Many are not qualified to judge whether this flu media event is a real health concern, or whether it is just another cryptocracy campaign to convince the world's population that world government is the only answer.
Of course, a world-wide coordinated effort to combat a disease is a good thing. The problem with the current campaign is that the initiating organizations, the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control, are both highly politicized entities that are fully in tune with the cryptocracy's world dominance plans. The media, which is going crazy over the epidemic, also shares the world government perspective.
Moreover their campaign is highly suspicious. First of all, their propaganda is designed to scare the hell out of people. Instead of a reasoned and scientific explanation of the disease and the rational risks, the WHO panics the entire world based upon very little case history.
Second, governments are encouraged to take dictatorial measures to control the disease, again based upon very little evidence. Mexico, for instance, adopted the power to seize and quarantine anyone. Imagine what an unscrupulous person in power might do with this. And what do you want to bet that Mexico won't rescind the measure once the epidemic is over? Russia and China already have this power. The Mexican precedent will be used elsewhere.
Third, the WHO has encouraged the pack mentality of the media. Just turn on any media outlet today to see reporter after reporter lamenting the near disaster that is about to happen to the health of the world's population. Again little evidence underscores the panic.
Fourth, even the medical experts say that it is difficult to tell normal flu from swine flu. So, anyone with the flu can now be racing to the emergency room even though it may not be necessary at all.
And so the power of these world organizations and their media partners is once again demonstrated.
And once again the Church leaders have said little so far. One can expect from the Vatican more platitudes about the concern of the pontiff and praying for the sick. These sentiments are, of course, well-meant and appropriate. What is missing is an appreciation of what is really involved.
The issue the Vatican ought to face is that the flu threat is not THE problem. The problem is the enemies of the Church who are in charge of the world wide campaign. These leaders will use a real or contrived health threat to better establish a consensus for a world government that will be no friend of the Church.
The Church in its centuries of work has done more than any other nation, institution, or religion to bring compassionate help to the world's population. This great historical accomplishment is now frittered away by the Vatican leadership being buddy-buddy with the establishment (and its medical component). The Church hierarchy has basically stood by while the medical world has become dominated by business and business-like methods. Compassionate care is step by step being replaced by health "accountability". Do the Church leaders care about or understand what is happening?
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