Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bank of America

One of the goals of those producing the current economic crisis has been to force the Bank of America to better toe the line set by the cryptocracy.  Part of this project has been to get rid of BoA chairman Kenneth Lewis.  Why the cryptocracy wants this is best known by them, but it is apparent that Lewis was not fully a member of the 'club'.  His maverick ways were upsetting to the central owners of the economy.  (Most recently, Lewis had the temerity to publicly attack Treasury Secretary and central economic planner Geithner.)

Lewis saw the drive to get him coming.  He took pre-emptive action by firing cryptocracy golden boy, John Thane, a former Goldman Sachs executive who came to BoA through the Merrill Lynch merger.  Lewis, no dummy, saw that Thane was being primed to replace him as the chief officer of BoA.  So, Lewis dumped him before momentum could start building.

The firing set the central planners back a bit.  It took them a little time to regroup. This week we are seeing a renewal of the campaign to get Lewis.  First, Thane had a highly featured interview with the Wall Street Journal where he called Lewis a liar.  Next, today, an effort is being mounted at the BoA stockholders meeting to force Lewis out as Chairman of BoA.  The effort will probably fall short, but Lewis can't help but see the handwriting on the wall.

What the cryptocracy wants is pretty clear in today's WSJ.  A commentary by one Peter Eavis today spells it out:  "Mr. Lewis's star rose during a long era of consolidation and excess in banking.  Now BoA needs an operator who can successfully and profitably run a giant financial firm in a more sober, regulated environment."

In other words, 'we now have a government-run banking industry and you ain't the one we want in this key position.'

If anyone doubts that cryptocracy pays very close attention to its domain, think again. 

100 Days

A fit example of what Obama's first 100 days has meant is shown by Citibank today pleading hat if hand with the government to please, oh please, let Citibank pay bonuses to some key employees.

And so that's how far we have come.  The Obama effect on the economy has been to take the first step toward a government-run economy, or state capitalism, if you prefer.  Some of the central pillars of the American economy (banking, auto, insurance) are now joint efforts with the federal government.  Government intervention that would have been hard to imagine less than a year ago is now common practice.

The cryptocracy is risk-adverse.  The centralization of the economy under government direction is a logical development given the cryptocracy's drive to ensure their continued profit-making ways.  They want strict control.  No more funny business that can jeopardize wealth production. 

What the Obama era has meant so far is the consolidation and centralization of control over the economy by the cryptocracy.  And they are not done yet, by a long ways.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu

Curious isn't it, that the current swine flu epidemic panic just happens to feed into and reinforce the drive for world government?  We have an unprecedented world economic crisis designed to demonstrate the need for a world government and bank, and now we have a world epidemic to also demonstrate the need for a world government.  Or as one headline said today, "Nations join to avoid swine flu pandemic".

Many are not qualified to judge whether this flu media event is a real health concern, or whether it is just another cryptocracy campaign to convince the world's population that world government is the only answer.  

Of course, a world-wide coordinated effort to combat a disease is a good thing. The problem with the current campaign is that the initiating organizations, the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control, are both highly politicized entities that are fully in tune with the cryptocracy's world dominance plans.  The media, which is going crazy over the epidemic, also shares the world government perspective.

Moreover their campaign is highly suspicious.  First of all, their propaganda is designed to scare the hell out of people.  Instead of a reasoned and scientific explanation of the disease and the rational risks, the WHO panics the entire world based upon very little case history.

Second, governments are encouraged to take dictatorial measures to control the disease, again based upon very little evidence.  Mexico, for instance, adopted the power to seize and quarantine anyone.  Imagine what an unscrupulous person in power might do with this.  And what do you want to bet that Mexico won't rescind the measure once the epidemic is over?  Russia and China already have this power.  The Mexican precedent will be used elsewhere.

Third, the WHO has encouraged the pack mentality of the media.  Just turn on any media outlet today to see reporter after reporter lamenting the near disaster that is about to happen to the health of the world's population.  Again little evidence underscores the panic.  

Fourth, even the medical experts say that it is difficult to tell normal flu from swine flu.  So, anyone with the flu can now be racing to the emergency room even though it may not be necessary at all.

And so the power of these world organizations and their media partners is once again demonstrated.  

And once again the Church leaders have said little so far.  One can expect from the Vatican more platitudes about the concern of the pontiff and praying for the sick. These sentiments are, of course, well-meant and appropriate.  What is missing is an appreciation of what is really involved.

The issue the Vatican ought to face is that the flu threat is not THE problem.  The problem is the enemies of the Church who are in charge of the world wide campaign.  These leaders will use a real or contrived health threat to better establish a consensus for a world government that will be no friend of the Church. 

The Church in its centuries of work has done more than any other nation, institution, or religion to bring compassionate help to the world's population.  This great historical accomplishment is now frittered away by the Vatican leadership being buddy-buddy with the establishment (and its medical component). The Church hierarchy has basically stood by while the medical world has become dominated by business and business-like methods.  Compassionate care is step by step being replaced by health "accountability".  Do the Church leaders care about or understand what is happening? 

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Shoah Catholicism

Michael Hoffman has written a must-read document on the current situation of the Catholic Church, exactly defining the problem.  The document, "The New Catholic 'Shoah' Theology, Alibi for the Revolutionary Overthrow of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" appears in Hoffman's newsletter, "Revisionist History", number 47, dated April-May 2009. 

The newsletter is available from:  Revisionist History, Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816.  The cost is $8.50.  More information is available at 

Hoffman's article deserves to be read and reread, and to have the widest possible circulation.  Orders for multiple copies can be made.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Current Economic Crisis

The first thing to recognize about the current economic crisis is:  the owners of the banks want it to occur.  Second:  the severity of the crisis corresponds to the severity of the revolutionary changes that the same owners intend.

Most human beings will do most anything to avoid crises.  Not so the Rothschilds and their Judaic fellow owners of the world's central banks. They love crises.  And they purposely create them.  Why?  Crises present manifold opportunities to increase their wealth.  Crisis-type conditions also make it possible to more easily influence governments to make drastic societal and economic changes.  In ordinary stable times such changes would take years or even decades.

The current crisis was precipitated to mark a definitive transition to governmental control of the American economy, to further consolidate the super-wealthy's control of the world economy, and to take giant steps toward the establishment of a world government and bank.

Prior to the crisis the banking industry had made colossal profits in the mortgage business.  The Clinton administration cleared the way for the banks to issue all manner of mortgages without regard to the mortgagees ability to repay their loans.  The mortgage business expanded into boom conditions.  The game went like this: the banks collected on a stupendous number of new mortgage payments, then bundled the mostly worthless mortgages together and sold them to hedge funds, various investment funds, entrepreneurs, enterprises, and other suckers. The bank owners thus made a huge pile of money at little or no risk. When the banks finally reached the point where they could no longer find buyers for their bundled mortgages, the bank owners precipitated a societal crisis to force the public to pay for the remaining non-earning loans on the banks' books.  A descriptive word for this scheme is 'extortion.'

The bankers' crisis was precipitated under the banner of loans gone bad.  Not mentioned by the media is the fact that the bankers made the loans knowing full well that the loans would not be repaid.  And knowing full well that they (the bankers) intended to dump the deficit on the public.

To ensure that the loans were not repaid and to initiate the crisis the bank owners instructed their governing boards to tighten credit.  The loan business suddenly became very restricted.  (The media of course never inquired as to why credit was tightened, they just reported the 'facts' of tightened credit.)  The unavailability of credit reverberated around the world purposely causing one of the worst situations since the great depression.

The entire world economy is now being held hostage to the bankers demands for a government-sponsored "bail-out."  Up til now the government has been unable to comply by taking over all the loans, preferring instead 'stimulus' plans, etc.  And so the bankers continue to hold the market in thrall until they get their way, at a cost of trillions to the world's population.  

If the United States government agreed to take over all the bad loans, the crisis would end tomorrow.  It's not that the government doesn't want to take over the loans.  They ardently want to please their masters.  The problem is the amount of money required is so large (and basically would be thrown away), that the government officials can't see a way to to take over the loans without arousing significant social protest. The Obama administration's latest plan for a public-private cooperation to buy the loans is pure smoke and mirrors.  Many believe that it won't work and it may not even make it off the drawing board.  National governments everywhere are scurrying around trying to find some way to ignite their economies.  The central issue, though, remains that there is a mass of mortgages that are worthless.

In short, the bankers have created a nearly insolvable situation of world-wide proportions.  The resulting long-term disruption meets the bankers needs because it provides opportunities to make major changes that serve their interests. 
Greed and wealth accumulation lead inexorably to the will to control.  World wealth of unimaginable proportions leads to world power and control.  Ultimately the goal of the wealthy has to be a world apparatus to exercise that power and control -- a world government and banking system.  There can be no doubt that the world's superwealthy are planning and scheming to bring this government into existence.  (They would be stupid not to, and they are not stupid.)  

The current crisis is about those schemes.  World government is not an immediate possibility, but this crisis is designed to establish the prerequisites.  The rulers have their own secret timetable for their world government objective, but this crisis tends to indicate that they are in a hurry, unwilling to let things develop slowly and semi-naturally.  

Here are some broad categories of their accomplishments in recent months:

Installed a new regime in Washington that has a program for change in accord with the bankers' objectives.  The motif of the Obama presidency seems to be a massive increase in government, from regulation of the economy to health issues to every pork project known to congress.  This expansion fully corresponds to the desires of the world government advocates. Control of factors influencing accumulation and preservation of wealth means ultimately control of the population in a minute manner.  Obama's expanded government leads directly to greater and greater interference in people's lives.  

Obama was groomed for this role for many years, principally by the Pritzkers, one of the world's richest families.  They identified him early as a potentially useful individual, and subsequently opened many doors for him.  His election was well-planned and supported by the world's most wealthy families.   

Established the precedent that the government will dictate policy to business entities.   The Obama administration has labored mightily to ensure that the American economy is under the control of the government central planners.  Entities that don't follow the central directives are made to feel immediate pressure and pain.  Banks are now seized if they don't measure up to the Obama standards.  The long-established leaders of General Motors were forced out in order to receive "bail-out" money.  And so it goes.  If a business doesn't fit the plan, then they are forced out of business or forced to accept new approved leaders.  The American economy is now at the initial stage of becoming a centrally-planned economy, not unlike what the Soviet Union ultimately planned for their state-run economy.

Consolidated and centralized the banking industry.   The banking and investment sector has been radically changed during the crisis. Unbeknownst to mere mortals, the bank owners evidently had big worries about these instruments.  In many ways the crisis was created to makes changes that have resulted in consolidated and concentrated banking power in the hands of the central owners. Several brokerage and investment firms have been eliminated: Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Merril Lynch.  The bank owners also decided that the investment bank prototype was a bad idea for reasons best known to the bank owners.  Even Goldman Sachs, the super-star investment bank, had to cease being an investment bank and transform itself to a normal bank.  Also changed was the one-stop omnibus bank-brokerage that was created only a decade or two ago.  Citibank, a prime example, has been under ferocious attack during the crisis and is barely hanging on.  The central message to Citibank and others of its type is pretty clear: reform or die, dump the omnibus bank character and concentrate on the bank owners priorities and plans.  

Increased federal regulation of the economy under bankers' control. The Fed has taken on greatly expanded responsibilities.  Three months into the Obama regime and already they are implementing the most fundamental reform of the federal economic regulatory universe since the great depression.  The proposed new framework empowers the federal reserve with far-reaching powers and for the first time a regulatory role.  This development is unprecedented because the Federal Reserve is not a federal agency.  It is a private enterprise that is owned by several banks that are in turn owned by the Rothschilds and other wealthy familiies and individuals. 

The Obama reform gives the Rothschild's and other rich families almost direct and exclusive control of the American economy.  

Another of the reforms is an attempt to place hedge funds under control of the federal regulators to ensure that these newly well-endowed entities (that may not be under direct banker control) do not gain to much influence in the economy and in Washington.

Most recently a campaign has been mounting for the creation of a world currency, or as they say, special drawing rights.  The Russians and the Chinese both called for a new currency as a way of tweaking the United States.  Both, however, played right into the hands of the world bankers who are actively planning for just such a currency.  Consequently the United States and European leaders have indicated sympathy with such a possibility.

A framework for international bank regulation has been set in motion.  The Rothschilds in particular have invested great effort in the last century or two into forming and controlling central national banks that can control economies, currencies, and governments. All this was preparatory to today's world economy. The Rothschilds and their allies are now ready to establish a world bank and government.  A world currency would go with the deal.
The current crisis is designed to demonstrate the need for such an entity.  There's nothing like a world crisis to prompt the call for a world bank and regulatory system.

The response was not long in coming.  German Chancellor Merkel has taken the lead in calling for a world banking regulatory system.  Other west European leaders chimed in.  Various world meetings are now considering what steps can be taken. Currently the Europeans, who more directly reflect the Rothschild interests, are lecturing the Americans to get on the international banking system reform bandwagen, and de-emphasize the stimulus approach.

Whether this crisis is deep enough to provide for the world bank or whether they will have to settle for some intermediary steps, remains to be seen.  In the meantime, the existing World Bank and International Monetary Fund have been strengthened with increased assets and responsibilities. The IMF financial capacity was increased by one trillion dollars.  The IMF in turn has called for the adoptionof global financial rules. Each individual nation as well has been making regulatory reforms which give more concentrated and centralized power to Rothschild and company.

Rationalized the auto industry.  For years and years the bank owners have tried to force General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford to drastically cut costs for medical coverage, retirement, and wages. (The billions of dollars spend on present and past auto workers really grates on the bank owners.  All that money could be going into the bank owners' dividend checks.) The bank owners have made some success reducing these costs, but it is hardly enough to satisfy the bankers.  

The crisis which has caused sales to evaporate and dropped the stock prices to levels of the 1950s has finally given the bank owners the opportunity to realize their long-held goals.  

The Obama administration has responded to the bank owners demands by creating an auto industry task force (complete with an "auto tsar") to push ahead with restructuring the auto big three.  The administration is also making available mega-bucks to the auto makers as an inducement to cooperate.

Most recently the fangs of the bank owners began to show when they removed the General Motors Chief Executive Officer and proceeded to plan the division of GM and Chrysler into "good" and "bad" enterprises.  The purpose of this division is to put all the health and retirement costs in the bad unit which is designed to fail.

Disaster-proofed several key institutions.  The bank owners were evidentally greatly concerned that they would be stuck with the bill for any failed financial enterprises, most particularly Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  The Obama administration has worked feverishly to comply going to extent of engineering a federal take-over of both entities.  

Cleaned house in banks and central corporations.   The bank owners have used the crisis to conduct a thorough house-cleaning among their hired leadership personnel.  The top ranks of banks and central corporations have been trimmed, revamped and disciplined through outright firings and elimination through mergers and acquisitions  

Dumping under-performing leaders isn't always easy -- it requires making an unchallengeable case and carrying through which costs money, time, and effort. Much easier is to just let a crisis produce the need for quick and abrupt changes. 

Conditioned mass psychology that there is nothing the average citizen can do about crises.  Perhaps the biggest change the crisis has brought about is the change in mass psychology.  What Michael Hoffman calls the cryptocracy is always working to condition the human population to accept without protest their assigned robot-like role.  The crisis has presented a unique opportunity to accelerate this process.

The general idea is to instil the idea that what happens in the economy is just a natural outcome of market conditions and the development of the economy.  Its all out of the control of any force or person.  As a consequence the programmed public response is to shrug their shoulders, assume nothing can be done, and persevere.  Grumbling is allowed, but any attempt to change things is either coopted by one of the political parties, or prosecuted.

Acceptance of this frame of mind has spread as a result of the crisis.  

To big to fail.  The bank owners have campaigned to ensure mass acceptance of the idea that some businesses are just too big to fail; that the economy as a whole would unduly suffer if such and such business went under.  They have succeeded in great measure, as the notion now seems to have wide acceptance.  

The theme, of course, is a fraud.  It is nothing more than welfare for the rich.  The owners have convinced mass opinion that protection of the owners' profits must be insured; that any and all steps by the government are permissible.  

Vastly increased the wealth of the bank owners.  Finally it goes without saying that the super-rich made a killing in this crisis.  Or as zillionaire and Rothschild acolyte George Soros said, "I'm having a very good crisis."  Making money is fairly easy when you know what is going to occur.

Final note.  The foregoing list of changes is a good indication of why the Rothschilds and others managed Obama's election.  Only an Obama with his unique qualities could pull off the desired response to the crisis.  McCain would not have had the authority to make such revolutionary changes.

Final note regarding the Church.  The fact that the bank owners could make all these changes with minimal social resistance is not a good omen.  The bank owners can only be encouraged to try still more revolutionary changes to install their dreamed-of world political regime.  

Worst of all the Church has had nothing useful to say throughout the crisis.  All the Vatican could come up with were platitudes about how greed is bad and how the poor should be remembered in solving the crisis.  Such platitudes do almost nothing to help the victims of the crisis (which includes the Catholic faithful) understand what caused the crisis, who is responsible, and what can be done about it, both spiritually and temporally.

The Church failure to respond to the crisis is astounding.  The past year has seen revolutionary societal and economic changes that are among the most significant in the modern world's history resulting in qualitatively expanded power and wealth for the Rothschilds and their ilk.  These people are not friends of the Church founded by Jesus Christ.  One of their deeply held aspirations is to bring about the destruction of the Church's influence.  

The Vatican has been oblivious to all this.  In the face of one of the biggest crises in the last few hundred years, the Church leaders just go along in a business-as-usual mode providing little guidance or leadership to Catholics and the rest of the world's population.  It would be difficult to find a more apt example of bureaucratic indifference and inertia.