holocaustianity.

Prayers are greatly needed for the Church and its leaders, especially Cardinal O'Malley.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Williamson and the Church Were Set Up

The events following the lifting of the excommunications of the Society of Saint Pius X bishops can lead one to the conclusion that Bishop Williamson was set up to enable an attack on the church.  This operation was intended to: 

*  Discredit the lifting of the excommunications, 

*  Anathematize the traditional Catholic current, 

*  Embarrass and disparage the Pope and the Church, 

*  Establish belief in the "official" holocaust version  as de facto church dogma, and

*  Further entwine the Pope in the Judaic web.

All these aims were achieved, largely because the Pope, the Church, the SSPX, and the traditional Catholics failed to recognize an attack when it occurred, turned their back on the one being used to facilitate the attack, and in general adopted a stance of the most craven sycophancy toward the Judaic attackers.  

The set-up of Williamson would not have been hard to accomplish.  It was generally known that the excommunications were to be lifted.  Williamson's views were also known.  All that was necessary was to locate Williamson, find a friendly reporter, and arrange for a innocent question to be asked about something Williamson had said a few years ago.  [I had a link to an article that described how the lesbian movement arranged for the above question.  Unfortunately I misplaced the link.]

Williamson gave as minimalist an answer as he could, being fully cognizant of European laws on holocaust denial.  But enough was said for the Judaic campaign to be launched.  They had him on current public record on the eve of the lifting of the excommunications.

As soon as the Vatican released the recision of the excommunications, the world wide network of Judaic spokesmen, organizations, and media went into high gear.  It was truly breath-taking to see the extent of the campaign.  The Pope was caught unawares and then reacted in the worst way, making simply ridiculous statements on the holocaust.  (See Maurice Pinay's answer to the Pope, linked below.)  Moreover the Pope and everyone else ignored their obligation to defend a duly recognized Bishop of the Church.

Then when the full measure of the Judaic campaign became manifest, the Pope, Cardinal Bertone, and Cardinal George made statements to the effect that unless one believed in the holocaust (official version) one could not be a Catholic.  

The Judaic interests thus had achieved a great victory:  An authoritative public endorsement of their myth, by the Church no less.

Benedict's actions had further dire consequences.  By not defending Williamson, he in effect gave his by-my-leave for these Judaic interests to go after Williamson.  This they have done with a vengeance.  Three countries now are ready to arrest him. Argentina yesterday gave him an expulsion order.  Thus, the Judaic interests now have Williamson on the run and their intent is pursue him until they have him in prison, humiliated and silenced.

Stop for a moment and contemplate what has happened.  The Church is standing by in silence while enemies of the Church heartlessly and with deadly intent attack a Bishop in good standing in the Church.  

Williamson is now reported to have gone underground undoubtedly to plan and organize how he can defend himself when he has been abandoned by those who should have helped him.  One cannot fault Williamson for whatever steps he may have to take to protect himself from the legal assault and possible physical attacks.

Michael Hoffman has suggested that Williamson may be relatively safe if he comes to the United States.  This may be true.  Hopefully there are serious men of Christ who will provide aid and comfort to Williamson in his fight for survival.

Please pray for Bishop Williamson in his time of dire need!

Michael Hoffman Answers Michael Matt

Michael Hoffman on his blog "On the Contrary" has written a powerful rejoinder to Michael Matt who composed a horrifying article/editorial, "Holocaust Revisionism", in response to the Williamson situation.  Hoffman's essay should be read widely.  It may be found at:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bishop Williamson's Plight

The controversy over the rescinding of the excommunications of the Society of St Pius X bishops and over Bishop Williamson's remarks on the holocaust has subsided somewhat in recent days.  But no one, least of all the SSPX, should be deceived about his situation.

Make no mistake:  Williamson now has a great big bull's-eye on his back. 

Those who should be defending him have all abandoned him.  Benedict XVI has in effect thrown Williamson to the wolves.  Bishop Fellay, the head of Williamson's own SSPX, has told Williamson to drop the "nonsense", ordered him to not say more, and now there is a rumor that Fellay has given Williamson one month to recant.  Michael Matt, one of the principle leaders of the Catholic traditionalists, has written a scurrilous attack on Williamson that effectively reads him out of the traditionalist ranks. 

The wolves, of course, are the world-wide network that promotes the "official" version of the holocaust.  You can be sure that right now there are thousands of people in all parts of the world who are working night and day to find a way to prosecute Williamson, put him in prison, and throw away the key.  Already three countries are ready to arrest him for "holocaust denial."  Today it is reported that Argentina is expelling Williamson within ten days.

The failure of the Vatican, the SSPX and Matt to defend Williamson is unconscionable.  Do they not recognize that the attacks on Williamson are an attack on the Church? And that if the effort to prosecute Williamson is successful, it will weaken the Church?  Don't they realize that there are powerful forces whose hatred of the Church is so great that they will use anything to destroy it?  Don't the Church leaders feel an obligation to try to fend off such attacks?

The answer to all these questions has been emphatically "NO!"  It seems they only want to accommodate the attackers and are content to let Williamson fry.  Such an orientation is short sighted at best and completely bankrupt.

Bishop Fellay, to his great discredit, has forced Williamson into his current defensive posture which is untenable.  Thus he has refrained by order from further comment and has indicated that he will review the evidence for his earlier assertions.  This stance will not work.  There are influential forces working heartlessly to do him in, no matter what he says about reviewing his views.  Their goal is to prosecute him unmercifully or through unrelenting pressure to force him to abjectly repent.  

Bishop Williamson is now in a fight for his survival.  Being forced to lay low or duck the battle by the SSPX leaves him extremely vulnerable.  His only real alternative, absent repudiating his views, is to fight back. Unfurl his banner, elaborate his views, see who salutes, rally his troops, explain what the attack on him is all about.  He needs to explain that the attack on him, regardless of his own views, is an attack on the Church, and that he stands unequivocally in defense of the Church. Hopefully Fellay will soon recognize that the attack on Williamson is also directed at him, the SSPX, and the Church, and allow Williamson to take the necessary steps to defend himself.

Bishop Williamson needs the support of all conscientious Catholics at this time. Prayers for Bishop Williamson are an urgent necessity.  Also, prayers for those in the church who choose to turn their heads the other way during Williamson's torment. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Maurice Pinay: "Bad Advice from the Pope"

Pope Benedict XVI released a statement on January 28, 2009 regarding the holocaust controversy.  The Pope's action was generated by extensive criticism from within the Church and from Judaic and other sources regarding his rescinding of excommunications of four Bishops in the Society of Saint Pius X.  Much of the criticism centered on quotes by Bishop Williamson, one of the four.  Bishop Williamson had been quoted in the media stating his belief that the number of Jews killed in the holocaust was no greater that 200-300,000, and that no gas chambers had been used to exterminate Jews.  

The Pope's statement demonstrates that the Church hierarchy gives total credence to the 'official' version of the holocaust.  The identification with this myth is so thorough that the holocaust has taken on an importance in the Vatican's eyes that seems to be at least equal to Calvary and the resurrection itself. 

The author of the Maurice Pinay Blog has written an eloquent and cogent response to the Pope's statement.  The Pinay response captures in a few brief paragraphs the misconception underpinning the Pope's remarks and points to a central problem that the Church faces today.  This response deserves the widest possible circulation among those who are concerned about the direction of the Church especially since Vatican II.

A media report on the Pope's statement and the Pinay response may be found at: