Some comments inspired by the above:
1. Thuggery. Thug-like behavior, as evidenced in the attack on Williamson, has become commonplace in political life and acceptable as normal. Such thuggery is a rabbinic speciality and follows a pattern. First appears the precipitation of a scandal. In the wake of the scandal comes hysterical ranting out of proportion to the objective importance of the 'scandal'. Then comes the thuggery or intimidation to achieve specific ends. The uproar is continued until the talmud-supporters or their imitators get their way.
This pattern is all too obvious in the Williamson affair. Scandal mongering is also now the way to get things done in the American congress as Democrats and Republicans salivate to get the goods on their rivals. Newpapers and the media have come to rely on the scandalous as the anchor of coverage. I even saw this pattern in the corporate world, where one department of an enterprise would scandalize another to gain power, and usually to obtain a bigger share of the budget.
Gone are the days of civilized behavior between human beings. Now we see the Judaic-inspired cut-throat competition between impersonal interests.
2. A key objective of the Benedict papacy seems to be the defusing of the traditional Catholic current. The aim is to drive a wedge into the traditionalists, bringing part into the Church proper and ostracizing the rest. Benedict has been successful in this endeavor to a surprising extent.
Benedict's many seemingly traditional comments, his allowing of the Latin mass, and the lifting of the excommunications of the four Society of Saint Pius X Bishops has disarmed a significant number of traditionalists. The holocaust-mongering of the last weeks was the key catalyst to splitting the former critics of the Vatican II policies. Even Bishop Fellay, the Superior of the SSPX, has used recently Benedict's pro-Judaic 'elder-brother' language, as Pinay points out.
We now witness significant leaders of traditionalists turning their heads away from defending Williamson, and finding ways to sidle up to Benedict. Meanwhile, Williamson and his few allies are under a world-wide assault from Judaic sources with the goal of forever anathematizing and even prosecuting the Williamson supporters as anti-semites.
Thus a profound split has occurred. The traditonalists have been co-opted and those who don't go along are thrown to the wolves for prosecution. That the traditionalists can't see what has happened and what the consequences will be, is truly shocking.
Benedict's hand or that of his successor will now be freed to pursue the transformation of the Church to 'new Catholicism' without any significant opposition. Have no doubt that this is the direction that will be followed.
3. One cannot fault Williamson for whatever measures he feels necessary to defend himself. He is after all the target of an unprecedented world-wide Judaic campaign to get him. Yet, from the point of view of what is necessary to combat the Judaic long-term effort to undermine the Church, his responses to the attacks have been less than satisfactory. Hopefully he is just trying to find some high ground from which to launch a counterattack after having been completely blind-sided.
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