One of the great Church contributions to humanity, compassionate health care, is under unprecedented attack. The cryptocracy is doing everything it can to replace compassionate health care with rationing, cost-cutting and government intervention.
Are the Church leaders going to say nothing except 'don't fund abortions'? (Even their words on abortion imply that the Obama legislation is okay if no funding for abortion is included.)
The virtual silence of the leaders of American Catholicism in response to the attack on compassionate health care has to be one of the Church's greater scandals. One looks for a way to shake them and shout in their ear that a proud legacy of the Church is in danger and that the world's people and the faithful will suffer accordingly.
Today's Wall Street Journal has an opinion piece, "Obama's Health Rationer-in-Chief," by Betsy McCaughey, the chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. McCaughey's article summarizes the views of President Obama's health advisor, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel. (He is the brother of Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff, and the son of an Israeli terrorist.)
McCaughey's discussion is informative and needs to be read and studied in the widest possible audience.
She warns, "Dr. Emanuel is part of a school of thought that redefines a physician's duty, insisting that it includes working for the greater good of society instead of focusing only on a patient's needs."
She notes that Emanuel believes, "True reform must include redefining doctors' ethical obligations." [!!!] "...Dr Emanuel blames the hippocratic oath for the 'overuse' of medical care." [Emphasis added.]
"In numerous writings, Dr. Emanuel chastises physicians for thinking only about their patient's needs...Dr. Emanuel believes doctors should serve two masters, the patient and society, and that medical students should be trained 'to provide socially sustainable cost-effective-care.' "
"Dr. Emanuel argues that to make such decisions [about medical treatment], the focus cannot be only on the worth of the individual. He proposes adding the communitarian perspective to ensure that medical resources will be allocated in a way that keeps society going..."
Do the leaders of American Catholicism care about this? Dr. Emanuel and the Obama administration are pushing to make money the criterion for providing health care, instead of the present criterion that every single human life has value and should receive appropriate medical care. The implementation of Dr. Emanuel plan's will make the government the decision-maker with rationing of health care becoming a sure way to reduce costs. The government thus becomes God-like with the power to make life and death decisions.
Do the Church leaders recognize any of this as being the same themes that the Church has faced from Christ's time throughout history? Instead of Christ's message, his opponents, then and now, have proposed materialism (money) instead of spiritual meaning, becoming like God instead of surrendering to God, consideration of human predicaments according to rules (traditions in Jesus' time) instead of compassionate love for all, etc, etc.
This attack is BIG. It requires from Catholicism a mobilization of the faithful, an education of the faithful into what is at stake, a drive of near-constant prayer, actions that demonstrate the seriousness and power of the millions of the faithful, and so on.
Will the Bishops and the spokesmen for Catholic organizations wake up in time?
The moment is now to bombard heaven with prayers for the enlightenment of those who have the responsibility to defend Catholic legacy.
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